Browse Doromu-Koki – English



fonufonu renaunspec. comp. form offonufonu
fonukancompost, rubbish heap.Lagani yokoi maka ferei kumo adinari kono tanu masi fonuka aegida.Leave it alone for just one more year and I will full up dirt around it and put in compost.Nai baba ya erima aruma tora uyo sanika fonukari.My father killed an erima snake in the rubbish heap. a field
fora ninacvcalm/quiet (down).Ina yaku aura fora niyoma bere niyo.He calmed the storm and it became still.
forafora renacvbubble upRaisi forafora reyo.The rice bubbled up.1.3.2Movement of water
forenstone; rock, gravel.Ina fore ya maro ba?Did he give you those stones?Bi fore fore konori yareyadi.Some fell on rocky ground. buniunspec. comp. formjewel, beautiful/valuable/gem stone.Na bi fore buni vayavaya auba riyaka.I chose a valuable stone.fore itaunspec. comp. formcnsulphurResi fore itasa moi feideyo taoniri oma odoro gutuna.Then he sent down sulphur from heaven onto the towns.Also has spiritual implications.fore ninaunspec. comp. formcvsolidify, harden.Kono ka fore niyo meda dada.The ground solidifed because of the sun.fore rubaunspec. comp. form1cncave, den.Sufa auna bi ini fore ruba nufa.Wild dogs have their dens.2money; finance, needs.Koki urana Mimani koru moi ada mana maka fore maina.They headed to Koki market along the Mimani river to look for some money.fore aena daiyutuunspec. comp. formtreasuryFore ini aena daiyutu aegi reida.I am going to put money in the treasury.fore butu redo amiyeunspec. comp. formtax collectorAmiye yokoi bi fore butu redo amiye.One man was a tax collector.fore guguraunspec. comp. formcnalmsNai vene di irava vene rofu fore gugura magi ma ori sisika regi dairiyaka.I returned to give alms to my people's poor and to offer sacrifices.fore rofu moimai redo amiyeunspec. comp. formhired workerMina amiye ori digo bi fore rofu moimai redo amiye dada.This person runs away because he is a hired worker.fore senesi redo amiyeunspec. comp. formmoney changerFore senesi redo amiye bosi ve.Go and see the money changer.
fore aena daiyutuunspec. comp. form offore
fore buniunspec. comp. form offore
fore butu redo amiyeunspec. comp. form offore
fore guguraunspec. comp. form offore
fore itaunspec. comp. form offore
fore ninaunspec. comp. form offore
fore rofu moimai redo amiyeunspec. comp. form offore
fore rubaunspec. comp. form offore
fore senesi redo amiyeunspec. comp. form offore
forerolocup there, above, upwards.Forero rofu mironi ye boi ve.It is up over there so look up.Elevated generic locative9.2.3.5Demonstrative pronouns
forokaforo'a1nloosely woven coconut frond basket.Anema garasi boyadi, ina diba de garasi forokasa diyadi.They left their diving glasses at the headwaters, and they didn't know they went up with their glasses in the basket.unspec. var.foro'a25.2.1.4Food storage
forova ninacvleaves changing colour.Vakubo yabo yaku forova niyo.The vakubo flowering plant's leaves changed colour. color
forovainconfusion; mixture.Mina forovai fafau ago regode, Motu, Pidgin bona English ya moi forovai ini reyo.Concerning this confusion are three languages, Motu, Pidgin and English are mixed in. renaunspec. comp. formcvconfuse; be crazy, overwhelm, trouble, perplex, bewilder, mystify, baffle, befuddle, puzzle, stupefy, complicate, misplace, mistake, slip away.Ina bi forovai reyo!He is crazy/confused!Vo nisi ida forovai resi feresi baeyo rauturi.It so happened that the road coming and going into the village was hard to follow (lit. 'perflexing').Ini mokena forovai iniye reyo.His thinking was very confused/troubling.
forovai renaunspec. comp. form offorovai
foro'a2unspec. var. offorokabasketKorigo dialect
forunpart animal-part human spirit.Foru yaku veyadi.The part animal-part human spirits were seen.4.9.2Supernatural beingforu bodakaunspec. comp. formcnpart animal/part human evil spirit.Ma yi rokari foru bodaka meki regamafa ba ide?And in your name weren't we casting out evil spirits?foru monogounspec. comp. formcnpart animal/part human spirit with magical powers.Foru monogo yabo odorori amededi.The part animal/part human spirits live up in the trees.
foru bodakaunspec. comp. form offoru
foru monogounspec. comp. form offoru
fosi1npimple, acne.Yi rovaita fosi, ara nufa ma muramura koina vonisi, yakita iye yaku ya aedego.If your body has pimples and sores and you have no medicine, leaves can help you.2.1.4Skin