Browse Doromu-Koki – English



ruakalua'a1rua1adjnew, clean, fresh, young.Rama ya nida, kono ruakari, Amiye di mida ini vabara di ourefeidena amena fata fafau ameinu rego.Truly I say to you, in the new world, the Son of man will sit on his throne of glory.Fani di ini doka mina oketa iye ruaka dudu yaga ida ri.Line the bottom of the pan with fresh Tahitian chestnut leaves.Mida rua vene mina, iroka ma koru no mina irakunari ga iriyagane.Those young boys must not smoke or drink alcohol at this feast.unspec. var.lua'a2rua28. ninaunspec. comp. formcvbecome new, be cleansed.Ini mida rafei maro, mina reyo neganari ini mida di rovaita ruaka niyo.She washed her son, and when she did this at that time her son's skin was cleansed.
ruaka ninaunspec. comp. form ofruaka
ruanaadjyoungBudogoro yabo ruana nugasi efa vari.Cut down the young budorogo tree and plant pandanus.Ya bi dia ugava de; ya bi mida ruana.You are not old; you are a young child.
rubarubo2nhole, opening, pit, cave in ground or tree.Dabua kori uvesi rego rofu ruba moi tora rigo.The old cloth will tear up and make the hole bigger.Mina amiye guri avana fore rubari amegamo.This man was living in the burial pits.Ruba mina ma bae deyo.A cave goes down here.unspec. var.rubo11.2.1.5Undergroundruba ninaunspec. comp. formcvbe opened up/perforated.Idu tui tui nidori amiye diye ruba nidedi.When flying foxes call out people are frightened (lit. 'intestines are opened').Idiomatic
ruba ninaunspec. comp. form ofruba
rubo1unspec. var. ofrubahole
rubunclan, household, tribe.Rubu iniye iniye berou berou ruda regedi.Clans will fight against each other.Kokou rubu vene yaku dona eso una maradi.The Kokou clan/tribe/household gave us pork belly., clan
rudanfighting, violence, attack, rebellion, fierceness.Minari bi kono vene tau bi Sei di ini nemokori no regamadima gagani kono tora bi ruda imi yaku ri vai reyo.There the people of the earth were corrupt in God's sight, and it was filled with fighting and violent people.4.8.2Fightruda amiyeunspec. comp. formcnfighter, warrior, soldier, troop.Ina be ruda amiye tora iniye.He was a very great warrior.ruda redo amiyeunspec. comp. formsoldierRuda redo amiye ina rofu niyori, muyeyo mamo, kamini ina rofu niyo bi rovaita moigi digo.When the soldier told him that he was dead, then he told him to go and get the body.ruda renaunspec. comp. formcvfight (against), compete against, be in conflict with, oppose, resist, hinder.Adena ugamadi fuofuori ruda reyadi.While dancing they were fighting.ruda veneunspec. comp. formcnsoldiersRuda vene di tora tora ma raka nisi irakuna ina rofu maro.He called the leading soldiers and gave them a feast.
ruda amiyeunspec. comp. form ofruda
ruda redo amiyeunspec. comp. form ofruda
ruda renaunspec. comp. form ofruda
ruda veneunspec. comp. form ofruda
ruenanember, ash, small/bundle of firewood.Ita ruena yokoi moi bae.Bring an ember.Ita vaina bona ita ruvena bi mini.Here are the firewood and the fire.5.5.5What fires produce
rugunAfroYi ada bi rugu iniye.Your hair is very Afro (like).
rugurugu rinacvbundle uprightOruma siko butu resi origi rugurugu rigedi.First collect the weeds and bundle them to burn.6.2.5Harvest
rui2unspec. var. ofruikanow
ruikarui1n(right/just) now, new.Na bi nai maruka rofu ruika maka sina nimagida.I'm going to talk to my husband right now.John bi ini nonosa etofa ro ruika yakuyadi.John went outside with his mother just now.Ruika iniye, Ukarumpa ri diba yokoi moina dada erena eta keu risi baeyaka.New to me, I got on a plane and came to get some learning at Ukarumpa.unspec. var.rui28. makaunspec. comp. formright awayEvade ruika maka taoni fere.Quickly right away leave town.
ruika makaunspec. comp. form ofruika
ruirui renacvbe obnoxious/overwhelming; be disagreeable, objectionable, offensive, unpleasant, nasty.Mina diye bi iko ruirui reyo.These faeces smelled obnoxious.
ruka rinacvwrapMina dagere bi Savero yaku ruka riyo.This dagere banana was wrapped by Savero.
rukunavpick (up).Boi nesi Ko koruri ima vaga remanu ka rukusi moi degedi.Go across to Ko river and also pick up two bunches and bring them down. up
rumana1nman; male, husband, groom.Amiye tau vakoi dadi vau reyadi, tora vene, rema, rumana, ofi, godua tau vakoi dadi vau reyadi.All together the people all got up, big people, women, men, young women, young men they all together got up.Yi rumana bi goini?Where is your husband? baku renaunspec. comp. formdateRema mida nesi rumana baku reyaine di sina nifeideyo.The girl sent word down to a man to come and date (lit. 'meet') her.rumana iniye iniye koa renaunspec. comp. formhomosexualityRumana iniye iniye koa rena di vegu regamadi.They were practicing homosexuality.rumana keikaunspec. comp. formsmall boyNai rumana keika bi ini nonosa boyadi.My small boy went with his mother.rumana ruaunspec. comp. formyoung manYa bi rumana rua gugura tau nufa maina de reyo.You didn't look for a rich young man.rumana toraunspec. comp. formadult/older/elderly man.Rumana tora tora oteimagiya koru no irina ga reyaganedi.You will teach the older men that they must not drink alcohol.rumanasa varena deunspec. comp. formvirginityMibi mida godua yaku rema ofi rumanasa varena de nikau redo kana.It is like a young man engaged to a young virgin.rumanasa varena kode remaunspec. comp. formvirginRumanasa varena kode rema yokoi yaku rivo nisi rumana mida odigo.A virgin will become pregnant and bear a son.
rumana2vhelp, serve, assist.Ruma kumo iriyaine.Serve him so that he can eat.