


Loxrlomoɮo̠ʔ²¹ɮo³³-mo³³🔊n.Central Yi Nationality woman彝族女人/yīzú nǔ̈rén/The people from Mǎyoú tend to say: /Loxrlamo/. The people from ZhangJia tend to say /Loxrlomo/.Compare 另见LoxrlamoLoxrlomo ɮo̠ʔ²¹ɮo³³-mo³³
Loxrlopor ɮo̠ʔ²¹ɮo³³-pʰo²¹n.Central Yi Nationality中央彝族人/zhōngyāng yízú rén/Compare 另见LoxrlaporLoxrlopor ɮo̠ʔ²¹ɮo³³-pʰo²¹
Loxrlovuɮo̠ʔ²¹ɮo³³-vɤ³³🔊n.Central Yi language中央彝族语言/zhōngyāng yízú yǔyán/Compare 另见LoxrlavuLoxrlowu ɮo̠ʔ²¹ɮo³³-wɤ³³
loxrsiguirɮo̠ʔ²¹sɿ³³kʷe²¹🔊n.ankle/huái/Yar ngo qihher ddei leil deil a, loxrsiguir taex leil deil dae a. 他打我的脚,打到了踝。S/he hit my leg, (it was) the ankle (s/he) hit.loxrsiguir ɮo̠ʔ²¹sɿ³³kʷe²¹
loxzoxl ɮo̠⁴⁴tso̠⁶⁶n.stove炉灶/lúzào/Kax gga ca cirhhexr-hanga lei loxzoxl sser a, almeixr bei. 村子里的每一家人都用炉做饭。All the people in the village use the stove to make food.
loxzoxl ɮo̠⁴⁴tso̠⁶⁶
loxzoxl acae ɮo̠⁴⁴tso⁵⁵ ʔa³³tsʰæ³³n.stove wok炉灶上的炒菜锅/lú zào shàng de chǎo cài guō/Loxzoxl acae vaervaer peixl nael viexrzzo zeixl labox; yelye peixl nael, almeixr bei labox. 炉灶上大的炒菜锅是煮猪食的;小的是做饭的。The large (wok in the) stove is for boiling pig feed; the small one (wok in the stove) is for making rice.
loxzoxl acae ɮo̠⁴⁴tso⁵⁵ ʔa³³tsʰæ³³
loxzoxlsu ɮo̠⁴⁴tso⁵⁵-sɥ³³n.hole in the Yi stove where the fire is built炉灶烧火的洞/lúzào huǒ de dòng/Loxzoxlsu gga mel dder adoxl zi labox a. "Loxzoxlsu" 就是炉灶烧火的地方。The "loxzolsu" is the hole in the Yi stove where the fire is built.
loxzoxlxu ɮo̠⁴⁴tso⁵⁵-ʃy³³
loziɮo³³tsɿ³³🔊n.mule骡子/luózi/Lozi mel bir tarlodaex leil vaer leixl, yel six cirke jix du xie. 骡子比毛驴大,所以会驮很多柴。(The) mule is bigger than (the) donkey, so it can carry lots of firewood.loan借词lozi ɮo³³tsɿ³³
lozzaɮo³³dza³³🔊v.decide; up to someone to decide决定/juédìng/Vaervaerpor mel azo bei lei yar lozza. 领导们做什么都是他决定。Whatever the leader wants to do s/he decides.Ni arddol ssi mel ni lozza, ngo dax bbeix nr ssa. 你去哪里你自己决定,不用跟我说。Where you want to go is up to you, (you) don't need to tell me.Capor maerssor mel aniux nr zza seir hozze mel, arddol ssi niazzir, azo bei niazzir lei armael lozza. 丈夫妻子还没有孩子的时候,想去哪里,想做什么自己决定。As long as a husband and wife don't have kids, wherever (they) want to go, no matter what they want to do, (they can) decide for themselves.lozza ɮo³³dza³³armael lozza ʔa²¹mæ⁵⁵ ɮo³³dza³³
lozzezzeɮo³³dzə³³dzə³³🔊POST POS后置词until为止/wèizhǐ/Ngo yarzi sulku, si lozzezze lei miar bei nia. 我很辛苦,到死为止都要工作。I am very busy, (I) have to work until I die.1. This word can not be shortened to /lozza/. 这个字不能简写为 /lozza/。In this context the word /loci/ could be substituted for /lozzezze/. 在这个上下文中,/loci/ 这个字可以代替 /lozzezze/。Compare 另见locilozzezze ɮo³³dzə³³dzə³³
luɮɤ³³🔊v.stir-fry/chǎo/Almeixr zzor zi ci a, ngo var lu nia a. 到吃饭的时间了,我要炒菜了。When it is time to eat, I will stir-fry (the) vegetables.lu ɮɤ³³
luɮɤ³³🔊n.wall/qiáng/Ca hal ddei nilzei sser a, lu cix dae a. 那个人用土做出来的一种砖来砌墙!That person uses mud (bricks), to build the wall.Loxrlapor mel xi zi a mel, lu ddaexr nia; nrnga a, zi nr cexr. 彝族人盖房子,要打墙;不然,不能盖。When the Central Yi people build a house, they compact (mud) walls (between wood forms); if not, it can't be built.1. /lu/ and /labbu/ are the same thing. They both refer to the walls of some structure, like a house. /weixrqiaxr/ is a Chinese Mandarin loan and refers to a wall around a property of some kind./lu/ 和 /labbu/ 是一样的东西。都是指某建筑物(譬如说:房子)的墙。/weirqiar/ 是来自汉语的借词,是指围绕某一个地产的围墙。For ZhangJia they use the word /labbu/ in place of /lu/ and it is used with the word /deil/ not /ddaexr/.The first example is for mud bricks so the verb used is /cix/. The second example is for compacted mud so the verb used is /ddaexr/.labbu ɮa³³bɤ³³
luɮɤ³³🔊v.bark叫(狗)/jiào (gǒu)/Ngo yar dax ssi a, yar ddei anol ddei ngo leil lu doxr dae. 我去到他,他的狗一直在对着我叫。I went to him/her, (and) his/her dog barked and barked at me.Compare 另见aearlallalbbemewolwolwollu ɮɤ³³
luaxlɮʷa̠⁶⁶🔊adj.chaotic/luàn/Ngua ake miar bei dae a, yel yarzisael luaxl. 我家在做事情,所以很乱。We are doing housework, so it is extremely chaotic.Labialization occurring in words that are not borrowed from Mandarin Chinese is simply the result of a consonant plus /o/ combination, where the influence from the /o/ vowel—which is pronounced with rounded lips—causes the labialization. This diphthong /ʷo/ is in free variation with the /o/; there is no contrast. If some other vowel, other than /o/, follows a labialized consonant, the word is probably a Mandarin Chinese loan.唇发音出现在非源自汉语的字群中,是子音加上 /o/ 的结果。这是由元音字母 /o/ 所带来的影响 – 嘴唇做圆形状而发出的音 – 而产生的唇发音。双元音 /o/ 是与 /o/ 自由变化;没有对比。如果有其他非 /o/ 的元音,跟在一个唇发音子音之后,这个字很可能是来自汉语的借词。luaxl ɮʷa̠⁶⁶
luixrɮʷe̟ʔ²¹🔊v.take a turn/lún/Miar eil ddei eilboxl ni ar boxl bei lei nia a; ni dax luixr ci a. 这个活这次要你做,轮到你了。Now you need to do this task once, it is your turn.Labialization occurring in words that are not borrowed from Mandarin Chinese is simply the result of a consonant plus /o/ combination, where the influence from the /o/ vowel—which is pronounced with rounded lips—causes the labialization. This diphthong /ʷo/ is in free variation with the /o/; there is no contrast. If some other vowel, other than /o/, follows a labialized consonant, the word is probably a Mandarin Chinese loan.唇发音出现在非源自汉语的字群中,是子音加上 /o/ 的结果。这是由元音字母 /o/ 所带来的影响 – 嘴唇做圆形状而发出的音 – 而产生的唇发音。双元音 /o/ 是与 /o/ 自由变化;没有对比。如果有其他非 /o/ 的元音,跟在一个唇发音子音之后,这个字很可能是来自汉语的借词。luixr ɮʷe̟ʔ²¹
luixrzilʷe̠ʔ²¹zɿ³³🔊n.wheel轮子/lúnzi/Luixrzi eil taex yarzi ssei. 这个轮子恨牢。This wheel is very sturdy.loan借词luixrzi lʷe̠ʔ²¹zɿ³³
lulɮɤ⁵⁵🔊n.row/háng/Mi dae a mel, cir lul cir lul dae nia. 栽秧要一行一行的栽。When planting the field, it needs to be planted row by row.lul ɮɤ⁵⁵
lul ɮɤ⁵⁵n.sorghum高粱/gāoliang/Lul mel dae teixl lei a, zzibbaer goxr.高粱种出来(是)酿酒。After the sorghum has been planted, (it is used) to brew liquor.lul ɮɤ⁵⁵
lulci lɤ⁵⁵tsʰɿ³³n.bottom of the pants; cuff裤脚/kùjiǎo/Ngua ngol ssu a, lulci ze du lei a, ajjix gga jjiu dil a ssu nia. 我们去捉鱼,卷起裤脚,踩进水里去捉。We are catching fish, (so we) will roll up the bottom of our pants and step in the water to catch (fish).lolbbor lo⁵⁵bo²¹
luldaddurɮɤ⁵⁵ta³³dv̩²¹🔊n.pants裤子/kùzi/Yar ddei luldaddur xiux yar dax ardoxr si a, yel middur ddei leil jjiux dae a. 他的裤子跟他有点长,所以踩在地上了。His/her pants are a bit long for him/her, so s/he is stepping on them on the ground.lol ɮo⁵⁵
lulturɮɤ⁵⁵tʰɤ²¹🔊n.trough/cáo/Loxrlapor mel six bei teixl lei lultur ddei sser a, veixr zzo zol. 彝族人用木头做的槽来喂猪。The Central Yi people use wood troughs to feed the pigs.
lultur ɮɤ⁵⁵tʰɤ²¹
lulvarɮɤ⁵⁵va²¹🔊n.water celery; water dropwort水芹菜/shuǐ qíncài/Lulvar mel veixr zol labox a; nael ca lei zzor cexr. 水芹菜是喂猪的,但是人也可以吃。"Lulvar" is fed to pigs, but people can eat it too.
lulvar ɮɤ⁵⁵va²¹
lulzasael lɤ⁵⁵tsa³³sæ⁵⁵n.leather belt皮带/pídài/Halleix camar mel, lulzasael vae wo nr ddo a, yel mae sser a, vaexr du lei a, ar zex neixl gex lalnga. 以前的老人,买不到皮带,所以用布绞起来,只拴着一根。In the past the old people could not buy a leather belt, so (they) used some cloth to twist and tie together to make a strip (which was used as a belt).lolmaelsil lo⁵⁵mæ⁵⁵sɿ⁵⁵
lurɮɤ²¹🔊n.dragon/lóng/Compare 另见lursaelur ɮɤ²¹
lurɮɤ²¹🔊n.spring/quán/Ngua xi dax naer ggie mel lur ar bbe zza, zoxlzoxl a lei ajjix pe teixl lei dae. 我家房子附近有一塘泉,经常都有水流出来。There is a spring near our house, there is always water flowing out.lur ɮɤ²¹