Browse Doromu-Koki – English



fukanfig tree species which animals eat.Ina yaku fuka yabo kiraini reyo.He cursed the fig tree.1.5.1Treefuka mekounspec. comp. formcnchild's toy vehicle.Mida mida fuka meko dudu isira rededi.The children play with toys.
fuka mekounspec. comp. form offuka
fuka renacvkissKaere fuka regida amiye bi rama mini.The one I will kiss is really the one.4.1.8Show affection
fulubai2unspec. var. ofvata bainafillBadaika
fununroofing iron.Ita orisifa dada funu gabu niyo.We burned the firewood so the roofing iron became black.6.5.3Building materials
fuofuoripostwhile, whilst, during, when.Adena ugamadi fuofuori ruda reyadi.While dancing they were fighting.
furanweekBi ari uveyori uriyaku gorogoro iniye fura di ourena medari.It was early in the morning when the sun came up on the first day of the week.
furisipurisi2npolice, guard.Baegika bi ini furisi vene koru gena asini maro.They were trying to come and he gave his policemen guns.Uruyakuri bi kota rededi vene yaku furisi tora vene ago maro.In the morning the officials gave word to the guards.unspec. var.purisi14.6.6.1Police
furu renaora2o'a2cvbubble/spring/well/fill (up), whirl, rotate.Na yaku ina rofu magida koru bi ini ideri koru buruka nisi toga ameibobina vegu furu furu rebigo.The water that I will give him will become in him a spring which will bubble up/well up eternal life.Koru furu reyo.The water was springing up.Didimoro yaku nai yava furu reyadi.My house was filled with termites.unspec. var.ora1o'a11.3.2Movement of water
furufuru renacvspring flowing out or welling up.Koru furufuru regasa amedo.As the water is flowing out it is staying full.
furunanbranchUka yokoi yabo furunari veyaka.I saw a possum in the tree branches.1.5.5Parts of a plant
fururu renacvflyMa vana raro ere bi fururu regamo dumo kana.And the fourth one was flying like an eagle. movement
fusepuse2nbag, sack.Gua bi kaere fuse o dura de nufa bi moi.Now whoever doesn't have a bag or net bag, get one.Puse moi de kumo iruku merinadi.Let's bring sacks and put food in them.unspec. var.puse16.7.7.1Bagfuse rinaunspec. comp. formcvbag (up).Ini rema vene bi mosara goega fuse rigasa moi okiyadi koru seriri, rumana vene tufe rigamadi sanau.The men's wives dug sweet potato and bagged them, and brought them to the riverbank, where the two men were building rafts.
fuse rinaunspec. comp. form offuse
fute rena1cvmumbleBeika resi vena dudu fute fute reisa?Why are you mumbling with your mouth? quietly
fute rena2cvblinkEvade evade nemoko fute rena kana vata nigo.It will happen immediately like a blink of the eye.
futu renacvbump (into), knock over, trip, stumble.Raga dudu desi nai yuka futu reyaka yabo daruri.I came running down and I bumped my foot/leg on the tree root.Amiye yaku mina fore futu regedi.People will stumble on this stone. over
fuyo renacvturn head around.Idu bi fuyo rei ne resi ini usi dina vene veyo.But he turned around and looked and saw his disciples.7.3.5Turn something
fu'u renacvcast/say spell/charm.Bi fu'u regasa vima no meki rena veve amiye.He cast spells and is a wizard (lit. 'casting evil spirits omen person').