Akawaio-English Dictionary



aꞌsuꞌka vt 1suck on a sweet or something similar 2kiss
utaꞌsuꞌka (der.) 1vi kissed 2vr kiss
utaꞌsuꞌkan (der.) n kiss
utatɨmuruku (var: utatumuruku) vi to experience an uncontrollable jerk or pain in one's side that is a sign that what one is thinking of will never happen
utatɨmuruꞌna (der.) n jerk
utatɨmuruꞌna (der. of utatɨmuruku) n an inadvertant jerk or stab of pain in one's side
utatɨmuruku (var: utatumuruku) vi to experience an uncontrollable jerk or pain in one's side that is a sign that what one is thinking of will never happen
utatɨmuruꞌna (der.) n jerk
utaꞌtuꞌma (der. of aꞌtuꞌma) vi 1) push off from shore Toꞌ nin si utaꞌtuꞌmakaaꞌpʉ. They pushed off again. 2) float
aꞌtuꞌma vt 1push off, leave shore in a boat 2cast out Ɨri aꞌkwarʉ aꞌtuꞌmanin pe iyesiꞌpʉ. He was one casting out evil spirits.
utaꞌtuꞌma (der.) vi 1push off 2float
utaꞌtuꞌma (der. of aꞌtuꞌma) vr be or become worse Uyeꞌnetʉ utaꞌtuꞌmasaꞌ man. My illness is getting worse.
aꞌtuꞌma vt make worse
utaꞌtuꞌma (der.) vr worsen
utatumuruku var. of utatɨmuruku
utaukwʉrʉka vr lose one's tail, as happens to a tadpole as he turns into a frog Ɨꞌrɨ pe ɨyeꞌsaꞌ? Autaukwʉrʉkasaꞌ! What happened to you? You have lost your tail!
utausinpa (der. of ausin) vr be or become excited
ausin (var: apʉsin) nom 1someone willing Ausin pe iyesi. He is willing. 2someone excited
utausinpa (der.) vr excited
utawasirunpa vr befriend, especially between a boy and a girl
uteramire n (non-possessed) the hue of a mountain from a distance through the haze
utereta vr blood clotting on one's skin Mʉn uteretasaꞌ man. The blood has clotted.
uꞌtɨ vi 1come down Tʉparusi ton nuꞌtɨꞌpʉ iya non pona. He took his sisters down under the ground (into a shelter). 2get off 3go down 4drift down-river
utɨ vi 1go Shop taꞌ utɨ mɨrɨ. I will go/am going to the shop. cf: enta 1 . 2spread, as an idiom Sises ekareei si utɨꞌpʉ mɨ awɨrɨ rɨ Judea poro. The word (about) Jesus spread all throughout Judea. 3fall as a tree in the woods Yʉi utɨsaꞌ. A tree just fell.
utɨrinka vt roll
utoꞌpamʉ (der. of oꞌpamʉ) vr recover, regain one's health, feel better again after an illness Ɨmʉre utoꞌpamʉ pe peꞌ nai? Is your child recovering? syn: usepiꞌtɨ.
oꞌpamʉ vi come back to life, be resurrected Mɨrɨpan itoꞌpamʉꞌpʉ kaꞌpon pe si iyenaꞌpʉ aꞌneꞌ pe. And then he was resurrected as a person, as a piaichang.
utoꞌpamʉ (der.) vr recover
utuꞌ n 1(non-possessed) a variety of wood ant 2wood ant nest found in many tree tops
Utuꞌ nprop the name given to a creek (where?)
Utuk Awen nprop the name given to a large bay along the Upper Mazaruni river, down-river from the Kukui mouth
utunta vi go home syn: ennaꞌpo .
uturumʉ vi 1crow or make another variety of bird noise Wairarimɨ esiꞌpʉ tʉuturunsen bell kasa. Wairarimɨ was making the sound of a bell. 2whistle 3sing