Browse Doromu-Koki – English



fosi2ncatFosi yaku dago uyo.The cat killed the dragonfly.
fosisanrustAuri bi fosisa tau gade nufa.The metal has a lot of rust.
fotakanshell, covering, wood chip, betel nut skin.Resi fotaka utei resi koka rena yavari ne.And then go down to the threshing (lit. 'shell beating and removing') house.1.5.5Parts of a plant
fotaka rinacvfell tree, cut second time.Yabo fotaka ri.Fell the tree.7.8.3Cut
fou1nshotIna yaku fou regori maragane ya nida.When he will shoot, I'm telling you that you should give it (a gun) to him., shootfou ninaunspec. comp. formcverupt, shoot out.Kono fou niyo.The volcano (lit. 'mountain') erupted.Intransitive.fou renaunspec. comp. formcvshootSivoni mina veyori, furisi vene niyoma koru gena fou reyadi fereyagane vonisi.When the white man saw this, he told the police to shoot their guns so that they might leave.
fou2ntimber, lumber.Fou nugika disifa.We are going to cut timber.
fou ninaunspec. comp. form offou1
fou renaunspec. comp. form offou1
founanimmature/green sugarcane.Meda sei reyo; arefa founa be ode.It is hot; cut some immature sugarcane.1.5.3Grass, herb, vine
foyandust from ash and wind which covers the body, making it "white".Yi taoni di kono foya uni yuka rafori, bi yasa minari eyaresifa mini.Your town's dust on our feet, we brush it off here before you., dirt
foyoma renacvcrush, squash, squeeze, mix in.Amiye yaku de itei ri foyoma de regedi.The people will not step on him and crush him.Tauga mina tinifisisa imi foyoma re.Mix banana in with this tin fish.7.7.4Press
fo'o ninacvpop, open up, explode.Dona yaku goide meko irigamo ma fo'o nigamo.A pig was eating goide nut and it was popping.Mina dudu mina amiye di anema fo'o niyo.With that this man's ears opened up.Balon fo'o niyo.The ballon exploded.
fu1npuff, blow.Oruma fu furi evade nugafa.When the grass is blowing quickly cut it. airfu nina2unspec. comp. formcvpuff, blow, produce.Ini bobo ruika fu nisi iye imu rego.It will produce new unopened buds and leaves.Intransitive.fu renaunspec. comp. formcvblowIta fu re kumo fairo reyaine.Blow the fire and it will flame up.Transitive.
fu2napologyBosi Chris rofu fu moifa.Go get an apology from Chris.
fu nina1unspec. var. offiu nina 1sprout
fu nina2unspec. comp. form offu1
fu renaunspec. comp. form offu1
fudika renacvcome looseIkoko de rei mona reyo, tu fudika reyo.He didn't nail it well, it came a bit loose.
fufu renacvhave stubbleVena ueta fufu reyo.(My) beard had stubble.2.1.1Head
fufutanbackPilisi nai mida, nai fufuta isagoe.Please son, scratch my back.2.1.2Torsofufuta agounspec. comp. formcngossipNa bi ini vegu ma fufuta ago una rofu nido mina moi ogau regida.I will expose his practices and the gossip he says about us.fufuta manaunspec. comp. formcvreject, deny.Fufuta marori, mina konori vene bedakai bi dairisi Sei auta reyadi.For when they were rejected, some of this world's people returned to fellowship with God.fufuta sinaunspec. comp. form1cngossipIna bi fufuta sina vene.They are gossips.2behind, after.Ina bi ita keika yokoi kono odorori ini yava fufutari riyo.He built a small fire on the ground behind his house.Meda be koina niyo fufutari, diyadi.After some days passed, they went.
fufuta agounspec. comp. form offufuta
fufuta manaunspec. comp. form offufuta
fufuta sinaunspec. comp. form offufuta
fuiya renacvbe lazy/tired.Ro fuiya reyaka.I was tired.