Vasui - English



varorosuvfollow (to)E Ieesuʼ to vaoe e Matiu pan eʼ se varorosu peʼ.Jesus called Matthew that he should follow him.
varuvdrown (to), put into (to), sink (to)Eʼ to vih non pa ö nöm se tan a vös apuh pa koʼkoneah ko varu eah tahiʼ,...It would be good that you(p) should tie a big stone around his neck and drown him in the sea,...
varuenvmelt (to)O Poen pamëh se tavus maʼ, ka suraʼ se ës vahik a akis, ka ma moeh tah kurus to teʼ ne nën, no oran se varuen en pee.That Day will appear and the fire will completely burn the sky, and every kind of thing which remains there, the glowing embers will melt them.
varuhprnthere, those"Eën se keh veo a möm, emöm se nö ko hop em po kuʼ varuh."If you chase us, we(excl) will go and go into the pigs there.
varurusinvrun away (to)Ka napan varih to matop ne sih po vasun kuʼ pamëh ep a tah vaʼih, pare varurusin ee.And the people here who looked after the pigs saw this thing here and they ran away.
varuruvunadvdeeply... eöm se iu varuruvun rakah hah ëm me ro upöm teʼ,...... you(p) should love deeply indeed one another, ...
varuʼ1vtoo late (to be)E voe to nö rotuʼ varuʼ.The man went to church too late.2advimmediately, in return, now, previously, thusKa varuʼ rakah vakomanih ne ee pon to këh ee maʼ pa kë pee, pare vatet ee pe Ieesuʼ.And right away indeed like this they left their net, and they followed Jesus.3adjonly, only, youngEmöm varuʼ to ep varuʼ in.We only see it now.4tnsrec pst, right awayEmöm to nö vöön varuʼ.We went to the village right away.
vaseakvstoop (to)...e Ieesuʼ to ihoʼ vaseak, pareʼ kinkiun en po oeh pa kumis koreneah....Jesus stooped, and he continually wrote on the ground with his finger.
vasekseakvjump (to continually)[jumping]A ma koaʼ to vasekseak nee.The children are jumping.
vaseovsubmerge (to)E köövo to vaseo a sospen peʼ.The woman submerged her saucepan.
vasikuveducate (to)Vasiku an eah pa taateʼ vih.Educate him about the good custom.
vasinanvbeget (to), mother a child (to)Eʼ to onöt non o 100 kirismas, pareʼ nat pet e non pe köövo peʼ Saraʼ to hikta onöt non a vasinan ta koaʼ,...He was up to 100 years, and he also knew his wife Sarah is not able to beget a child,...
vasintenvalongside (to be)A teʼ to teʼ non vasinten a ruen Rawaʼ.The man is alongside the Rawa river.
vasioʼadjsacred...eʼ se vanö maʼ a Tuvuh Vasioʼ peʼ manih peöm....he will send his sacred (Holy) Spirit to you(p).
vasipoanvimportant (to make)A ma napan to vasipoan e voe.The people made the man important (made him a chief).
vasipunn1ancestor...eʼ to hikta vanun raoe, suk a taeah, eöʼ koman a teʼ va Israël to taneʼ maʼ po vuteʼ vëh ne Abraham to vasipun i non sih....he has not forgotten them, because I myself am a person from Israel who comes from this clan of which Abraham is always the ancestor.2become and ancester (to)Ee a kukön teʼ varih to vasipun voh o vuteʼ nee to popokaʼ nee Kora’.
vasiruakadjmirroringNö poʼ ah, ko ep voh pa nam vasiruak.You go, and look in the mirroring lake.
vasisiʼvbreast feed (to), breast feed (to continually)[breast feeding]Veronica maʼ ko vasisiʼ e koaʼ pën.Veronica come and breast feed your child.
vasiʼsp. var. ofvaasiʼ
vasoevargue (to), discuss (to), say (to)Ka napan pah vatötöhkak ee, pare vasoe ee pan, “Ahik ta pah tah na to ep voh no to teʼ va non manih Israël.”And the people were indeed amazed and they started saying like this, 'There hasn't been anything which we(incl) saw before (previously) which was like this in Israel."
vasoneʼdial. var. ofvasosoneʼ
vasosoërivargue (to), debate (to), dispute (to), opponent (to be an)...pare vasosoëri me raoe, suk a tah pamëh....and they argued with them, because of that thing.
vasosoneʼdial. var.vasoneʼvlittle (to make), reduce (to)(speed,volumn), small (to make)...paröm tös momoe raoe kee tatamoe vasosoneʼ vamanih pa nöh....and you(p) hit into small pieces them and they continually crumble into many pieces such as a clay pot.
vasöë1vstrengthen (to)Eöʼ to nonok noʼ sih a kiu vaʼih, marën a vasöë a ma kokoman peöm kurus,...I am always doing this work in order to strengthen all your(p) thoughts2advstronglyE voe to kiu vasöë rakah.The man worked strongly indeed.