Halbi - English

रा1ranum > numEngordinaliser marker
रा2racnvsufEngnomMkr(masc)comp.मीसरा घरामीसूक3
राऊतrautnEngcaste name; cook for sahabs4.1.4.1Social class
राऊनraunnEngcrying3.5.6.5Cry, tear2.6.6.4Mournराऊन पोड़ूकraun poɽukcomVbEngto cry a lot3.5.6.5Cry, tear
राएँ राएँ राएँ राएँraẽ raẽ raẽ raẽsoundEngsound of whirlwind1.1.3.1Wind2.3.2.2Sound
राएraenEnguncertain meaning
राएक ने राकूकraek ne rakukcomVbEngto put between castesph. v. ofराकूक
राएकाraekanEngmaid servant
राएकेराraekerapn1EngRaikera River2EngRaekera sub-district of Jagdalpur tahsil
राकसrakəsn1Engmonster1.6.1Types of animals2Enggorilla; gorilla-like creature
राकसीनraksinnEngspirit name; mother of unborn childrenthis spirit possesses the mother of aborted or stillborn child and is greatly feared4.9.2Supernatural beingराकसीन चो कीरेआraksin tʃo kireacnEnglimiting factor of raksin spirit4.9.4Miracle, supernatural power4.9Religion4.9.2Supernatural being
राकसीन चो कीरेआraksin tʃo kireacnEnglimiting factor of raksin spiritthe spirit is unable to cross a body of water; especially rivers4.9.4Miracle, supernatural power4.9Religion4.9.2Supernatural beingcomp. ofराकसीनचोकीरेआराकसीनकीरेआ
राकाrakanEngguard; watchman4.7.7.3Imprisonराका रोऊकraka roukcfलेक करूकph. v. ofकरूकलेखcomVbEngto stand watch; to guard; to protectHinरक्षाकरनाआजी आमचो राका रोतो बूता आसे।Today I have to stay on watch.
राका रोऊकraka roukcfलेक करूकph. v. ofकरूकलेखcomVbEngto stand watch; to guard; to protectHinरक्षाकरनाआजी आमचो राका रोतो बूता आसे।Today I have to stay on watch. v. ofराकारोऊक
राकूकrakukvEngto take another wifeusually after first one runs away, and usually have a ʈika ceremonyएचो मनूस आऊर बाएले राकलो।Her husband took another wife.2.6.1Marriageराएक ने राकूकraek ne rakukcomVbEngto put between castes
रागraɡn1Engvoice noise; sound of voiceहूनचो राग सूनी होली।I heard his voice.मचो राग घेंगर घेंगर होएसे।My voice is all choked up. (ie, I have a frog in my throat)नानी रागnani raɡcnEnghigh voice3.5.1.1Voice4.2.3Music8.2.6.3High2Engirritating smellespecially with chillies or onionsमीरी चो राग चूर चूरूआए।The chillies irritating smell will sting.2.3.4Smellबोड़े रागboɽe raɡcn1Englow voice; deep voice3.5.1.1Voice9.3.1Degree2.3.2.3Types of sounds2Engdeep voice3.5.1.1Voice9.3.1Degree2.3.2.2Sound
राँग खाड़ूrãɡ kʰaɽucnEngbangle typemade of a kind of metal5.4.1Jewelrycomp. ofखाड़ू
राँग खाड़ू
राजradʒn1Engkingdom4.6.7.1Country2Engcountrycomp. ofराज भाड़ाराज करूकcomVbto rule a countryराज गादीcnreigning over countryराज पाटcncountry; state; area of administrationkingdomराज बाड़ देओ बाड़comVbto grow quickly to adulthoodराज राज खूट खूटcnwhole country; everywhereराज रीआसcnkingdoms
राज गादीradʒ ɡadicnEngreigning over countrywith sense of all will obey4.6.7.1Country4.6.4Rulecomp. ofराजcomp. ofराज भाड़ागादी2गादी2