Browse Kope – English



made gaaꞌu ubiintribe, people united in language and custom as one people
made-madeadjtalkative, uses many words (made)
madin1request, ask for something you don't have, this can be okay or can be a problem, depending on the request and on the relationshipTi paha madi odauꞌa, ruu udoi tutuu tiato meree-ka. Do not go and ask for tea leaf, he is a short tempered person.2visit, often with a request, but not necessarily with a request. synmadimadi
madimadiMotuvadivadinvisitsynmadi 2
madiovoften, usuallyBadareꞌe rii tamu rautu-ka, mia titi-titi-kaumo. Rii kopoi-da emieituti-ha oraꞌoia madio-kaumo.Butterflies have wings that are colourful. They always rest on flowers and look for nectar.Ara odii ruu gaaꞌu aibo-ka, ubii-ro tiꞌo-ra goro-rai raiboi mimotuti madio-duumo emerai oadu'o-ka.This story is the same, whether telling how people weave mats or baskets.8.4Time
madu1cfhuaemagugumamareheerurutaroonmade from multiple overlapping nipa leaves, that are not pinned together, but wrapped around. The ends are then twisted, folded up, and used to ties the top of the bundle. An extra piece of leaf is used to tie the middle. Used for sago grubs, and for carrying things home, but not so much for cooking, mostly for carrying protein back home.
madu2cfdimionspecies of tree, quandonglabula sp.
maea1Englwirenwire strainer used in making sagosyngurupi 2
maea2ntraditional decorations for dancing made of a hornbill feather and the seed of the giido plant
maearonspecies of tree, commercial name malas(homalium footidium)
maerahuana parasitic plant that starts growing at the top of a tree. When dry, the branches are broken into pieces, and tied onto the nek of a dog while in the bush, then lead home, to teach the dog to bring home prey. Dry branches are also cooked in the fire, the charcoal rubbed on arms, and used to get ebihae (spirits) from people by shaking hands with them.
maetacftiemenbelt made from tieme, used for both times of mourning and times of dancing and celebration
magari1npost hole digger
magaribadavar.ragaribadaMotumagani badanfinal sticks on the top of a ridge-cap that hold everything down with their weight and look like the legs of a magari (wallaby), goes on top of pouu'a.
magorevar.maꞌorenbamboo species used for knife or razor blade6.2Agriculture
maguanmohawk haircut
magugucfhuaemadu1mamareheerurutaroonmade from two nipa leaves taht are folded, but not broken, to make a stronger version of taroo. Used to cook things that need a loner cooking time, such as strong pig meat.
mahepavar.maehapantree species with big round leaves and a bluish seed1.5.1Tree
mahonvariety of yam producing only one tuber that is very long and has thorns1.5.4Grass, herb, vine
mahuaLHLnfeast, celebrationKa mahuai raꞌaimo, ore, ore du mahuaiAnd we made a feast, a feast of grubs and grub sago.5.2Food
mahuumonbarbed arrow head made from palm bark, used to shoot enemies, 15-30cm long, always put on a dubu arrow shaft, combined length 2m, shot using a bowgaꞌai-ra mahumo-raibow and arrows6.7Tool
mahuuꞌocfahurai mereegaiꞌaarihimoꞌonorphan, their real parents have died and they move between the houses of relatives