6.7.5. Fastening tool

आँहराãhranEngrope made of paddy strawthe bottom woven part of a sika which holds pot or other load6.2.5.4Plant product6.7.5Fastening tool7.5.4.1Rope, string
आँहराpaddy straw rope
ऊदान डोरीudan ɖoricnEngrope type used for tying poʈea pʰara to axle6.7.5Fastening tool7.5.4.1Rope, stringcomp. ofडोरी
ऊदान डोरी
कबजा2kəbdʒanEnghinge6.7.5Fastening tool6.5.2.4Door
कसूकkəsuktrVbEngto screw somethingsuch as a bolt, nut, etcलेका डाट मोट कसलो बूजा के।?6.7.5Fastening tool
काटाkaʈan1Engthorn; splinterHinकाँटी1.5.5Parts of a plantगड़ूर काटाɡəɽur kaʈacnEngcactus thornHinसेहुँड़; थूहर1.5.3Grass, herb, vine1.5.5Parts of a plantनाँग फेनी काटाnãɡ pʰeni kaʈacnEngcactusHinनागफनी1.5.3Grass, herb, vine2Engspike; nail6.7Tool3Engpin for hairbun6.7.5Fastening tool6.7.1.1Poking tool4Engridges on back of crocodile1. cutting1.5.5Parts of a plantकाटा काटाkaʈa kaʈacnEngspikesHinनुकीला; काँटा6.7Tool6.7.1.1Poking toolकाटा कूरसीkaʈa kursicnEngchair with spikes5.1.1Furniture6.7.1.1Poking toolकाटा गड़ूकkaʈa ɡəɽukcomVbEngto prick as a thornHinचुभना7.7Physical impact2.3.5Sense of touch2.5.6.1Painकाटा नरीkaʈa nəricnEngbullet-like thornstory formगूदाम काटाɡudam kaʈacnEngsafety pinHinकोना न चुभनेवाली आलपीन6.7.5Fastening toolदात काटा हीराdat kaʈa hiracnEngagricultural implement; sickle with teeth6.2.8Agricultural tool6.2Agricultureबोतर काटाbotər kaʈacnEnguncertain meaningबोतर काटा धानbotər kaʈa dʰancnEngpaddy nicely ripe and ready for harvesting6.2.9Farmland1.5.6Growth of plantsभेजरी काटाbʰedʒri kaʈacnEngplant name, very thorny; grows in field along the ground, fruit tied around sick child's neck1.5Plantसीत काटाsit kaʈacnEnggoosepimplesसीत काटा मारूआए।I'll get goosepimples.सीत काटा मारूकsit kaʈa marukcomVbEngto be cold with goose pimples8.3.4.1Cold2.1.4Skin
कोड़ाkoɽanEngchain6.7.5Fastening tool
खीलाkʰilacfडाँडीलगड़ाn1EngnailHinकील7.5.2Join, attach6.7.5Fastening tool2Engfield leveller partwooden, used to tie rope to where attaching to yoke6.7.8Parts of tools6.2.2.2Plow a field3Engconnecting pin
खीला 2field leveller part
चूटेआ खीलाtʃuʈea kʰilacfदाब खीलाcomp. ofदाबखीलादूई नाँगरcomp. ofदूईनाँगरनाँगर जपूकph. v. ofनाँगरजपूकनाँगरकcnEngplow partplace where yoke is tied to plow6.2.8Agricultural tool6.7.8Parts of tools
चूटेआ खीलाplow part
चोंडा खीलाtʃõɖa kʰilacnEngoxcart partpin through centre shaft of ox cart frame7. of things
चोंडा खीलाoxcart part
डोंगर खीलाɖõɡər kʰilacfडोंगर खूटीcomp. ofखूटीcnEngyoke part6.2.8Agricultural tool6.7.8Parts of tools8.1.6.1Partदाब खीलाdab kʰilacfचूटेआ खीलाcomp. ofचूटेआखीलादूई नाँगरcomp. ofदूईनाँगरनाँगर जपूकph. v. ofनाँगरजपूकनाँगरकcnEngplow partwood block keeping shaft attached to plow6.2.8Agricultural tool6.7.8Parts of tools8.6Parts of things
दाब खीलाplow part
खोड़ाkʰoɽan1Engrope whip for bulls Hinकोड़ा6.7.5Fastening tool7.5.4.1Rope, string2Engchain used by priests for flagellation1.2.2.3Metal6.7.5Fastening tool
गट पाड़ूकɡəʈ paɽukcomVbEngto knotHinगांठ बांधना; व्‍यग्‍र करना tool7.5.4.1Rope, string7.5.4Tieph. v. ofगटपाड़ूक
गटɡəʈcfगट हरदीcomp. ofगटहरदीफूँदनीn1EngknotHinगांठ6.6.4.1Cordage6.7.5Fastening tool7.5.4Tie2Engjoints in bamboo; part of join7.5.2Join, attach1.5.3Grass, herb, vineगट गूबीɡəʈ ɡubicnEngkohlrabi1.5Plant5. from vegetablesगट पाड़ूकɡəʈ paɽukcomVbEngto knotHinगांठ बांधना; व्‍यग्‍र करना tool7.5.4.1Rope, string7.5.4Tieगट हरदीɡəʈ hərdicfगटफूँदनीcnEnggreen root of turmeric plant1.5PlantगठेआऊकɡəʈʰeauktrVbEngto knot; to tie up in knotHinबांधना; गांठ बांधनाआनळि आऊर हूनचो ओलना गठेएअन दीली मने। tool7.5.4.1Rope, string7.5.4Tieढीलँग गठेआऊकɖʰilə̃ɡ ɡəʈʰeaukcomVbEngto tie looselyHinढीला करना7.5.2Join, attach8.2.7.2Looseबोरसक गठेआऊकborsək ɡəʈʰeaukcomVbEngto tighten7.3.2.8Pull
गठेआऊकɡəʈʰeauktrVbEngto knot; to tie up in knotHinबांधना; गांठ बांधनाआनळि आऊर हूनचो ओलना गठेएअन दीली मने। tool7.5.4.1Rope, string7.5.4Tieder. ofगटढीलँग गठेआऊकcomVbto tie looselyबोरसक गठेआऊकcomVbto tighten
गाटीɡaʈicfगूरेआnEngnecklace clasp made of beadsHinअँकुरा (बलकस)6.7.5Fastening tool5.4.1Jewelry3030 Adornment
गूदामɡudamcfबटन धराऊकph. v. ofबटनधराऊक 2बोटनnEngbuttonHinबटन; बुताम6.7.5Fastening tool412General Tools413Special Toolsगूदाम काटाɡudam kaʈacnEngsafety pinHinकोना न चुभनेवाली आलपीन6.7.5Fastening tool
गूदाम काटाɡudam kaʈacnEngsafety pinHinकोना न चुभनेवाली आलपीन6.7.5Fastening toolcomp. ofगूदामकाटा
चोंहरीtʃõhrinEnghairbun string; string for hair bunचोंहरी के पोकाऊआत।They will throw out their hairbun string.2.1.5Hair6.7.5Fastening tool
जेटाdʒeʈanEngstring necklace6.7.5Fastening tool7.5.4.1Rope, string5.4.1Jewelry
जोताdʒotanEngrope typefor tying oxen to yoke6.7.5Fastening tool7.5.4.1Rope, string
dʒota rope for yokeजोताrope type
जोतीdʒotinEngrope typelong, on sika and attaches to the kãwəɽ carrying pole6.7.5Fastening tool7.5.4.1Rope, string
जोतीrope type
डोरीɖoricfचेगानी डोरीcomp. ofचेगूकनी1डोरीnEngstringHinरस्‍सी; सुत्‍लीmade from sut, sən bʰẽɖa, siãɽi, ɡʰaʈul, and dʒəɽi6.7.5Fastening tool7.5.4.1Rope, stringऊदान डोरीudan ɖoricnEngrope type used for tying poʈea pʰara to axle6.7.5Fastening tool7.5.4.1Rope, string
ऊदान डोरीrope type
कराँड डोरीkərãɖ ɖoricnEngwaist-string7.5.4.1Rope, string5.3Clothing2.1.2Torsoचेगानी डोरीtʃeɡani ɖoricfडोरीcnEngnet partstring attaching sinkers to net6.4.2Trap6.4.5.3Fishing equipment
चेगानी डोरीnet part
डोरी धराऊकɖori dʰəraukcomVbEngto tie string7.5.2Join, attach7.5.4.1Rope, stringभेंडा डोरीbʰẽɖa ɖoricnEngrope made from bʰẽɖa plant, similar to okra7.5.4.1Rope, string1.5.3Grass, herb, vineसींआड़ी डोरीsĩaɽi ɖoricnEngrope used to make kʰora basket6.7.5Fastening tool7.5.4.1Rope, string6.7.7Container
ढेराɖʰeranEngstring and rope making frame6.7.8Parts of tools6.7.5Fastening tool7.5.4.1Rope, string8.6Parts of things
ढेराstring and rope making frame
ढेरा लाटाɖʰera laʈacnEngweed type1.5.3Grass, herb, vine
तागtaɡn1Englength of threadतीन ताग आटतोर आए।Three thread are to be twisted together., not tall8.2.2.1Short, not long6.7.5Fastening tool6.6.1Working with cloth7.5.4.1Rope, string8.2.2Long9.6.1.2Or, either8.3.6Made of, material2Englength of string
तारा देऊकtara deukcomVbEngto lock upHinताला लगाना6.7.5Fastening toolph. v. ofदेऊकतारा
तारtarnEngwireHinतार6.7.5Fastening tool7.5.4.1Rope, stringतार बाड़ीtar baɽicnEngchicken wire6.7.5Fastening tool7.5.4.1Rope, string
दाईंdaĩn1Enghitching rope6.7.5Fastening tool7.5.4.1Rope, string2Engrope used hitch cattle to threshing pole
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