Nkonya - English



igyopiniʤopĩnyam slice5. from roots5.2.1.2Steps in food preparation6.2.1.2Growing roots5.2.3.4Prepared food
ihogyiihóʤider. ofɩ-1hogyiph. v. of1 2gyi2 2nbelief; from hɔ gyi "take eat"Mbʋ hogyi Bulutɔ.I have faith in God.Ihogyi gyi tɔ ánɩ́ fʋ ansɩ dɩn mʋ́sʋ ánɩ́ bɛ́ba, tamɛ fʋmɔkʋ wun mʋ́.Faith is something that your eyes are on it that it will come, but you have not yet seen it.Mɩ ansi dɩn mʋ́sʋ, tamɛ mmɛdɛ mʋ́ ɔkpa kɩ.I'm hoping for it but I don't expect it.Ihogyi lehian ha Okristoyin ánɩ́ ɔbɔ́pʋ nya atɔ tsu Bulu wa. Faith is necessary for Christian to get things from God.
iin2ĩː(H)unspec. var. ofee1yes
iklunGuang*kɩ-nuŋmeatadj.lump (of meat)
ikpinik͡pĩʔ sg. ofakpingarden egg
ikuikúʔ pl.akuFrom:Akankuwn1group; group of peopleNɔyɔ a, bɔbʋa mankani amʋ akuaku. Mʋ́ʋ́ nɛkpa iku kʋlɛ. When I went they had set the mankani in piles. And then I collected one pile.cfɩpʋ2 1group8.3.1.8Pattern, designcomp.kua kʋlɛsingle2a pile or heap of something8.1.3.3Group of things
ikweikʷe card. num.eightNɩ fɛdalɩ tsu asienɔ a, fɔyɔ ikwe. Seven comes before eightWhen you leave seven you are going to eight. numbers
ikwebaikʷebáʔcontractionkwebaEntryComponent-9mɩ sɔkɩcard. num.nine8.1.1.1Cardinal numbers
ikwesɩikʷesɪord. num.eighth8.1.1.2Ordinal numbers
ikwiikʷi (H) nbeardOyin dɛhɛn amʋ ikwi lafuli fututuutu. The old man's beard has turned very white.2.1.5Hair2.1.1Head
ikwitɔikʷitɔ(H) contractionkwitɔn1chincfɔdawuchin2.1.1Head2ceilingAndɔ amʋ ladʋ wie obu amʋ kwitɔ, ɔdɛ aklɔtɩ kɩta. The cat has climbed up into the ceiling and is catching mice.Agyagya kutibii bʋbʋ mɩ obu ikwitɔ. Sʋ bʋdɛ mɩ han. Small bats are in the ceiling of my room. So they are troubling me.
imiimi(H) nhair; fur of an animalAndɔ wɩ bʋ atapʋlɛ, tsufɛ mʋ imi bʋ ɔplɩ. A cat's fur is pleasant to touch because it is smooth.2.1.5Haircomp.dɩnkɩ imicut hairɩwɩ imibody hairɔtansʋ imimanecomp.ɔnsɩkunkusʋ-imieyebrow
imuimuʔ (L) pl.amunclusterapʋsɛ imupepper clusterNɩ fʋbʋ apʋsɛ a, kokoli ha mɩ imu kʋlɛ ankwɛ wa oputsutɔ. If you have black pepper, please give me a cluster so that I can grind it and put it in a soup.cfɔkpɩtsacluster8.1.3.3Group of things
imuatsemuát͡se unspec. var. ofmmuatsebackyard
ipi2ipíʔ (H)nkind of grass used in hatching housesIpi tamalɩɩ wa ɔpá. Bʋtɔpʋ bua obu.Thatch doesn't stay long. It is used for thatching. product6.5.3Building materials1.5.3Grass, herb, vine1.5.5Parts of a plant6.5.2.2Roof
ipi1ipíʔ (H) nrubbish gathered and thrown awayTsu gbɔngblɛn amʋ ha mɩ ankpa ipi. Bring the dustpan for me to collect rubbish.Fɛɩ afʋkpa ipi amʋ yetsitsa. Sweep so that you can gather the rubbish and throw it out.
ipianipiã(H)nfatigue; nominal form of pian "to tire"Nɩ fotsu ndɔ ba, febie a, ipian amʋ tɔkʋsʋ fʋsʋ.If you come from farm and you bathe, the fatigue leaves you.2.4.4Tired
ipinipĩnsmall loaf5.2.3.4Prepared food
ipuipu (H)pl.apun1stomachNyimɛ ɔbwɩ amʋ ipu amʋ wʋlɩ pututɔ tsutsuutsu, mɛnɩ móobon ba woyitɔ.Squeeze out the animals stomach far away in the bush so that the stench will not come to the house.cfɔmɛ́ 2womb2.1.8.2Stomach2abdomenAtsɩ benya ɔmɛ a, amʋ́ apu tomoni. Pregnant women have big stomachs.Women who get pregnant, their abdomens are always large.2.1.8Internal organs2.1.2Torso
ipubiipubípl.apubinsmall stomachMmenya Natɩ, ndɛ mʋ apubi.I didn't get what I want, but I have something I can hold.I didn't get Spider, I hold his small stomachs.2.1.8Internal organs
isiaisia pl.asia2contractionsia3nbird's nestMbubwi bʋtɛla sia, tamɛ agyagya mʋ́a, bʋtamala sia. Birds make nests but bats never make nests.1.6.5Animal home1.6.1.2Bird
isiabiisiabí (H)pl.asiabicontractionsiabider. ofsia1-binthe contents of an insultMʋ isiabi gyi Nwun Kpɔnkpɔntɩ. His insult is big head. (He has a big head physically).
isinisĩ́ʔ (H)
n1termite moundAbaba bʋtɔpwɛ isin tsia mʋ́tɔ, bʋtɔkwɛ atɛ.Termites sculpt mounds and live in it. They sprout wings.Afio, mʋ́ nwun lɛtɛɩ. Mʋ́ oyi bʋswɩ. Ɩtɔwa ɔdwɛ oputsutɔ. Bʋtɛkaka mʋ́ wa oputsutɔ, ɩtɔkwɛ isinsʋ.Afio, it's head is wide. It's stalk is long. It makes soup sweet. They chop it up into soup. It grows in a termite mound.Bʋtamalɩɩ isinsʋ tsii kpasi.They never stand on an ant hill and gossip about kpasi. wild plantsIdiom:kwɛ dɩnka isinsʋfortunate2clay from termite mound used for pottery & hearths1.2.2.1Soil, dirt6.6.2.4Working with clay
isunaisúnader. ofɩ-1suna 1na sign or miracleNɩ owi ɔdalɩ tsu owi okpliwiekpa a, igyi isuna kpɔnkpɔɔnkpɔntɩ, tsufɛ owi ɔdalɩkpa owi. tɛdalɩ tsu.When the sun rises from the west, it is a big sign, because the sun rises from the east.4.9.4Miracle, supernatural power