1.3.3. Wet

आटा मचरीaʈa mətʃricnEngfish trapped in dried out fields1.3.3.1Dry6.2Agriculture1.6.1.5Fishcomp. ofआटूक1मचरी
आटूक1aʈukitVbEngto evaporateHinनाश होना; लय होनाsubject is 'water'आटा भाँडीaʈa bʰãɖicnEngrice starch6.2.6.2Mill grain6. riceआटा भातaʈa bʰatcfपेज भातcomp. ofपेजभातभाता कोताcomp. ofभात1 9cnEngunstirred cooked rice where all the water has evaporated5.2Foodआटा मचरीaʈa mətʃricnEngfish trapped in dried out fields1.3.3.1Dry6.2Agriculture1.6.1.5Fish
ऊपड़ूकupɽukcfऊपड़ता मोरूकph. v. ofमोरूकऊपड़ता1itVbEngto fall on top of something, such as when a plaster mixture splashes onto to things as the walls are plasteredHinछपछपानाsubject may be inanimate7. splash1.3.2Movement of water1.3.3Wetऊपड़ाऊकupɽaukcvVbEngto cause to splash9.6.2.5Cause1.3.2Movement of water
ओधाodʰaadjEngwetओधा फोटई।Wet clothes.referent is clothes1.3.3.1Dry1.3.3Wet
खड़ खड़ाkʰəɽ kʰəɽacomAdjEngcompletely dry; bone-dry; dryHinसूखा ofखड़1 7खड़खड़ खड़ा सूकूकcomVbto dry completely
खड़ खड़ा सूकूकkʰəɽ kʰəɽa sukukcomVbEngto dry completelyHinसुखाना v. ofखड़ खड़ाredup. ofखड़1 7सूकूकसूकूकखड़
गाद धरूकɡad dʰərukcomVbEngto be greasedHinतेल देनागाड़ी गाद धरूआएThe ox-cart will be greased.thick and gunky1.3.3.1Dry1.2.2.4Mineralph. v. ofगाद2धरूक
घलरनाएँɡələrnaẽadvEngwatery; runny1.3Water1.3.3Wet
चीकल लातूकtʃikəl latukcomVbEngto muddy up floorthis done after pouring on water during house-building process1.2.2.1Soil, dirt6.5.2Parts of a building6.5.2.3Floor1.3.3Wetph. v. ofलातूकचीकल
चीकल लोंडीtʃikəl lõɖicnEngmud gamesmear mud on friends; done during time of weeding fields and at wedding when groom smears mud on bride and his friends1.2.2.1Soil, dirt4.2.6.1Game1.3.3Wetcomp. ofचीकललोंडी
चीकलtʃikəlcfलदी1nEngmudचाऊर के पोकाली, बेरा ने, ईतलो चीकल ने।The rice fell into the mud in the rice field., dirt1.3.3Wet2adjEngmuddy1.2.2.1Soil, dirt1.3.3Wetचीकल धोनी मोंदtʃikəl dʰoni mõdcnEngliquor consumed during podər tʃeɡni festival5.2.3.7Alcoholic beverage4.2.2.2Festival, showचीकल लातूकtʃikəl latukcomVbEngto muddy up floorthis done after pouring on water during house-building process1.2.2.1Soil, dirt6.5.2Parts of a building6.5.2.3Floor1.3.3Wetचीकल लोंडीtʃikəl lõɖicnEngmud gamesmear mud on friends; done during time of weeding fields and at wedding when groom smears mud on bride and his friends1.2.2.1Soil, dirt4.2.6.1Game1.3.3Wet
चेगनी मचरी बेराtʃeɡni mətʃri beracfमोलेआतो बेराcomp. ofमोलेआऊकबेराcnEngwet season; monsoon seasonचेगनी मचरी बेरा दाँदर के चेगनी मोंडान देतोर आए।During the wet season a fish trap is to be laid at the place where water goes from field to field.tʃeɡni 'opening in field for water'; mətʃri 'fish'; bera 'time period' of time1.3.3Wetcomp. ofचेगूकनी1मचरीबेराचेगूकमचरीबेरा
चेमटtʃeməʈnEngwatery phlegm2.2.4Mucus2.2Body functions1.3.3Wetचेमट पोसूकtʃeməʈ posukcomVb1Engto wipe nose2.1Body2.2.4Mucus2.1.1.3Nose5.6.6Wipe, erase2Engto blow nose2.2.4Mucus2.1.1.3Nose2.2.1Breathe, breath
चीहलाtʃihlan1Engwhitening of skinfrom blister peeling off or from different pigmentation in spots on skin2.5.2.2Skin disease2.1.4Skin2Engdamp spot on mud floor, doesn't dry1.3.3Wet8.2.4Wide
छेनाtʃʰenanEngdry manure1.3.3.1Dry2.2.8Defecate, feces
जबूकdʒəbukvEngto smash lentil in husker after soaking in water1.3.3.1Dry5.2Food5. in mortar and pestle
जूरलो बीतीdʒurlo biticnEngtough food from having dried out a bitsuch as okra, beans, meats, etc1.3.3.1Dry5.2Foodcomp. ofजूरूकलो 2बीती 2जूरूकबीती
जूरूकdʒurukv1Engto fill outas beans in a pod, gourds, etcबाड़ली बोले बरक कार होली बोले जूरेदे हून चो समो एऊन अमरेदे हूदलदाएँ हून के मारतोर आए।When grown, when a year has passed, it will fill out, when it the right maturity, at that time one is to be cutting (the sugarcane). from fruit2Engto dry outजूरातोर आए राती बेरा काजे, बीआन पहार खोआतोर आए आऊर पीला जातोर आए, मोरूआए।‎One is to be drying it out overnight, (and then) in the morning one is to be feeding (to the woman) and the child is to be going (aborted), (and) it will die.जूरला कीड़ाdʒurla kiɽacnEngan insectHinतिलचटाeats clothes1.6.1.7Insectजूरलो बीतीdʒurlo biticnEngtough food from having dried out a bitsuch as okra, beans, meats, etc1.3.3.1Dry5.2Food
झरूकdʒʰərukv1Engto leakHinटपकना; चूनाsubject is 'water'1.3.2Movement of water1.3.2.1Flow2Engto ooze from a porous container1.3.2.3Drip1.3.3Wet
टेंन्‍कूकʈẽnkukvEngto dry; to solidifyas when raw sugar ball becomes solid as it cools1.3.3.1Dry1.3.3Wet
डबराɖəbranEngmud puddle; poolHinडब्‍रा, dirt1.3.3Wet
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