Romblomanon - English



tuli'nthe penis of a malesynbūtu' ncfbūtu' mutuli' mupunta nang tuli'nthe glans penis of a malesynpunta nang būtu'tuli' muinjyour penis!An offensive interjection malaw'ay nga hambayānun spoken to someone to indicate anger or extreme displeasure with that person.cftuli'
tūlinnthe speed of somethingnkatūlin, matūlinadjSomeone or something is quick in doing something.Ka'abtik 'ang tikling kung makakīta' tāwu katūlin nga dyumāgan kag lumupad.The barred rail bird is alert; if it happens to see a person it is quick in running and flying.katulintūlin1int adjvery quickDumayāgan siya katulintūlin kay kung ma'ulihi sa paglūtu' naman siya.She was very quick in running because she might be late in cooking.2vAn activity becomes fast in execution.makatūlin'Ang lūkus nga panus kung nagalanguy hay baliskad kay na'u'una 'ang 'iya buli' kay kung 'atubāngan 'ang 'inda 'unāhun hay 'indi' sinda makatūlin.As for a squid, when [it] swims [it] is backwards because its tail is always first, because if their front part goes first they will not be able to move fast.nagatūlinvSomeone or something moves fast.Kung nagadungan naman sinda, bahāya' lang nagatūlin 'ang pānaw ni Milba.When they were together, all of a sudden the walking of Melba became fast.
tulīnganna tuna fishEuthynnus affinis (Cantor)Nagsīhud sina Tata Pīnu nang 'inda kinulung nga tulīngan.Uncle Pino and companions scooped up the tuna which they had confined.Metalic gray, has a series of wavy, oblique, dusky streaks above, and is silvery white below, with black spots between the pectoral and ventral fins. The fins are dusky to brownish. Found in coastal waters and open ocean areas. Caught with hook-and-line and fishnets pūkut 1.
tūmana body lousePeople experienced a general infestation of body lice during wartime due to a lack of change clothing and soap.
tūmanvSomeone or something obeys someone else, what someone says.nagtūmanNagtūman da 'ang magūyang sa sūgu' ni Plurintīna.The old man obeyed the instructions of Florentina.
tumatumatumatuadjA play, story is fictitious or imaginary.Kung matumatu lang, 'indi' 'aku ka'intyindi.If [the story] is only imaginary, I am not able to determine.
tumbavSomeone or something falls down, falls over.cfhūyughūyughūyughūyuglāraglāraglāraglāraglūkalūkalūkalūkama'ihūyugma'ilāragmatapuknalūkataktaktapuktapuktapuktapuktupa'tupa'tupa'tupa'tupa'anmatumba'Ang manga bangku', 'āmun na gingkamāda 'inang may ma'agīhan kami kung halimbāwa' matumba na 'ang 'āmun bayay.As for the chairs, those were arranged by us [so that] we would have a place to pass in case our house would have already fallen over.patumbacaus vSomeone or something is knocked down, knocked over, pushed down or pushed over by someone or something else.Kung siya nagpa'ūgut, napatumba sa dāyan.When he became angry, [he] happened to be knocked down on the road.cfhūyuglāraglūkatapuk
tumba lātana game of topple-the-can'Ini naman 'ang kānam nga tumba lāta, 'ang ginagāmit naman 'ini diri hay lāta da nga 'inang sa gatasan.As for this topple-the-can game, the thing used is an [empty] milk can.An empty milk can is placed erect within a circle. One person is a guard and others throw something soft, as a slipper, to knock over the can. The guard must restore it erect within the circle before tagging the person who knocked it over.
tumbawna stack of things arranged in layers'Ang patatlu na ka tumbaw hay pūru na pakuyub kay kung pūru kuyub 'ang sa 'idāyum sunug 'ang niyug nga sa 'idāyum kag hilaw sa 'ibābaw.The third stack are all upside down (i.e., with meat down) because if the ones on the bottom are all upside down those ones which are at the bottom will be burned and those which are on top will be uncooked.
tumbuktumbukndots or spots'Ang kulur nang balayan nang 'ini nga sīhi' hay ning puti' kag may tumbuktumbuk nga puya.The color of the shell of this [commercial top] mollusk is white and there are some red spots.cfpintuk
tumbuyna tomboy; i.e., a girl who acts as a boy, often, though not necessarily, a homosexual female.'Ang 'isa nga babāyi nga ginayu'asāwa nang tumbuy hay nagapangita' gid 'ina' ning midyus kung papa'unu niya malayāsan.Some women with whom tomboys (i.e., homosexual females) play marriage look for ways how [the tomboy] would be able to be left behind by her.nnagatinumbūyan'Imaw lang 'ina' 'ang nadudumduman ku, 'ang pagsinundānan ning ma'āyu; waya' 'adtu masiling nga magbuyag kami; waya' 'aku kabati' 'inang gatinumbūyan.That was what I remembered, the good living together; that did not mean that we would separate; I never heard that [we] reproved each other.tinumbūyanvTwo or more reprove each other.
tumpagvA structure collapses.natumpag'Adtung natumpag na sayug 'ākun gingpidasupidasu kay 'indi' ku madāya pagplastar kung 'ang bilug nga simintu 'ang 'ākun hakwatun.That [cement] floor that collapsed was divided into pieces by me because [it] would not be able to be lifted by me in arranging [it] if what I would move would be whole cement pieces.
tumukvSomething is crushed or pulverized by someone, a hand, an instrument.gintumuk'Adtu 'ang tāwas 'ākun gintumuk nang 'ākun kamut hay mayuta', kung matugas nga tumukun 'ina' kunu hay malā'in, pīru 'adtu kay mayuta' hay ma'āyu kunu.Those alum crystals were pulverized by me with my hand and it (i.e., the resulting powder) was fine textured.natumukKung natumuk na 'ang 'uyang kag 'ang manga lakut 'ihālu' mu na 'ang 'īmu niyug nga kināyus sa 'uyang nga 'īmu hinālu' sa lusung.When the shrimp and the [other] ingredients have already been able to be crushed, then your grated coconut should be mixed by you into the shrimp which has been mixed by you in the mortar.
tūna'prepsince the beginning of an event or the time of an eventTūna' is followed by nga and a clause.Tūna' nga 'aku nagtrabāhu diri daw katatlu pa lang 'aku kabakay ning tināpay.Since I worked here, it seems that I have bought bread only three times.antkatapūsannthe beginning of somethingTūna' is followed by a time clause introduced by nang.Tūna' nang 'aku naghalin, waya' na siyay na'a'asāhan.Since the time I left, she no longer had [anyone] who could really be trusted.vSomeone or something begins or starts an activity.Follows sa.Pagkatāpus mu ning sābat, madūgang ka naman ning paglāya ning baynti 'ūnu līlas 'uli' pāra parīhu 'ang bīlang sa tūna' kag sa katapūsan.After your completing the weaving of dyed buri strips, you will then add twenty-one more buri strips in weaving so that the count at the beginning and at the end is the same.antkatapūsanginatūna''Ang paglīkid, hay ginatūna' sa ma'intik nga pānig pakadtu sa malāpad.As for the rolling, it is started with the narrow pieces going to the wider pieces.ginatunā'animper vStart doing something!Kung payut na 'ang kaguyāngan, kung mag'inūyan ning tūdu, 'imaw 'ina' 'ang ginatunā'an nang pagpamaha'.When the forest is already denuded, when it continually rains heavily, that's the time of the beginning of continual flooding.Sīgi, tūna' na!Go ahead, start now!magtūna'gerbeginning at a particular place or timeMagtūna' is followed by a clause or phrase introduced by nang or sa.'Ang salampāti, magtūna' sa 'iya lī'ug pakadtu sa may tiyan hay puti' da 'ang kulur.A dove, beginning at its neck going to its breast, the color is white.Magtūna' pa nang katapūsan nang būlan nang Pibrīru waya' na gid mag'uyan hasta niyan.Beginning the end of the month of February, it has not rained until now.makatūna'vA particular activity is started by someone.Kung tapus na hākut 'ang manga pinuntuk nga niyug pwīdi ka na makatūna' bunut.If the transporting of the piled coconuts is finished then you will be able to start now to husk [them].matūna'San'u ka matūna' ning pagpāsa ning tuba' sa 'ākun?When will you begin passing the coconut wine to me?nagatūna'Kung 'ini 'ang 'īmu 'uma hay tāpus mu na ning duyuk pwīdi mu na nga tamnan basta nakikīta' mu nga nagatūna' na ning 'uyan'ūyan.If you finish clearing your upland field you can plant it unless you see that [it] is beginning intermittent rain.pagtūna'gersomeone's beginning to do something'Ang pagtūna' kung pa'unu 'ang paglūtu' ning kik, hay kahuga'.As for the beginning of how to bake a cake, [it] is difficult.Nang pagtūna' ku pa lang sa 'akun pag'iskwīla, hay ginahuga'an 'aku.Upon my just beginning my studying, I experienced difficulty.tinunā'anPag'abut ku nga halin sa Rumblun, tinunā'an ku na ning tābas 'ang 'iya tīla nga pangkasay.After my arrival coming from Romblon, her cloth for the wedding was started being cut out by me.tunā'anKung tunā'an mu ning 'alas sayis nang 'āga 'ang pagdābuk manga 'alas tris nang hāpun lūtu' gid 'ang lūgit.If the building of a fire will be started by you at six o'clock in the morning, about three o'clock in the afternoon the copra will be well cooked.tunā'i1imper vAn activity must or should be started by someone!Lūlu Binung, tunā'i na 'ang 'īmu 'isturya, kay handa' na kami sa pagpamāti'!Grandfather Benong, your story should be started now, because we are now ready to listen!2vthe place or time of the beginning of something
tūnawvA food is digested by someone.cflānaymatūnawvSomething, as a metal, melts with heat.Kung 'igwa kita ning 'unga' nga lapsag 'ang pagkā'un 'ini nga dāpat sa 'iya hay 'ina' 'ang lūgaw kag 'ina' 'ang pagkā'un nga madali' matūnaw sa tiyan.If we have a baby the food we should give it is rice gruel and those foods which will be able to be digested easily in the stomach.cflānay
tūnayadjan actual, authentic, true person, thing, event, relationship, situation"Hū'u, 'unga' ku gid 'ina' siya!" 'Indi' magpāti si Dun 'Inrīku nga tūnay gid niya nga 'unga'."Yes, that one is surely my daughter!" [But] Don Enrico did not believe that she was indeed [his] true daughter.cfpinakapūru katunāyan1nthe truth2adjSomething, as gold, water is pure; i.e., not contaminated or diluted.cfpūru
tundanna latundan eating banana plant or fruitMusa sapientum var. cineriaCommonly eaten raw as a snack food.
tundugvSomeone finds something.cfkīta'pagpakīta'sūgid sugīrun2makatundugvSomething is found by someone.'Ini gali' si Kumadri Dilya hay 'indi' da gali' siya makatundug nang dāyan pakadtu didtu sa gina'istahan nang 'iya 'unga'.This Co-godmother Delia is not be able to find the way going to the place where her children are staying.matundugMa'āyu gāni' kung matundug mu 'ang sūpat nang batu; hay madali' lang 'ang pagbu'uy.It is good if you are able to find the lines of the marble; that is just easy to get.matundugiPrimīru, pag'abut gid nāmun didtu, dūgay pa gid gāni' nāmun matundugi 'ang klinika ninda.First, upon our arrival there, it took a long time before their medical clinic was able to be found by us.cfkīta'sūgid