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Browse Halbi - English

रे2revocEngfriend (vocative)
रेंगूकrẽɡukvEngto walk slowly7.2.1.1Walk
रेंदाrẽdanEngplane6.7Toolरेंदा धरूकrẽda dʰərukcomVbEngto plane6.7Tool
रेकटाrekʈan1Engline8.3.1.2Line2Englines on palm of hand8.3.1.2Line2.1.3Limb3Engdye run on cloth
रेजरredʒərnEngrazor8.3.2.3Sharp5.4.3.6Shave6.7.1Cutting toolरेजर पतीredʒər pəticnEngrazor blade5.4Adornment6.7.1Cutting tool
रेजीस्‍टरredʒisʈərHin. borr.रेजीस्टरीnEngregistrationरेजीसटर साहाब।the registration official.
रेटreʈcfरेटेnEngside; edge8.6.3Side8.6.6Edge
रेटेreʈecfरेटadvEngat side of8.2.6.2Near8.5.1.5Touching, contact8.5.1.2Beside8.2.6.1Far8. to
रेडीओreɖionEngradioborrowed from English3.5.9.6Communication devices3.5.9Mass communication3.5.9.1Radio, television
रेतनीretnicfरेतीnEngsmall file6.2.8Agricultural tool6.7Tool
रेतीreticfरेतनीnEngfile tool6.2.8Agricultural tool9.5.1.2Instrument
रेतूकretukvEngto cut with sawing action7.8.3Cutमूँड रेतूकmũɖ retukcomVbEngto wash hair2.1.5Hair5.4.3Care for hair
रेलrelnEngrailway; train7.
रोऊकroukcfऊपास रोऊकph. v. ofरोऊकऊपास1vEng to beHinराहनाकाली ईदली दाएँ हूता आसूँ।At this time yesterday we were there.कोन कूकड़ा बाटे रूआस?Which side are you on in the cockfight?, remain2stVbEngto stay; to dwellHinराहनाअमदेआ रोऊकəmdea roukcomVbEngto take up residenceHinसर्वदा रहना; बसना5.9Live, stayऊपास रोऊकupas roukcfरोऊकcomVbEngto be fasting4.9.5.9Fasting5.2.2.9Fast, not eatऊबा रोऊकuba roukcomVbEngto stand upright7.3.1.5Set upright7.1.1Stand8.ओगाए रोऊकoɡae roukcomVbEngto be quietHinचुप रहना nothingखातो मोन रोऊकkʰato mon roukcomVbEngto remain hungry5.2.2.5Hungry, thirstyगाड़ू रोऊकɡaɽu roukcomVbEngto be in the ground1.2.1Landछूत ने रोऊकtʃʰut ne roukcomVbEngto be unclean; to be defiledHinबिराद्रीसे बाहर करनाrefers mainly to women but whole house becomes defiled with death4.9.5.6Religious purificationदेहें ने रोऊकdehẽ ne roukcomVbEngto be pregnantHinगर्भवती होनाबेका चो आएआ देहें ने आसे।Becca's mother is pregnant.भाग रोऊकbʰaɡ roukcomVbEngto be dying; to be about to die within daysभगवान भाग दीलीसे?God has set apart to die?हूनचो ईतली भाग रोली तेबे मोरलो।It was his time to die so he died.with idea of separation from life2.6.6Dieराका रोऊकraka roukcfलेक करूकph. v. ofकरूकलेखcomVbEngto stand watch; to guard; to protectHinरक्षाकरनाआजी आमचो राका रोतो बूता आसे।Today I have to stay on watch.रोलोroloadjEngbeingभूईं बाड़ी रोलो लोगbʰuĩ baɽi rolo loɡcfभूईं बाड़ी लोगcomp. ofभूईं बाड़ीलोगcnEnglandownersलीखा रोऊकlikʰa roukcomVbEngto live out one's yearsभगवान थान ले लीखा रोली नाहाले भाग रोली।From God (we) live out our years. (??)2.6.6Die2.6Life5.9Live, stayहद घड़ी रोऊकhəd ɡʰəɽi roukcomVbEngto stay continuously in one place7.2.7.2Stay, remainहद रोऊकhəd roukcomVbEngto stay continously in one place; to be in one place7.2.7.2Stay, remainहरीक ने रोऊकhərik ne roukcomVbEngto be happy3.4.1.2Happyहेतचेत नी रोऊकhettʃet ni roukcomVb1Engto be unconscious 3.1Soul, spirit2Engto lose contact with surroundings
रोंगटrõɡəʈcfमोईलadjEngdirtyरोंगट होलीसे।It's become dirty.5.6.1Clean, dirty
रोंडाrõɖan1Enggrass; field flowersgeneric term1.5.3Grass, herb, vine2Engweed
रोकीrokin1Engscratch2Engplane for smoothing wood6.7Toolरोकी करूकroki kərukcomVbEngto scratch7.3.4.5Actions of the handरोकी होऊकroki houkcomVbEngto be scratched8.3.2.2Rough6.7.1Cutting tool

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