Browse Bible Dictionary



feast of harvestThis celebration took place annually at the beginning of the wheat harvest; because it took place 50 days after the Passover it became known as "Pentecost" meaning "fifty" days. (Also known as Feast of Weeks).
feast of ingatheringThis was a celebration to remember how God had provided for the people of Israel during their time of wondering in the wilderness; the feast began five days after the Day of Atonement. (Also known as the Feast of Tabernacles or the Feast of Booths). (See Num 29:12-40)
feast of lightsA Jewish feast that lasted eight days and often came in the month of Kislev; it was a time to celebrate restoration and consecration of the Temple; this festival began around 165 to 164 BC under the Maccabees; tradition states that when the seven-branch Menoah was lit, it burned for eight days using only one day's supply of oil. (Also known as feast of dedication.)
feast of new moonThis was an annual celebration that involved special sacrifices and trumpet blasts; this feast came about after the Babylonian exile; it is also a time to commemorate the Jewish New Year. (Also known as Feast of Trumpets). See Lev 23:24; Num 29:1.
feast of PassoverBeginning with Hebrew exodus from Egypt, this feast commemorated the "passing over" of the angel of death; the Feast of the Unleavened Bread follows immediately after the Passover.
feast of Pentecost / feast of weeksThis celebration took place annually at the beginning of the wheat harvest; because it took place 50 days after the Passover it became known as "Pentecost" meaning "fifty". (Also known as the Feast of Weeks or Feast of Harvest.)
feast of PurimAn annual two-day feast to commemorating the deliverance of the Jews from Haman who had a plan to annihilate the Jews because of his hatred for Mordecai; God used Queen Esther as a channel for His deliverance of the people of Israel. (See Esth 9:17, 26, 29, 31, 32).
feast of tabernaclesThis was a celebration to remember how God had provided for the people of Israel during their time of wondering in the wilderness; the feast began five days after the Day of Atonement. (Also known as the Feast of Ingathering or the Feast of Booths). See Num 29:12-40.
feast of trumpetsThis was an annual celebration that involved special sacrifices and trumpet blasts; this feast came about following the Babylonian exile, it is also a time to commemorate the Jewish New Year. (Also known as Feast of the New Moon). See Lev 23:23-25; Num 29:1.
feast of unleavened breadFeast of unleavened bread; an annual feast that lasted seven days, it was a time when people did not work and they were not to consume any kind of yeast; it was to commemorate the haste in which the Jews left Egypt during the Exodus (Ex 12:1-20; 23:15; Deut 16:1-8). This feast followed the Passover feast by one day.
feast of weeksThis celebration took place annually at the beginning of the wheat harvest; because it took place 50 days after the Passover, it became known as "Pentecost" meaning "fifty". (Also known as the Feast of First Fruits, Feast of Harvest); (see Ex 34:16-36)
feed / fedTo eat, fodder, forage, nourish, nurse, to suckle. DTP Obviously, it is important that nourish ourselves physically, but it is vital that we feed ourselves spiritually. The disciple must spend some time each day getting into the Word of God. This is what will make us strong and mature in Christ Jesus. There is no other way, because this is when we experience communion with the Holy Spirit and hear what God has to say to us.
feetPlural of foot; the lower extremity of the leg below the ankle, on which a person stands and walks. DTP The disciple is to be the hands and feet for our Lord Jesus Christ. Our feet carry us to different places so that we can proclaim the good news to a lost world.
fellowCompanion, member, associate, researcher, colleague. DTP The idea is concerning a person who follows the example of another or works in conjunction with a person on some project or event; has the same occupation, interest, or likes as another. Disciples need to remember that they are serving Christ Jesus together in one body, with varying functions, giftings, or ministries, but together as fellow servants in the Body of Christ, the Church.
fellowshipCompanionship, friendship, partnership, association, sharing. DTP In the Biblical sense this is a special kind of relationship that disciples have with other believers, and it also describes the kind of friendship that disciples can have with God. (See 1 John 1:3-7)
femaleOn the sixth day of creation God created woman from man. They were to be co-servant with each other. The woman was created for companionship and, with man, reproduce humankind on the earth.
fervent / ferventlyTo do something boldly and with zeal, eager, enthusiastically, with passion, to be fanatical in word and action. DTP The idea here is that the disciple needs to be clearly focused on the will of God for his or her life. Our walk is to be one of boldness because of our faith in Christ Jesus. We need to take a firm stand on the foundation of Jesus Christ and His Word.
fieldA portion of land that can be cultivated for crops. A grassy area for feeding animals; a parcel of land which one can view. Can also be called meadow, pasture, grassland or countryside.
fightTo do battle with another, to take up arms against an opponent; to clash, wrestle or struggle with another person. DTP From the Bible we also learn that we are in a spiritual warfare and that we must put on the full armour of God, fighting the good fight of faith on the side of our Lord Jesus Christ. We have daily battles that we must fight and Christ is there to help us overcome our enemies so we can gain the victory.
fill / filledPack, load, stuff, satisfied, filled. DTP As disciples, we can be filled with the Spirit of God; He wants us to be filled and running over with His presence. Through prayer we need to ask God to fill us daily with His Spirit and power so that we can serve one another.
filth / filthiness / filthyDirty, unclean, lewdness, rudeness, obscenity, offensiveness. DTP The disciple is to keep himself clean and pure before the Lord Jesus Christ. The idea of sanctification is the process of being made clean. We do this through prayer and studying the Word of God and then taking what we have learned and making the needed changes. We want to become white as snow!
find / foundTo look intently, to search with all possible resources, to seek after. To have looked for and sought something until it was located. Great rejoicing is often the result for the finder. DTP One can search both physically and spiritually. We need to go out and discover, locate, unearth or uncover that which we feel we need to find or to get back that which we have lost. We should always be looking to God for His presence and will for our lives and, as we do, He will reward our search. The disciple is to be a person who seeks after God in every area of their lives and, when they do, then God allows Himself to be found.
finger / fingersA limb or an extention of a hand; can be used for grasping, holding, feeling and pointing. DTP Both God and man have fingers showing how man has been created in the likeness of God. God often over time has used His finger to draw people's attention to something very specific that He wants us to see and learn.
finish / finished / finisherBring to, or come to, an end, to reach the end of a race, to get to the last point or final stage. DTP The disciple is in a race that has an end goal. We are encouraged by the Word to keep moving forward to the finish line, and not to give up or to be sidetracked by the things of this world. God's grace and the power of the Holy Spirit will give us the ability to finish all that the Lord has willed or planned for our lives.
finiteLimited, restricted, fixed, set, predetermined; a set time that has an end to it; man is known as a finite creature, limited in thought, action, and life span. This is compared to God who is the Supreme, Infinite and Perfect Being in Whom all things have their source, support and end.