Nkonya - English



ɔkɩpʋɔkɪ́pʊder. ofkɩ Xsʋph. v. of1 2-sʋ 1ɔ- -pʋnsomeone who takes care of something6. care of something4. for
ɔkɩtaɔkɪtá nbitternessBia bʋ ɔkɩta kɩtakɩta. Beer is bitter.Afa ánɩ́ bʋ ɔkɩta nun bʋ ɔlɩn.It is difficult to drink medicine which is bitter.Olinkantɩ lafa wa akpʋn amʋtɔ, sʋ lawa ɔkɩta. The gallbladder has burst on the liver so it has made it bitter.Nɩ afa bʋ ɔkɩta a, ɩma anunlɛ. If medicine is bitter, it is not easy to drink.cfkɩtakɩtabitter2.3.3Tasteder.kɩtakɩtabitter
ɔklaɔklâʔ (L) pl.aklansoulƆkla amʋʋ otse nyankpʋsatɔ amʋ a, ɔdalɩ a, ɔyɔ mʋ wie Bulu wa. When the soul that lives in man leaves, it goes to his owner, God.Fɔkʋla sika a, fɔ́hʋlɩ fʋ ɔkla.If you seek money you will lose your soul.3.1Soul, spiritcomp.bie ɔklapurify
ɔkla lawa X ogyaɔkla lawá X oʤ́ávto be lucky; fortunate4.4.5.1Lucky
ɔklanɔklãʔ pl.nklannmatAnɩtɛdɩ nklansʋ. We sleep on mats.
ɔklantida2ɔklãntidapl.aklantida2ngreat, great, great grandchild4., granddaughter
ɔklantida1ɔklãntida pl.aklantida1cfklantidaragnold sleeping matLɛ fʋ klantida amʋ lɛ obu amʋtɔ, afʋfɛɩ nʋ. Ɩnʋ lawa nyanya. Remove your old cloths and sleeping mats from the room, so that you can sweep there. There has become nasty, dirty.
ɔklɛbɔɔklɛbɔpl.nklɛbɔnturtleƆklɛbɔ gyi ntsutso sawun.Turtle is a water tortoise.Ɔklɛbɔ oboyi bʋswɩ dʋn sawun.Turtle's neck is longer than tortoise's.
ɔklʋnɔklʊ̃ʔ pl.nklʋn
nboat; canoeBʋtetsia ɔklʋntɔ fa ntsu. They sit in a boat to cross a river. equipment
ɔklʋnbunɔklʊ̃bũ̂ʔnto capsize8.
ɔkɔkpaɔkɔkpáder. of1 2ɔ- -kpanbattle field8.5.3Be at a place4.8.3War
ɔkɔmfɔbowuoɔkɔɱfɔbowuo(H)Npl.nkɔmfɔbowuoFrom:Akanɔkɔmfɔ́ bowuo'fetish priest will die' cfologyochameleonnchameleonChamaeleo senegalensisƆkɔmfɔbowuo tɛnatɩ pʋtɔɔ fɛ owie.A chameleon walks slowly like a chief.
ɔkɔntɩɔkɔntɪ pl.nkɔntɩnshort wooden crook used in weedingƆkɔntɩ pʋ́ krantɩɛ anɩtɔpʋ dɔ. Ɩtɛha ɩdɔ amʋ ɩtɛpɩn. We use a wooden crook and a cutlass to weed. It makes the weeding smooth (does not leave ragged clumps).6.2.8Agricultural tool
ɔkɔtɔɔkɔ́tɔ(H) pl.nkɔtɔncrabLiberonautes latidactylus?Ndɛ ɔkɔtɔ kɩta bʋnkpa amʋtɔ. I am catching a crab in the riverbed.Bʋtamawi ɔkɔtɔ wɩ. They never steal a crab and chew it.Ɔkɔtɔ tetsia ɔbɔtɔ. Crabs live in holes. animals
ɔkpaɔk͡pa(H) pl.nkpa2n1path; roadNyankpʋ latswie yinta anɩ lɔɔrɩ ɔkpa. Rain has fallen and spoiled our car road. ɔkpacorrect, righteousfʋn ɔkpatɔbegingya X ɔkpatraceketeeke ɔkparailroadkɩ X ɔkpaexpectpʋ ɔkpatravel (short)si X ɔkpaaccompany partwaytu ɔkpatravel (long)2space; room; allowanceHa mʋ ɔkpa. Allow him; Let him by.cfɔ- -kpa3.3.4.1Give permission6.1.2.9Opportunitycomp.ha ɔkpapermit
ɔkpa otupʋɔk͡pa otupʊder. oftu ɔkpacomp. oftu2 1ɔkpa 1ɔ- -pʋna person that goes on a journey7.2.4.1Travel by land
ɔkpabaɩɔk͡pabaɪ́ʔ pl.ɩkpabaɩna junction in a road or path; the Akan word nkwanta is more common.Nawie mɩ ɔkpabaɩ, sʋ abéfia. I have reached my junction, so we will meet later.
ɔkpabi2ɔk͡pabí(H) pl.nkpabi2nforked stickKa ɔkpabi ba mɩ, ampʋ wa nkpabi amʋtɔ anda kantankpa. Cut a forked stick and bring it so that I can put it with the other forked sticks so that we can build a palm leaf shelter.6.2.8Agricultural tool
ɔkpabi1ɔk͡pábiʔ(L)dial. var.ɛkpabiSpl.nkpabi1nservant or slaveLehian ánɩ́ ɔkpabi obobu mʋ wie.It is necessary that a servant respect his master.cfntsrakpabistars4.5.4.4Slave
ɔkpagyiɔkpaɔk͡paʤiɔk͡panevery wayƆkpagyiɔkpa sʋ a, fʋ klɛ ma nʋ.It's completely your fault.In every way yours is not there., route8.1.5All
ɔkpakɩɔk͡pakɪ̂ːʔnhope; expectationAnɩ ɔkpakɩ Kristotɔ mɔ́ɔbwɛ kpalɩ.Our hope in the Lord will not be in vain.
ɔkpakwebiɔk͡pakʷebípl.nkpakwebinclothes worn for the farm workAtsɩ ansɩ tegyi ɔkpakwebi ɩwɩ, tsufɛ ɩma bia, ɩtɛha bʋtamayinta amʋ́ atati ánɩ́ bʋ bia.Women like cloth worn for farm because it is less expensive and it helps to save their expensive clothes.cftaticloth5.3.4Clothes for special occasions
ɔkpakwiɔk͡pakʷína narrow path6.5.4.1Road8.2.4.1Narrow
ɔkpambaɔk͡pambaʔpl.akpambanillegal marriageƆkpamba ɔtsɩ anfɩ gyi ha oyin anfɩ, mʋ́ sʋ ɔmɛtalɩ wie woyitɔ amʋtɔ nɩ, tsufɛ ɔdɛ oyin amʋ mʋ ka ifu-nya.This woman is a girlfriend to this man, that was why she couldn't entered the house because she is afraid of the man's wife., boyfriend