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टेंडका मेंडकाʈẽɖka mẽɖkacnEnglizards and frogs; reptiles and amphibians1. ofमेंडकाटेंडका
टेंडकीʈẽɖkinEngfrog1.6.1.4Amphibianबीसही टेंडकीbishi ʈẽɖkicnEnggecko1.6.1.3Reptile
टेंडाʈẽɖanEngshadoof6.7.4Lifting tool
टेंडूकʈẽɖukv1Engto scold for beggingused with a sərəm curse4.8.4.1Rebuke2Engto lift water with shadoof7.3.2.4Lift
टेंन्‍कूकʈẽnkukvEngto dry; to solidifyas when raw sugar ball becomes solid as it cools1.3.3.1Dry1.3.3Wet
टेंवर टेंवरʈẽwər ʈẽwərsoundEngsound of crying2.3.2.3Types of sounds
टेकटरʈekʈərnEngtractor6.2.8Agricultural tool
टेकनी खूटाʈekni kʰuʈacnEngox-cart part; forked ox-cart support shaftforked wooden piece for resting shaft of ox-cart on when oxen are let loose6.2.8Agricultural toolcomp. ofखूटा 2
टेकनी खूटा
टेकसीʈeksinEngtaxiborrowing from English7.
टेकाऊकʈekaukcvVbEngto cause to touchजीब छाती के टेकाऊ।Make your tongue touch your chest. ofटेकूक1 3टेकूक
टेकूकʈekukv1Engto touch; to lean againstas feet touching floor when sitting on a chair, touching shoulders when sit close together, head touching door frame, etc2.3.5Sense of touch7.3.4.1Touch2Engto support; to rest; to prop, to set down.टेकाऊकʈekaukcvVbEngto cause to touchजीब छाती के टेकाऊ।Make your tongue touch your chest.
टेजरीʈedʒrinEngsafe6.8.1.4Store wealth
टेड़गाʈeɽɡaadjEngleaning6.1.2.6Prepareटेड़गा बाकड़ाʈeɽɡa bakɽacomAdjEngcrookedHinटेढा मेढा
टेड़गा बाकड़ाʈeɽɡa bakɽacomAdjEngcrookedHinटेढा मेढा ofबाकड़ाटेड़गा
टेड़ाʈeɽanEngturned around7.2.2.6Turnटेड़ा करूकʈeɽa kərukcomVbEngto turn away7.3.5Turn something7.2.2.6Turnटेड़ा होऊकʈeɽa houkcomVb1Engto be cock-eyedहाँडी टेड़ा होलीसे।The water pots are cock-eyed on (her head)., outside2Engto be turned around7.3.5Turn something7.2.2.6Turn8.
टेड़ा होऊकʈeɽa houkcomVb1Engto be cock-eyedहाँडी टेड़ा होलीसे।The water pots are cock-eyed on (her head)., outside2Engto be turned around7.3.5Turn something7.2.2.6Turn8. v. ofटेड़ाहोऊकटेड़ा
टेड़ी बाँगʈeɽi bãɡcnEnghair parted on side2.1.5Hair
टेमʈemn1Engwick8. source2Engtimemay be a borrowing from English8.4Time
टेमरूʈemrunEngDiospyros ebenoxulon; Tendu treefruit edible when ripe. According to Elwin (1947:33) The fruit is picked while still unripe and put in kodo chaff to mature.1.5.1Treeटेमरू मोदाँगʈemru modãɡcfमोहों मोदाँगcomp. ofमोदाँगcnEngorchid type1.5Plant
टेमहाʈemhanEngtree type; citrusprobably orange1.5.1Tree
टेरीʈeriadjEngon side; sideways

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