Browse Kope – English



apuitransapuiꞌodoatidioemapuifreqapuitutimanyiapuihabapuitidioselfarapuiv1point at something7.7.2Aim at a target2appointAra moo meree-ohioi-ka, ruu moo-ro ai-pirapui, ruui-do oromidioumo.This is my son, the one I have appointed, listen to him.
apuitidioonceapuivpoint at many things repeatedly
apuitutionceapuinpoint at many things, one by one
apuiꞌodoatidiofromapuivpoint repeatedly and continuallyHimo mobui, komubuo tui tuero (12) apui'odoatidio, tutuu tui naini (9) apui'odoatidio. On the clock face, the small hand is pointing to the 12, and the long had is pointing to the 9.
araadivwash the face, hand or legs by handRoo ematomudio dubui re'ei-da, oadu'oi ra'ai roo ai-araadi maaka. I will tell your teacher you only wash your face and hand and legs with your hand.
araahibaivstruggleMoo araahibai a'ai bia, ata raa rautu. I will not struggle with anything
araahiutina dry channelErei tauo araahiuti maaka, tuia geegai-ha obodo. The channel is dry, follow the big river.
araahoivremain, left overRa'aibou ime-ro raahoi ma'ai ma aho'outimo?You guess how many grubs will be left over?
araahoꞌoovtkeep for a long time
araahuevcall for help Bo'u-ro maarahue?Who is calling for help?
araamaꞌadefromaamaꞌedeavhit yourselfGomoi aramaꞌadei-ka.He hit his chest.
araamodoaivlean against somethingMoo ato araamodoai, roo pauo amemea himia ei'ei. Lean against me if you find it hard to sit up.
araapeduovthrow carelessly, throw aroundDo'o hiau raa tiri araapeduo, ra'u a'ai raa tiri miohoo? You throw tinned fish carelessly, why are you looking for tinned fish?
araatefromaatevifill itself up
araateꞌeemofromateꞌeeutivgo under, press down, cause to be coveredMoo topi temeteme ra'ai, aa'o ra'u-ri raarate'eemo.My stomach is painful that is why I am pressing it down.
araatidiaivbetRoo moo araatidiai, ara pei otohoi ra'ai.You bet me, I will break this boat
araatovaskMoo bo'u-ro araato ato ita, odu'ai motoi-daka. Anybody who askes for me, tell him I will be in the house.
araatoaisp. var.aratoaifromaatoaivlose oneself, to get oneself lost
aradiafromadiav1burnErai-ro aradia-ka.The fire is burning.EIDI buꞌi erai aibo-ka, gaꞌubuo masis hurai-da aradiai-ka, turiaha buꞌi iruroi aꞌai.AIDS is like a bush fire, lit by just one match, it will destroy the whole forest.5.2.1Food preparation2angry, someone who burns with anger
aradimaioncearaditifromadimaivdry yourself, such as when using a towel or wiping away your tears
araditifreqaradimaifromaditivdry yourself by wiping with a towel or other item
araetetevoverflow with waterOboi-ro roo budiri ododiai araetetei-da, kehibuo ahuedi. Water is making you wet because it is over flowing, pour some out.
aragaihaivwipe yourself after going to the toilet Amaragaihai roo reei eri oropoioi-da?Did you clean yourself after the bowel motion?
aragogoutifromagogoutivspoil, fall to pieces by itself, break down, collapseMotoi ai-aragogouti, ara uubi atio agodaumo? The house is breaking down, where did the people go?Hua motoi aragogouti aꞌai himia, mabu ire hepui-ro hepu bia.Someone will tell you that the bush house will fall down itself, because that land is not your land.