7.5.4. Tie

आँहराãhranEngrope made of paddy strawthe bottom woven part of a sika which holds pot or other load6.2.5.4Plant product6.7.5Fastening tool7.5.4.1Rope, string
आँहराpaddy straw rope
ऊदान डोरीudan ɖoricnEngrope type used for tying poʈea pʰara to axle6.7.5Fastening tool7.5.4.1Rope, stringcomp. ofडोरी
ऊदान डोरी
ओड़ाऊकoɽaukcfओआड़ूक1vEngto stringHinलत्‍काना7.5.2Join, attach7. hang a rope7.5.4.1Rope, string7. ofओड़ूकओड़ान देऊकcomVbto cover; to wrap
कोरूकkorukvEngto combHinकँघी करना hair
खूटनkʰuʈənnEngcircular length of ropefor when making pʰuʈkiखूटन चेगातोर आए, बेट धरतोर आए, कींदरातोर आए।The rope is to looped around, the straw rope is to be gripped and wrapped around (the container).8.3.1Shape8.3.1.6Round7.5.4.1Rope, string
खोड़ाkʰoɽan1Engrope whip for bulls Hinकोड़ा6.7.5Fastening tool7.5.4.1Rope, string2Engchain used by priests for flagellation1.2.2.3Metal6.7.5Fastening tool
गट पाड़ूकɡəʈ paɽukcomVbEngto knotHinगांठ बांधना; व्‍यग्‍र करना tool7.5.4.1Rope, string7.5.4Tieph. v. ofगटपाड़ूक
गटɡəʈcfगट हरदीcomp. ofगटहरदीफूँदनीn1EngknotHinगांठ6.6.4.1Cordage6.7.5Fastening tool7.5.4Tie2Engjoints in bamboo; part of join7.5.2Join, attach1.5.3Grass, herb, vineगट गूबीɡəʈ ɡubicnEngkohlrabi1.5Plant5. from vegetablesगट पाड़ूकɡəʈ paɽukcomVbEngto knotHinगांठ बांधना; व्‍यग्‍र करना tool7.5.4.1Rope, string7.5.4Tieगट हरदीɡəʈ hərdicfगटफूँदनीcnEnggreen root of turmeric plant1.5PlantगठेआऊकɡəʈʰeauktrVbEngto knot; to tie up in knotHinबांधना; गांठ बांधनाआनळि आऊर हूनचो ओलना गठेएअन दीली मने। tool7.5.4.1Rope, string7.5.4Tieढीलँग गठेआऊकɖʰilə̃ɡ ɡəʈʰeaukcomVbEngto tie looselyHinढीला करना7.5.2Join, attach8.2.7.2Looseबोरसक गठेआऊकborsək ɡəʈʰeaukcomVbEngto tighten7.3.2.8Pull
गठेआऊकɡəʈʰeauktrVbEngto knot; to tie up in knotHinबांधना; गांठ बांधनाआनळि आऊर हूनचो ओलना गठेएअन दीली मने। tool7.5.4.1Rope, string7.5.4Tieder. ofगटढीलँग गठेआऊकcomVbto tie looselyबोरसक गठेआऊकcomVbto tighten
गूतूकɡutuktrVb1Engto thread on a string; to string beadsHinगूंन्‍थना, string2Engto put bait on fishhook6.4.5.2Fish with hooks6.4.5.3Fishing equipment227Fishing Gear226Fishing
गून धरूकɡun dʰərukcomVb1Engto twistHinबटना, wring7.5.4.1Rope, string2Engto braidHinगुथना7.5.4Tie5.4.3.2Plait hair3Engto make ɖori stringHinगुथना ; बटना, wring7.5.4.1Rope, stringph. v. ofधरूक
गूपलोɡuploadjEngtangled upHinअलझा हुआstring, wool7.5.4.2Tangle7.5.4.1Rope, stringder. ofगूपूकलो 2गूपूक
गूपूकɡupukvEngto become tangledHinउलभनासूत गूपलीThe thread become tangled., stringगूपलोɡuploadjEngtangled upHinअलझा हुआstring, wool7.5.4.2Tangle7.5.4.1Rope, stringगूपाऊकɡupaukvEngto catch in a trap6.4.2Trap6.3Animal husbandry
गोनाɡonanEnglarge string containerused to bring paddy in to fill up ɖʰolə̃ɡi storage baskets kept in houseगाड़ाएक गोनाएक।An oxcart sized string container for paddy., string6.7.7ContainerगोनाएकɡonaeknEngone large container6.7.7Containerगाड़ाएक गोनाएकɡaɽaek ɡonaekcnEngoxcart7.
घातीɡʰatinEngknot in clothes at shoulder6.6.4.1Cordage5.3Clothing7.5.4Tieघाती मारूकɡʰati marukcomVbEngto knot cloth at shoulder6.6.4.1Cordage5.3Clothing7.5.4Tie
जन्‍हीdʒənhinEngsacred stringबीआ होलो लोग जनही फींदूआत।The people being married will wear the sacred string., string4.9.5Practice religion
जेटाdʒeʈanEngstring necklace6.7.5Fastening tool7.5.4.1Rope, string5.4.1Jewelry
जोंकनाdʒõknanEngrope around pot for carrying; rope around nəki pot for carrying7.5.4.1Rope, string6.7.7Container
जोताdʒotanEngrope typefor tying oxen to yoke6.7.5Fastening tool7.5.4.1Rope, string
dʒota rope for yokeजोताrope type
जोतीdʒotinEngrope typelong, on sika and attaches to the kãwəɽ carrying pole6.7.5Fastening tool7.5.4.1Rope, string
जोतीrope type
टाँगूकʈãɡukv1Engto make taut7.5.4.1Rope, string7.5.4Tie2Engto string a bowbasic meaning is "to make taut", string7.5.4Tie3Engto put up umbrella7.3.2.4Lift7.3.7Cover4Engto put down and tuck in mosquito netमचरदानी नी टाँगास।You don't make the mosquito net tight. be constipated2.5.2.3Stomach illness6Engto be undigested2.5.2.3Stomach illness7Engstomach to turn over and overपेट टाँगेसे।My stomach is turning over and over. illness2.5.1Sickऊलटा टाँगulʈa ʈãɡcnEngturned upside-down7.2.2.5Move down7.3.5Turn somethingपेट टाँगूकpeʈ ʈãɡukcomVbEngto be bloated; to have stretched stomach2.5.2.3Stomach illness2.1.8.2Stomach8.1.4.2Increase
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