mungalurrmankufrommungatransitive verb1cast a shadow on something, turn light offTjirntu yutuwaringka tjarrpanyangka manta mungalurrmanku kanyinma.When the sun goes into a cloud it casts a shadow on the ground.Purtu-rna nyakula mungalurrmanu kanyiranyangka.I can’t see because something is casting a shadow on it.Yutuwarilu-lanyatju mungalurrmara kanyira. Ka-rna kurlkurlkura.The cloud is casting a shadow on us. So I’m shivering.Tili mungalurrmaralpi ngarrima.After turning the light off, you lie there (in the dark).2flattena batteryTjaparu mungalurrmanu.(The faulty alternator) flattened the battery.

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