maë1vhungry (to be)Eöʼ to maë vörep.I am very hungry2nappetite, hungerE këh to mët po maë.The dog died of hunger.3advhungrilyE këh to ëën po maë.The dog ate hungrily.
MaëkelBiblical SourceMiakelPrp.NMichaelE susun po ankeroʼ ro vëh e Maëkel...The boss of the angels this one Michael...
MaëlitusBiblical SourceMiletusPrp.NMiletusPo meoh poen emöm to vos em vöön va Samos. Ko meoh poen emöm to vos poʼ em vöön va Maëlitus.On the next day we(excl) arrived at the village of Samos. And on the next day we(excl) then arrived at the village of Miletus.
maënEnglishminenmineA maën manuh Kiat to hiken.The mine in Kieta is finished.
MaëraʼBiblical SourceMairaPrp.NMyraEmöm to nö totoopin em pa tahiʼ va Silisiaʼ me Pamfiliaʼ, ko tavus em vöön Maëraʼ pa muhin Lisiaʼ.We(excl) went straight to the sea of Cilicia and Pamphylia and arrived in the village of Myra in the bush (country) of Lycia.
MagadanBiblical SourceMagadanPrp.NMagadan...ko pahan a tonon, ko vos en manuh pa muhin vëh ne to popokaʼ ne Magadan....and went across the lake and arrived there at this village which they called Magadan.
MahalalelBiblical Jërët e koaʼ pe Mahalalel,......and Jared was the child (son) of Mahalalel,...
mahënadvoutsideTavus a ko toh maʼ manuh mahën.Go outside and play outside there.
mahinalnl.kin.nbrotherA meh havun vamomhë to pënton a soe vaʼih, pare pah heve ov e ne pa poa tom mahin.The other ten disciples heard the talk, this one, and they were really angry with the two brothers.
mahunbachelor, old maid, single, unmarried, widowedA köövo mahu to poʼpoʼ non a rak peʼ.The unmarried woman is planting her garden.
mahunvfull (to be), had enough (to) (eat), satisfied (to be)Eöʼ to manun neoʼ, eöʼ kikta maë.I am satisfied, I am not hungry.
MahunputoʼBiblical SourceMahunputoPrp.NMahunputoA ëhnan a teʼ vëh e Mahunputoʼ.The name of that man is Mahunputo.
MakBiblical SourceMakPrp.NMarkE Mak to apuh voh manih Jerusalëm.Mark grew up in Jerusalem.
makanbeardA maka pe voe to rë.The mans beard is long.
makah1vcooked (to be), fester (to)A taëën pea to makah non.Our food is cooked.2npusA makah pa piʼ peʼ tohat.The pus from his sore is bad.
makarenarrow (used to kill flying fox, small animals)Eën se van a supak pa makare pën.You(s) will shoot the flying fox with your arrow.
makatvdesire strongly (to), encouraged (to be),Ivëh, köm se makat rakah nem pa nok vavih a ma taateʼ poë varih.Therefore, then you(p) should strongly desire indeed to do those customs well.
MakdalaʼBiblical SourceMakdalaPrp.NMagdalaManih topnin o köövo poë varih, a paeh va pee ivëh e Mariaʼ va pa vöön va Makdalaʼ,...In the middle of (among) all these women, one of them this one was Mary from the village of Magdala,...
makeos1vhiccup (to)Eʼ to makeos non.He is hiccupping.2nhiccupA makeos e koaʼ to teʼ non a tëm rë.The child has had the hiccups a long time.
maketveager (to be), strongly desire (to)Eöʼ to maket a kuma.I strongly desire sweet potato.
makënvfeed (to), nourish (to), tame (to) (a pig)E voe to makën o kuʼ peʼ pa kuma.The man fed his pig the sweet potatoe.
MakhelötPrp.NMakheloth, placeEe to këh a Haradaʼ ko uʼuu tanu ee Makhelöt.
MakirPrp.NMachir, nameO vute’ pe Makir sunai’ e Manësaʼ to vapus ko kon o oeh va Giliët, pare te’ e ne nën, ko veo tavus ee pa napan va Amor to te’ voh ne nën.