Browse Sursurunga – English



kalai2transitive verbSurlong palai pekpek ngo kákáikEnglishscoop; shovelThis seems to only be used of removing feces or vomit.kari
kalamlamalienable nounSurkesá matngan manEnglishbird type; hawkThe kalamlam's feathers are a little reddish and its neck is white. Its size is like that of an eagle. It lives in trees and makes its nest in tree branches just like an eagle. It grabs sea cucumber to eat, and that kind of sea cucumber it usually eats they call a pul_kalamlam (hawk sea cucumber). And it also eats the stomachs of pig and dead things like frogs and snakes and other dead things.pul kalamlam1.6.1.2Birdbird
kalangalienable nounEnglishmoon; monthTok Pisinmunmákái kalang8.4.1Period of time1.7Nature, environmentnature; time
kalang kalangintransitive verbSurgargarEnglishbright; sparkling; blinded by lightThis is the result of something being pilpilpil (shiny).Nas ngo a lu daki loltas i kábungbung mák han i talsán uri matam, ki na gargar á matam. Má ngo una mákái, ki na kalang kalang i matam on á talsán nas.The sun when it shines on the ocean in the morning and its light goes into your eyes, then your eyes will be blinded. And if you look at it, then your eyes will be blinded by the sunlight.gargar1
kalar / káritransitive verb, irregularEnglishcover; stop; block; seal; close over; surroundTok PisinpasimThis verb typically occurs as the final member of a serial verb construction following a verb which tells the manner in which the action is covered or blocked. When occurring in a non-serial construction, it follows a direction word or demonstrative-type word. See cross references for examples.A támin ngo kápán páplun i iau a bokoh alar gam, mái sár kak lala ásásla a erei kalar gam sang. (Kol 2.5)It is true that my body is absent away from you, however my great/strong feeling is there surrounding you.arbat káriartur kalarbalbal kalarbangbang káribál káribás káribit kalarbit káribokut kalarduk kalardung kukut kárigong kárihim kárihul káriikut kárikiu kárikosar kalarmat kárimos kalarngak kalarngángángas kalarngik kalarnguk kalarpam ngus káripanpan káripus kárirakrakai kalarrangrang kalarsung káritar káritartar kalartaun kalartum kalarworwor káridos kalar/dos kári; opau kalar/opau kári; oror kalar/oror kári; pát kalar/pát kári; puspus kalar/puspus kári; rongrongas kalar/rongrongas kári; tur kalar/tur kári; turtur kalar/turtur kári
kalatalienable noun1Surtáit a duri sián bu kápte be a pos suri dák mákái siánEnglishcovering over betel nut blossomThe part of a betel nut tree that covers the blossoms and fruit before they emerge is called semen. Once this part breaks open to reveal the blossoms and fruit, then it is called kalat. semen1.5Planttree/plant2EnglishslingshotThis is a sling type that one twirls above one's head then lets one end go to send a rock off to its target, the kind of sling mentioned in the Old Testament.katapelsing puri kalat
kalawatintransitive verbSurkápte a mánán i longoi, a ngul ur onEnglishignorantKáp iau te mánán i longoi á wilwil, iau ngul ur on. Til tungu sang iau kalik, káp iau te lu tokoi pasi iang kalawat suri longoi.I do not know making/building a bicycle, I am ignorant about it. From previously indeed (Since quite a while back when) I was a child, I did not stick my finger in it (do anything with it) resulting in I am ignorant about making it.pátátánkámlemen
kalárunspec. var. ofkahlár
kalbánbop kalbán, kis kalbán
kalbárwanalienable nounSurngisán kubauEnglishtree typeThe kalbárwan is a tree that grows along the beach and it is a tree that birds like very much to eat its fruit. Its fruit is small and black in color.1.5Planttree/plant
kalengintransitive verbEnglishreturnTok Pisinkambekapaptur kalengaradum kalengarkabat kalengelkalengelkalenglenghol kalenghom kuluk kalengilang kalengkalkalengkeles kalengliu kalenglur kalengpánpán kalengsak kalengsas kalengsu kalengtapriu kalengakalengnai; kalengnai
kalengna-itransitive verbEnglishreturnThis transitive form of the verb kaleng only occurs following another verb as part of a serial verb construction. An equivalent form is kaleng_on, apparently the same meaning and referent as kalengnai, and also only occuring as a non-initial member of a serial verb construction.kalengakalengnai; keles kalengnai; kos kalengnai; long timan kalengnai; mák kalengnai; sas kalengnai; tumwa kalengnai
kaleram (?)alienable nounEnglishiron; metal (?)This is said to refer to a layer of earth or rock that is heavy and strong, formerly used to make axes. Some may use it today to refer to any metal.
kalialienable nounSurngisán kubauEnglishtree typeThe kali is a tawan (tree type) from the jungle. Its fruit, its leaves, and its trunk are just like the tawan that they plant in the village. When it’s the season of the tawan bearing fruit, then the kali will also bear fruit. The fruit of the tawan is big and/but the fruit of the kali is just small. Some kali they eat its fruit, and some they do not eat it because it is small.1.5Planttree/plant
kalikalienable nounEnglishmale or female child; baby; male of any ageThis term is used to refer to a baby or child of either gender, and often to a male who is not yet considered a pupunkak (old man). See the following entries for examples of this word used in idioms and phrases.kaliliksiusiu kán kalik2Personperson
kalik alalphraseEnglishfavourite child; beloved child4.9.7.2Christianity2Personlotu; person
kalik án aratintinalienable nounEnglishdisciplechild of learning
kalik án káláualienable nounEnglishboychild malekáláu1
kalik án sálidiomSurkalik a káhái ái mámán má kápte di talas suri kákánEnglishbastard; illegitimate childchild of the roadThis specifically refers to a child whose father is unknown or remains unnamed by the mother.natun sálsál13.5.3.1Word2Personinteresting idiom; person
kalik án supláhphraseEnglishtroublemakertám supláh2Personperson
kalik átláiátláialienable nounEnglishadolescent girl; young womanThe word átlái does not seem to appear by itself or with any word other than kalik (child).tahlikkaukak2Personperson
kalik bungaubungauSurngoro goion kalikEnglishchildishThe word bungau does not seem to ever appear by itself or with any word other than kalik (child). This term is used jokingly to mean a job done like a small child did it, not very well done.
kalik muralienable nounSurkalik a páng namurwai kono a táil; kalik a páng namurEnglishyounger child; descendantchild followingEvery child but the firstborn in a family is a kalik_mur. Ái Tulu a mulán kalik i diar ái Kiap, mái Kiap a páng namurwa Tulu. Diar tuán sár, mái sár ngo ái Kiap a kalik mur.Tulu is the first child of them two (including) Kiap, and Kiap was born following/after Tulu. They two are brothers, however Kiap is the younger child.rang kopkommur12Person4.1.9Kinshipkinship; person
kalilalienable nounEnglishsnail typeTok Pisingam bilong kaikaiThe kalil lives inside coral. And when it high tides, then it crawls on to the reef. The kalil has three kinds of guil (shell). The first guil is a thing that covers up all the meat of the kalil. And another guil that the kalil has is hard, it is the thing that closes-blocks the meat (operculum) if they take hold of it. And another guil they call the guil_teken that is connected from the (end of the) meat. Some guil_teken_kalil are white and some are blue. The guil_teken that is white, many people eat it. And the guil_teken_kalil that is blue, only some people will eat it. They collect the kalil on the reef when they are crawling around, and they take them to cook and eat them.kalil mátris5.2Food6.4.5Fishingfood; marine life
kalil mátrisalienable nounEnglishsnail typeThis kind of kalil lives also on the reef, but its shell is varied in color and smooth. This kind of kalil they also eat.5.2Food6.4.5Fishingfood; marine life