
basankoen nben ailé (plante potagère)kind of vegetable plant1.4.3Grass, herb, vineHerbes, lianes, plantes grimpantes
a2 poss.son, sahis, herA bòe daa maa piɛ.Sa chèvre est venue chez moi.His goat came to my house.
á pro(+préd)il, ellehe, sheÁ di nya.Il a travaillé.He worked.
bǎã goon advbrusquementsuddenly, abruptlyNɛ lɛ́ dɛ á daa bǎã goon. L'enfant l'a fait tomber brusquement.The child suddenly dropped it.
baa lɔn vque faire? what to do?La bɛ́ a die wa, wɔ n die n biɛ lɔn?Comme il ne pleut pas, qu'allons-nous faire?Since it's not raining, what are we going to do?biɛ lɔn
barama nmarmitecooking pot5.1Household equipmentÉquipement de la maison
asɛ pronlui; il; ellehim; he; sheAsɛ din bie á daa boo lɛ pɛ wa.Ce n'est même pas lui qui est venu dire la parole.It was not even he who came to speak.Á pɛ mà asɛ á re die.Il a dit qu'il va venir.He said he's coming.
barandan nbananebanana5.2FoodNourriture
baara nbarbar6.5BuildingsBâtiment
barka2 npouvoir, dignité,forcepower, dignity, strengtharabe
á la ... nɛ expr_v. plus quemore ... thanFuiĩn tá baa sii á la gin ni.Le lièvre court plus que le chien.The hare runs more than the dog.
bǎã nlieu, endroitplace, location
bäbala nbâtonstick, batonsynbälabäla
aragio nradioradio
a laanɛ conj.malgré, bien que, quoiquedespite, in spite of, although, though, albeitA laanɛ a daa wa, wɔ́ di nya. Bien qu'il ne soit pas venu, nous avons travaillé.Although he did not come, we worked.
a ... wa préd_nég.ne ... pasdo not, notba ... wa
a1 pronil, elleheA boo da wa.Il n'a pas parlé.He didn't speak.
1 venlever, choisir, soustraireremove, choose, subtractboe
bɔ ka vpasser pargo throughboe ka
a lɛawaa nlendemainnext day, tomorrow
bɔ ... yii ni vopprimeroppress, suppressMin baraan nə́ bɔ bɛa giĩ lɛ yii ni. Les méchants ont opprimé cet homme.The wicked oppressed this man.boe ... yii ni
á ke expr_v. voilà, voicihere, that isNɛ lɛ á ke die.Voici l'enfant qui vient.Here is the child coming.
bɔkɔnlɛ ndistinctiondistinction
adara adjgrand, importantbig, important
á n bɔ...nɛ expr_v. saufexcept, unless, butMàn kɔn ba a lon wa, bɛ̀ á n bɔ wii boroo goon ne.Il n'a rien sauf un sac de mil.He has nothing but a bag of millet.
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