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xi2unspec. var.thëxinmess, troublebagunça, desordem, problema
xia1ʃiacfxĩahonsibling (younger) either sexirmão ou irmã mais nova4., sister4.1.9Kinship
xia2ʃia, ʃijaunspec. var.xijacfxoa3xowa1advstill, yetaindami-i xia; ia-ɨ xia; ɨ̃kɨ-ɨ xiahe is still asleep; he is still eating; he's still crying.
xia-pfxsibling (younger) either sex or opposite sexhermano (menor) del sexo o del sexo opuesto
xiahiʃi-ahiadjcovetous, stingy, egoistcobiçoso, ávido, egoista
xiahimoweiʃiahi-moweiv ref.ambitious, make self happy, selfishfelicitar-se, ambicioso egoístaantyãxi2
xiaɨʃiavtcovet, to desireinvejar, desejar, egoista, cobiçarTxuki pih-xia yaroTxuki desired very much
xiamaɨʃia-ma-ɨvtcause to desire and be greedy, loving richnesscausando avidez e ser egoísta, amar riquezaskama thë-k yarami xiama.he desired great riches.
xiamaweiʃia-ma-weiinf. nom.greed, egoism, to love richnessavareza, egoísmo, ávido de riquezaskama thëk yarami xiama.he loved his riches.
xiatxaʃia-tʃanmy younger sisterminha irmã mais nova4., sister4.1.9Kinship
-xihaʃiha, ʃia1neg.impsfxProhibitive, Negative commandProibitivo, Imperativo Negativoai-pɨk iri-ha wa kɨ-p-xihaDon't say anything to anyone.wa iap-xiha; wa miop-xiha; wa thëk wap-xiha; wa hɨp-xihaDon't eat no (INTR); Don't sleep; Don't eat those things; Will not2deo.sfxmust notnão deve
xihari1ʃihariVi/Vtenjoy, to enjoygostar, apreciar, curtir.wa xihari-a kɨre ta-ah?Are you enjoying this?txa xihai-ro pemi-astill don't like itoithë-hë wa xihari-a-ɨNow you're enjoying it.
xihari2advbe closed in itself, does not speak muchser fechado em si mesmo, não fala muito
xihari3ʃihariadvquick, with forcerápido, com força
xiharia patience, slowter paciência, lento
xiharimoʃiharimov ref.rush, to rush self, hasten oneself, hurry upapressar-se, anda logo
xiharinʃiharinadvquickly, one who is fast, right awayimediatamente, um que faz logoxiharin watei.Get it right away.
xihario txaioweyʃihari-o tʃai-o-wey1idm.obey right away (idiom), to obey immediately, nowobedecer logo, obedecer imediatamente (idiomático)2inf. nom.hat hei? pata Ayam irih wãro oxe kominin xihario yaioma.What the one is that? (surprise) all the young people obeyed chief Atʃam immediately.
xihitraaweiʃihit-ra-a-weinbathroombanheiro (ver nota)
xihɨnaʃihena, ʃihɨnanagouti small, sp.cutia pequena esp.Dasyproctidae
xihɨreʃi-hɨre, ʃi-ɨreadjstingypão duro, avarento
xihoɨ1ʃihoɨAna.Vhappyfeliz, satisfeitopɨk xihoɨhappy peopleantxari3.4.1.2Happy
xihoɨ2deadj.Vbeing happyficando alegre, feliz3.4.1.2Happy
xihoraroɨʃiho-ra-ro-ɨAna.Vhappy, looking happyfeliz, parecendo feliz3.4.1.2Happy
xihoweiinf. nom.happiness, to be happyfelicidade, ser feliz3.4.1.2Happy