Nkonya - English



ɔmɔkɛɔmɔkɛ́der. ofɔ- -kɛnday of killingMbwɩ tsɔtsɔɔtsɔ ɔmɔkɛ gyi nkɛ ogyikɛ.The killing day of many animals is festive days.
ɔmɔmʋder. ofɔ-1 1mɔmʋadj.which person
ɔmʋɔmʊnthe one9.2.3.2Indefinite pronouns
ɔmʋáɔmʊ́á pro.the one whoƆmʋá ɔyɔ Nkran amʋ obówun ɔpʋ nɩ. The one who goes to Accra will see the sea.Ɔbwɩ ánɩ́ aladan a, ɔbʋ abiolɛ dʋn ɔmʋá ɔmɔkʋ dan.It's easier to butcher an adult animal than a young one.An animal that has grown is easier to butcher (open and remove the entrails) than one that has not grown.Ɔmʋá amʋʋ ɔna ɔkpatɔ ɩnʋ amʋ ndɛ nɩ.The one who is walking over there is the one I mean.Oyitsu gyi obubwi ánɩ́ olomoni. Ɔmʋ́a ɔlɛhɩɛ moni a, ototsu aha. An eagle is a large bird. The largest of them take people. pronouns
ɔmʋamʋʋɔmʊamʊ́ːdem.the one who9.2.3.2Indefinite pronouns
ɔna2ɔnápl.aná2contractionna3n1grandmotherMɩ aná gyi mɩ sɩ pʋ́ mɩ yɩn ayín. My grandmothers are my father and mother's mothers.Ntɛtɩ mɩ na mbɛɛ, "Nana".I call my grandmother "Nana".Mɩ bi ɔkwɩɩ obi a, kebi gyi mɩ ɔna.When my child gives birth to a child, that child is my grandchild., grandmother2grandchildMɩ sɩ pʋ́ mɩ yín akwɩɩpʋ ɛ a, amʋ́ na gyi mɩ.I am a grandchild to the parents of my father and my mother., granddaughter
ɔna1ɔna(H) nscarcitySesei a, brɔdɩ bʋ ɔna sʋ lawa bia. Now plantain is scarce, so it has become expensive.Nɩ nyankpʋ mɛdɛ tswie a, atogyihɛ wɩ bʋ ɔna.When it is not raining food become scarce. ɔnascarce
ɔnainnáĩ́ʔpl.anaincontractionnainn1grandfatherMɩ nain gyi mɩ sɩ ntɛ mɩ yin mʋ sɩ. My grandfather is my father or my mother's father.Ntɛtɩ mɩ nain mbɛɛ, "Nanain".I call my grandfather, "Nanain".Mɩ bi mʋ bi ɔtɩ mʋ́ ɔbɛɛ Nanain.My child's child will call me Nanain.cfNanain 1grandfather; grandfathernatɩna 1great-great-grandparent4., grandmother2ancestor
ɔnambaɔnambá pl.nnambansore on the heel caused when the skin cracks mostly happens in the dry seasonƆnamba labwɛ mɩ nambi, ɩdɛ mɩ dwiin. There is a sore on my toe, so it is paining me.cfbwɛ 3afflict2.5.2.2Skin disease
ɔnamplɔɩɔnamplɔɪʔ(H)pl.nnamplɔɩncracks between the toes, mostly in the raining seasonƆnamplɔɩ labwɛ mɩ anambitɔ, sʋ mmɛtalɩ natɩ wanklaan.I have developed cracks between my toes so I can't walk well.cfbwɛ 3afflict2.5.2.2Skin disease
ɔnankuɔnaŋkûʔdial. var.ɛnankuSpl.nnankunheelƆlɔ ɩdɩn mɩ ɔnankusʋ, sʋ mmɛtalɩ wa ntʋkʋta.There's a sore on my heel, I can't wear shoes.
ɔnankwie Ndial. var. ofɔnantswiecowSome Northern speakers
ɔnantswieɔnant͡sʷie(H) dial. var.ɔnankwieNpl.nnantwieFrom:AkannantwincattleBos taurusBʋtenyimɛ ɔnantswie nyɔpʋ ntsu bwɛ mliki. They milk cows to get milk. They express the fluid in cow udders and take it to make milk.Mbwɩ fɛ́ɛ́ bʋsrɩ tamɛ ɔnantswie olakpa ɔsrɩ yi a, bɛɛ ɔdɛ gbede lɔ.All animals ran but as soon as a cow runs, they say it is mad. animalsder.ɔnantswiebicalf
ɔnantswie sɩmpʋaɔnant͡sʷie sɪmpʊana cowboil2.5.2.2Skin disease
ɔnantswiebiɔnant͡sʷɪebider. ofɔnantswiebi1ncalf8. of life1. animals
ɔnaplɔɩɔnáplɔ́ɪnpus2.5.2.2Skin disease
ɔnɩɔ́nɪpl.anɩ2nthis person9.2.3.5Demonstrative pronouns
ɔnɩnapʋder. ofnɩnaɔ- -pʋnsomeone who cooks5.2.1Food preparation
ɔnlɩnɔ̃nlɪ̃ʔ adj.1physically hardKunka bʋ ɔnlɩn fɛ ibwi. A fan palm is hard like a stone.cfgyɩɩnhardkʋklʋ 1forcefully; loudly8.3.6.2Hard, firmder.lɩnlɩnlɩnhard2to be stronder.ɔwʋnlɩnpʋstrong person3difficult to doƖbʋ dʋ bʋ ɔnlɩn, tsufɛ ɩma adʋlɛ. Mountain climbing is hard because it is not easy to climb.6.1.3Difficult, impossible4harshBawa onwuntɔ ɔnlɩn mʋsʋ.They have been cruel to him. evil to5expensiveFʋ atɔ fɛhɛ lɛlɩn. Mʋ́ bia ma ɔnlɩn. Things you are selling are cheap. Their prices are low.
ɔnɔɔnɔ́(H) dial. var.ɛnɔSSenseComponent-6-2ɔnɔmɔn1mouthKpa fʋ ɔnɔ bun mɩ ankɩ atɔ.Close your mouth and let me look at things. ɔnɔtasteklɩ ɔnɔfastwɩ ɔnɔbite lip2speechKɩ fʋ ɔnɔ.Watch your speech.Anɩdɛtɔɩ alɩa, bɛtsɛ ɔnɔ wa mɩ. As we were talking they switched their speech on me (so I could no longer understand).ɛ mʋ́ ɔnɔanswernnonyɔfalsehoodɔnɔsʋ ɔtɔɩpʋspokesmanɔnɔwankɩflatteryIdiom:bwie ɔnɔamazesay.sɔ X ɔnɔ3entrance to dwellingwoyi ɔnɔdoorway to a compoundobu ɔnɔdoorway to a room7.8.5Make hole, openingcomp.woyi ɔnɔentrance4where something starts8.6.6Edgecomp.ntsu ɔnɔriver bankoyi ɔnɔtreetopɔnɔ ɔlɩɩpʋleadercontr.dimbinɔwilderness edgeder.ɔnɔ ɔlɩɩpʋleader5edge of a cutting toolKrantɩɛ amʋ ɔnɔ lawa ogya klaklakla The machete is sharp.The machete's mouth has fire sharp.Krantɩɛ amʋ ɔnɔ lawu. The machete is dull.The machete's mouth has died.6.7.1Cutting tool8.6.6Edgecomp.damli ɔnɔturn aroundotsubunɔbeach6effects or results of something9.6.2.6Resultcomp.mɔ ɔnɔfinishtɩn ɔnɔexcuse
ɔnɔ ɔlɩɩpʋɔnɔ́ ɔlɪ̌ːpʊ́pl.ɔnɔ alɩɩpʋcomp. ofder. oflɩɩ 2ɔnɔ 4ɔ- -pʋnleaderAsɔrɩ ɔnɔ alɩɩpʋ fɛ́ɛ́ béfia abʋkɩta agywɩɩn tsu asɔrɩ ɩwɩ.Church leaders will meet to plan about Churches.Ɔnɔ alɩɩpʋ okugyiɔkʋ anfɩ bʋtesia mʋ.They insult every leader.4.5.1Person in authority
ɔnɔ ɔmɔkpaɔnɔ́ ɔ́mɔkpáder. ofmɔ ɔnɔcomp. ofɔnɔ 6ɔ- -kpanthe ending of somethingFʋmɛ́ɛtalɩ wun mʋ́ ɔnɔ ɔmɔkpa.You cannot see the end.cfawiɛɩend6., finish
ɔnɔkwalɩɔnɔkʷalɪ ntruthƆnɔkwalɩ blɩ bʋ ɔnlɩn tamɛ mʋ́ tɔpʋ iwilwii ba. Speaking the truth is difficult, but it brings peace.Ɔbʋ ɔnɔkwalɩ ɔtamawa afunu. He is truthful; he doesn't tell lies.ɔnɔkwalɩpʋfaithful person
ɔnɔkwalɩpʋɔnɔkʷalɪpʊpl.anɔkwalɩpʋder. ofɔnɔkwalɩɔ- -pʋna person who can be trustedKwasi gyi ɔnɔkwalɩpʋ wulu amʋtɔ nɩ.Kwasi is the faithful person in the town.Kwaku ɔnɔkwalɩ wa sʋ bɔ́pʋ mʋ yaɩ owie nɩ.Because of Kwaku's faithfulness that was why he was installed a chief.