Browse Sursurunga – English



kalung / kalngisyncopated verbSurkalngariEnglishtwist; rollThis is the action of rolling or twisting string or rope or even a cigarette by rubbing the palm of one hand along the palm of the other.Kono imuda a kalngari pákán pok imuda i limán uri kán mama. A kápte te wán pok suri na mama mai, pasi áng kalung pákán pok uri kán mama.That one back there is rolling betel pepper leaves back there on his hand for his betel nut chewing. There is no betel pepper to chew with, resulting in he is betel pepper leaf-rolling for his chewing.kalngarikep kalung
kalwosoninalienable noun1Surtámin muswanEnglishcore; center rings of treeThis is the most inside part of a tree.kalolon1lengwentámin2Englishmain pointmasukan1.5Planttree/plant
kampronounEnglishsecond person singular possessive (non-food)Tok Pisinbilong yuamkaiam-mu1
kamasalienable nounSurkesá matngan rohoEnglishgreens typeKamas grows in the jungle close to the village and up in the middle of the jungle too. There are many kinds of kamas. Some kamas they eat and some is wild kamas. And that kamas they eat, it grows along beside the river or along valleys. Its leaves are long and slender and it does not put out any blossoms or fruit. It just grows along the ground and along the tops of rocks. (Additional information: These is a fern type that is feathery.)roho5. from vegetablesgreens
kamdaitransitive verbSuroboi i án pogongEnglishnecklace with; put around the neckkurkurwakurwaikamkamda
kamdimintransitive verbSurpákán nah a aptur mák posEnglishwave actionThis is the action of ocean waves rising up then breaking.1.7Nature, environmentnature
kamkabat1intransitive verbSurkis i lain nagogonEnglishjailedKalilik di mismuk i sápkin mismuk pasi dik nagogon i di. Keskeskes i di na kamkabat pasi na rururu á bet.The guys were smoking evil smoke (marijuana) resulting in they courted them. Each one of them will be jailed for two years.rumán kamkabat2alienable nounSurkápti ororEnglishagreement; covenant; contractkabat/kápti4.9.7.2Christianity4.3.9.1Customanthro; lotu
kamkamkapkamkaskastokmukmukalienable nounSurkesá matngan manEnglishbird typeThe kamkam has four names: kamkam, kapkam, kaskastok, and mukmuk. All four of them are just one bird and it has four names. Some are completely black, and some are black with necks that are white. Its tail is very long. This bird lives along the ground and flies also from one tree to another tree nearby; it does not fly far. It makes its house in overgrown areas. It eats tree fruits. When they hear this bird sounding like the name "kaskastok", then some believe that it is revealing a man is near to dying or has already died. And when it cries with a voice like "mukmuk", some believe that it is walking together with an evil spirit or an evil spirit is close. And some also say that when it cries, then visitors are near and will arrive.kapkamkaskastokmukmuk1.6.1.2Birdbird
kamkamdaintransitive verbEnglishnecklace with; put around the neckThis verb is followed by mai (with).kurkurwakurwaikamdai
kamkamlawaskámkámlawasintransitive verbSurdododong i páplun; sengsegengEnglishfree; clearKamkamlawas is appropriate for referring to sickness or work, while sengsegeng can refer to those as well as things like jail.Tungu ái koner kápate dododong á páplun kabin a lu lala nagogon páptai ái kán wák. Má onin má er ákte long pala kán wák, ki áng kamkamlawas i kán liu mák dododong i páplun.Previously that one's body/life was not good/healthy because his wife greatly controlled-fastened him (held him back). And/but now he has gotten rid of his wife, so his life is free and his body is healthy.sengsegeng
kamkamutintransitive verbSurtunga talka palai mai limánEnglishpulling out with the handramrabutkamut/kamti
kamkarwasalienable nounSurngisán saksakEnglishsong typeThis song type is sung only by men with kuduh (tomtom drum) and garap (bamboo slit drum) accompanying along with dancing. It is performed when an urtarang (evil spirit) cries.gárán4.2.4Dance4.2.3Musicdance; song
kamnaralienable nounEnglishtaboo place; sacred placeTok Pisinpeles tambuTypically one or more evil spirits inhabit a kamnar. Only males are allowed to go to this place as women are particularly susceptible to the consequences of stepping on a kamnar with the result often being the death of the woman.muk2taraiu8.5Location4.3.9.1Customanthro; location
Kamraialienable nounEnglishclan name (Kongkong moiety), clanclan
kamrogosalienable nounEnglishvertical decoration on a headdress or wreathFor differentiation of headdresses and their parts, see kangal. balaparipbangbang2biarbungbungkangal4.3.9.1Customanthro
kamupronounEnglishsecond person plural possessive (non-food)amugam-u5
kamuhatpronounEnglishsecond person quadral possessive (non-food)hat1amuhatgamhat-u5
kamurpronounEnglishsecond person dual possessive (non-food)amurgaur-u5-ur3
kamut / kamtisyncopated verbSurtalka palai mai limánEnglishpull out with the handrabut/raptikamkamut
kamutulpronounEnglishsecond person trial possessive (non-food)tul1amutulgamtul-u5
kanalienable nounEnglishinsect type; ant typeThe kan lives on the ground. Its size is equivalent to the size of the lor (ant type), however the color of the lor is red and the color of the kan is black. The kan lives and crawls along the ground. This thing when it bites a person, then the site of the bite hurts a lot. The kan makes its nest on the ground at the base of trees and beneath plant trash that they have piled up to burn.mur21.6.1.7Insectinsect
kanakintransitive verbSurpekes kabin a mon i dan onEnglishsoft and wetThis can be used of a road that is very muddy because of rain, or food that has been overcooked and is too soft.menengmengwan5.2Food1.7Nature, environmentfood; nature