


sirzzirsɿ²¹dzɿ²¹🔊n.activities; affairs; business; things事情/shìqíng/Guxlsixl goxr a mel, sirzzir yarzi miur a. 过春节,事情很多。When celebrating the Spring Festival, there are a lot of activities to do.1. loan借词sirzzir ~ sixlqixr.Compare 另见sixlqixrsixlqixr
sisi-huahuasɿ³³sɿ³³-xʷa³³xʷa³³🔊idiom习语flustered慌慌张张/huānghuāng-zhāngzhāng/Yar zzaegu ker dae a qie, ca seirpor hhexr jjixr lei a, yel yar dder sisi-huahua beix du si a. 他正在偷东西的时候,主人家就回来了,所以他就慌慌张张地跑出去了。When s/he was stealing things, a family member returned (to the house), so s/he was flustered and ran away.Labialization occurring in words that are not borrowed from Mandarin Chinese is simply the result of a consonant plus /o/ combination, where the influence from the /o/ vowel—which is pronounced with rounded lips—causes the labialization. This diphthong /ʷo/ is in free variation with the /o/; there is no contrast. If some other vowel, other than /o/, follows a labialized consonant, the word is probably a Mandarin Chinese loan.唇发音出现在非源自汉语的字群中,是子音加上 /o/ 的结果。这是由元音字母 /o/ 所带来的影响 – 嘴唇做圆形状而发出的音 – 而产生的唇发音。双元音 /o/ 是与 /o/ 自由变化;没有对比。如果有其他非 /o/ 的元音,跟在一个唇发音子音之后,这个字很可能是来自汉语的借词。xixi-huahua ʃi³³ʃi³³-xʷa³³xʷa³³
sivaexrsusɿ³³-væ̠ʔ²¹-sɥ³³🔊n.poet诗人/shīrén/Ngo sivaexrsu nr nga a; si vaexr nr var! 我不是诗人,不会写诗。I'm not a poet; I can't write poems!Compare 另见sisivaexrsi sɿ³³-væ̠ʔ²¹-sɿ³³
sixsɿ̠⁴⁴🔊v.ebb; recede退/tuì/Hormo koxl nei almer nr lei a, ajjix bbeddur gga ajjix mel ho bei ho six a. 好几年没有下雨,水池里面的水越来越退了。It hasn't rained for many years, (so) the water in the pond little by little has receded.This word is used for water receding; not other things.six sɿ̠⁴⁴
sixsɿ̠⁴⁴🔊1v.sweep/sǎo/Ake seibeixbeix a bei niazzir a mel dder, cirni-cirni zzirga six nia. 家里想要很干净,就要每天扫地。(If you) want the house to be very clean, (you) need to sweep the floor every day.2wipe/cā/Zilmodono a mel, cirleixr nr nor nelbbex six nia. 感冒要不停的擦鼻涕。When (someone) has a cold, (s/he) continually has to wipe (his/her) nose.Yar giel six a, leixrnopae ddei six. 他擦汗,用手背擦。(When) s/he wiped away the sweat, (s/he) wiped it with the back of his/her hand.This is wiping something off the body with the hand such as tears, sweat, or wiping the nose. The word to wipe with a cloth is /ca/.Compare 另见casix sɿ̠⁴⁴
sixsɿ̠⁴⁴🔊1n.wood/mù/Baxrde bei a mel, six sser nia. 做椅子要用木材。When making a chair/stool, it is necessary to use wood.2firewood/chái/Six bber a mel, wordabbor bber ssi nia. 去背柴,要到山上去背。When carrying firewood on your back, it is necessary to go to the mountain to (get it) and carry it (back) on your back.Compare 另见six'lertesix'loxsixcaexsixcaxlleixrsixgaxlleixrsixgelsixgoxcosixgulusixmexr
six sɿ̠⁴⁴
sixsɿ̠⁴⁴🔊v.use a lot/fèi/Yaa yix cirke zeil dae a, loxlmoxr yarzi six. 他家养了很多鸡很费粮食。They raise a lot of chickens, (so) (they) use a lot of grain.This word is not used for spending a lot of time or money. This is for using a lot of some concrete item like feed for an animal or even electricity for some machine or some ingredient for making some kind of food--like making a cake uses a lot of sugar.xixʃi̠⁴⁴loxlmoxr xix ɮo̠⁶⁶mo̠ʔ²¹ ʃi̠⁴⁴
six'lertesɿ̠⁴⁴-ɮə²¹tʰə³³🔊n.pole; post; tree trunk; woody part of a tree樹幹/shùgàn/Six'lerte zzalzzar halmel xi zi a sser cexr. 直直的那些木头,盖房子的时候可以用。Those straight posts can be used to build a house.This word is basically the same as /six'lox/ but poles or posts that are prepared to be used in construction are quite long and are called /six'lox/ rather than /six'lerte/. A /six'lerte/ is a post that is long or short.Compare 另见sixsix'loxsixgulusix'lerte sɿ̠⁴⁴-ɮə²¹tʰə³³
six'liursɿ̠⁴⁴ɮʲo²¹🔊n.pomegranate石榴/shíliú/Six'liur mel lemel ggie sael dae cexr. 石榴在热的地方才可以栽。Pomegranates must be planted where it is warm.This is a loan. The Loxrlavu word is /sulmiuxrsaer/.借词 Compare 另见sulmiuxrsaersixlmiuxr sɿ̠⁶⁶mʲo̠ʔ²¹
six'lix-xiux'lox🔊idiom习语mix together混合/hùnhé/Var zeixl a, six'lix-xiux'lox zeixl a lei zzorci.煮菜混合着煮也好吃。When boiling vegetables in water, boiling them all mixed together is also delicious.xilix-xiuxloxʃi³³li̠⁴⁴-xʲo̠⁴⁴lo̠⁴⁴
six'loxsɿ̠⁴⁴-ɮo̠⁴⁴🔊n.log; post; timber木材/shùgàn/Six'lox mel sseigu bei cexr, lebbae lei bei cexr, kebal lei cirza-hanga sser cexr.木材可以做柱子,可以做楼板,其他也什么都可以用。Logs can be used to make column, and can be used to make floor planks, and can be used for all kinds of other thing.Compare 另见sixsix'lertesixgulusixddoxsɿ̠⁴⁴-do̠⁴⁴
sixbaxlleixrsɿ̠⁴⁴-pa̠⁶⁶ɮe̠ʔ²¹🔊n.branch/zhī/Sixcaxlleixr mel bir sixbaxlleixr leil ye.树枝比树杈小。The /sixcalleixr/ (twig or small branch) is smaller than the /sixballeixr/ (branch)./sixbaxlleixr/ and /sixcaxlleixr/ both can occur without the /six-/--which is then replaced by the associative /yar-/--if some kind of tree is mentioned in the context. For example, /Six hal zzei vaer a, yarcaxlleixr lei yarzi miur. / 'That tree is big, and its twigs are many.' The /caxlleixr/ is a small branch or a twig; the bigger branch is a /baxlleixr/. The /sixgaxlleixr/ are small branch(es) that have already been cut from the tree to use for kindling. There is no such thing as /yargaxlleixr/* because /sixgaxlleixr/ are branches that are not connected to any tree anymore; so /yar-/ is not need to associate /gaxlleixr/ with a tree.Compare 另见baxlggaxsixcaxlleixrsixgaxlleixrbaxl pa̠⁶⁶
sixcaexsɿ̠⁴⁴-tsʰæ̠⁴⁴🔊n.twisted or braided stick or vine树藤/shùténg/Six hal zzei ddei yarcalleixr mel ngaxl teixl la a, sixcaex sixl.把那棵树上的树枝劈下来做一个树藤。Break off a twig from that tree, (and) twist (it into) a braided vine.This is not a vine that is growing in the ground. It just means thin strands of wood or vine twisted together into something like a rope or braid.Compare 另见caexmeixlcaexsixsixcaexsɿ̠⁴⁴-tsʰæ̠⁴⁴
sixcaxlleixrsɿ̠⁴⁴-tsʰa̠⁶⁶ɮe̠ʔ²¹🔊n.branch; twig/zhī/Yar sixcaxlleixr taexl dae a.他在砍树枝。S/he is cutting twigs.Six hal zzei vaer a, yarcaxlleixr lei yarzi miur.那棵树很大,所以枝子也很多。That tree is big, (and) there are many twigs./sixbaxlleixr/, /sixcaxlleixr/ both can occur without the /six-/--which is then replaced by the associative /yar-/--if some kind of tree is mentioned in the context. For example, /Six hal zzei vaer a, yarcaxlleixr lei yarzi miur. / That tree is big, (and) there are many twigs'. The /caxlleixr/ is a small branch or a twig; the bigger branch is a /baxlleixr/. /sixgaxlleixr/ are small branch(es) that have already been cut from the tree to use for kindling. There is no such thing as /yargaxlleixr/* because /sixgaxlleixr/ are branches that are not connected to any tree anymore; so /yar-/ is not need to associate /gaxlleixr/ with a tree.Compare 另见baxlcaxlcaxlcaxlleixrggaxsixsixbaxlleixrsixgaxlleixryarcaxlleixrsixcaxlleixrsɿ̠⁴⁴-tsʰa̠⁶⁶ɮe̠ʔ²¹
sixgaxlleixrsɿ̠⁴⁴-ka̠⁶⁶ɮe̠ʔ²¹🔊n.kindling; sticks used for firewood干的细柴/gān de xì chǎi/Adoxl zi a, sixgaxlleixr sser a, yarzi zi gol so.烧火,用干的细柴,很好烧起来。When lighting a fire, using kindling, makes it come to life easily./sixbaxlleixr/ and /sixcaxlleixr/ both can occur without the /six-/--which is then replaced by the associative /yar-/--if some kind of tree is mentioned in the context. For example, /Six hal zzei vaer a, yarcaxlleixr lei yarzi miur. / 'That tree is big, (and) there are many twigs'. The /caxlleixr/ is a small branch or a twig; the bigger branch is a /baxlleixr/. /sixgaxlleixr/ are small branch(es) that have already been cut from the tree to use for kindling. There is no such thing as /yargaxlleixr/* because /sixgaxlleixr/ are branches that are not connected to any tree anymore; so /yar-/ is not need to associate /gaxlleixr/ with a tree.Compare 另见baxlggaxsixsixbaxlleixrsixcaxlleixrsixgaxlleixrsɿ̠⁴⁴-ka̠⁶⁶ɮe̠ʔ²¹
sixgelsɿ̠⁴⁴-kɯ⁵⁵🔊n.tree bark树皮/shùpí/Sixgel mel bir sixgoxco leil bbor leixl.树皮比 "sixgoco" 薄。(The bark that is called) "six gel" is thinner than (the bark that is called) "six goxco".Thick bark like on an old tree is called /sixgoxco/; thin bark or the skin of a small plant would be /sixgel/.Compare 另见gelsixsixgoxcosixgelsɿ̠⁴⁴-kɯ⁵⁵
sixgellisɿ̠⁴⁴kɯ⁵⁵ɮi³³n.thicket; underbrush树丛/shūcóng/Ngax mel sixgexli gga bberzzi zo lel.鸟在树丛里找虫子吃。Birds look for insects in the underbrush to eat.sixgellisɿ̠⁴⁴kɯ⁵⁵ɮi³³
sixgoxcosɿ̠⁴⁴-ko̠⁴⁴tsʰo³³🔊n.tree bark树皮/shùpí/Sixzzei eil zzei yarzi vaer a, yel sixgoxco lei yarzisael miur. 这棵树很大,所以树皮也很多。This tree is very big, so there is a great deal of tree bark.Thick bark like on an old tree is called /sixgoxco/; thin bark or the skin of a small plant would be /sixgel/.Compare 另见gelsixsixgelsixgoxco sɿ̠⁴⁴-ko̠⁴⁴tsʰo³³
sixgulusɿ̠⁴⁴-kɤ³³ɮɤ³³🔊n.tree stump树桩/shù zhuāng/Ca mel sixzzei ddei taexl pixl gger ho a, taexl nirzzei dae ddei dder sixgulu loxr a. 人把树砍了以后,砍剩的那个就是树桩了。After a person has cut down a tree, what is left from the cutting has become a stump.Compare 另见gulusixsix'lertesix'loxsixgulu sɿ̠⁴⁴-kɤ³³ɮɤ³³
sixggoxr sɿ̠⁴⁴-go̠ʔ²¹n.plow/lí/Loxrlapor mel mi mor a, sixggoxr ddei sser. 彝族人犁田要用 "sixggoxr"。When the Central Yi people plow (their) field. they use the plow.Compare 另见lorqir
sixggoxr sɿ̠⁴⁴-go̠ʔ²¹
sixil-wormeirsɿ³³ʃi⁵⁵-wo²¹me²¹🔊idiom习语openly; in the open; in front of others别人面前/bié rén miànqián/Capor ssormaer hal nrnel zzidax kerjiar a, sixil-wormeir lei ddux bei nr ddo a. 那两个男女犯奸淫,别人面前都走不出去了。(If) a man and woman commit adultry with each other, it can't be in front of others.siheixl-wormeir sɿ³³xe̠⁶⁶-wo²¹me²¹
sixlsɿ̠⁶⁶🔊1v.pinch/niǔ/Aniux hal ddox ngo leil ar bex sixl gger a.那个孩子拧我一把。That child pinched me (a pinch).2pick/cǎi/Mixbbaex su ca mel bbecir-bbekoxl maerlaerbbei sixl.马游的人每一年都采松果。The people of Mayou pick pinecones every year./sixl/ is used when pulling something from a tree using a lot of strength; it isn't like plucking a flower; that word would be /caex/ or /ngaxl/. 当从树上用力摘东西时,用 /sixl/ 这个字;/sixl/ 不用在採花,採花可以用 /caex/ 或 /ngaxl/。For the glosses 'pinch' and 'pick', the action is done with a twisting motion.3spin; turn around; whirl/juàn/Eilni mersi ddei yarzisael jia vaer, mersisixl ddei yarzi sixl larhor.今天风吹得很大,龙卷风卷得很严重。Today the wind blew extremely hard, a tornado whirled something terrible.Zzaegu hal ddei ni veixr pox dae a, arleixr sixl xixl lei nia.那个东西你拿反了,要旋转回来一下。You are carrying that thing backwards, (you) need to turn it back around.4weave/zhī/Halcar a, camar mel silbbar sser a, baezo sixl.以前的老人用草织绳子。In times past, elderly people, using grass, would weave ropes.This is done with a small tool; not just with the fingers. It is only for making rope, not clothes and it is with two strands.5wring/níng/Ni pia cir teixl a mel, ajjix mel sixl teixl xia nia.你洗衣服要把水拧干净。When you finish washing (the) clothes, it is necessary to wring (the water) completely out.Compare 另见bexcaexngaxlvaexrzixsil sɿ⁵⁵
sixlsiɿ̠⁶⁶adj.numbBarde nr cux dox dae a, qihher ddei dox sixl var.不坐凳子蹲着,脚会蹲麻。If (someone) does not sit in a chair but squats, (his/her) feet will go numb.Compare 另见sixlbaebaexixlʃi̠⁶⁶
sixlsɿ̠⁶⁶🔊adj.new/xīn/Ni pia xiux mel sixl dae seir, yel piar pixl gger nr ddo!你的衣服还是新的,所以不可以扔掉!Your clothes are still new, so don't throw them away!Yar ddei zzaegu maelmaerjjia lei yarsixl a.他的东西全部是新的。Everything s/he has is new.Ngo Arbosobo leil saexl a mel, ca yarsixl loxr a.我认识上帝,(我)就变成了新人。When I got.to.know God, (I) became a new person.hexl xɯ̠⁶⁶yarhexlʝa²¹-xɯ̠⁶⁶
sixlsɿ̠⁶⁶🔊adj.thirsty/kě/Yar mel bbecir-bbeni lor dda nia, nr dda a dder lor sixl var.他每一天都要喝茶。不喝的话就会想喝茶。S/he must drink tea every day, (if s/he) doesn't drink (tea s/he) will be thirsty for tea.If the liquid that is going to be drunk has been previously mentioned, then /sixl/ 'thirsty' can be used by itself to mean 'thirsty'. But normally, this word /sixl/ 'thirsty' must be preceded by the liquid which is being consumed; the word /sixl/ does not occur by itself. The liquid isn't necessarily water, but unless some specific liquid is mentioned--like tea--the word /ajjix/ 'water ' is obligatory.Compare 另见ajjix sixlsixlsɿ̠⁶⁶