mimi³³🔊1adj.completely cooked; cooked; fully cooked;做好饭 /zuò hǎo fàn/Ni eilcar ci a lei, almiexr bei nr mi, arsaenga faex a? 你到现在还没有做好饭,怎么回事?Up to now, you still have not fully cooked the rice, what is going on?Arni ngo var ddei zeixl nr mi a, yel ngo leil xilbe no a. 昨天我煮菜没有煮熟,所以肚子疼了。Yesterday I did not boil the vegetables (until they were) fully cooked, so they gave me a stomach ache.2ripe/shú/Saer mel nr mi seir a mel, zzor-nr-ci, mi ho a saelnei caex lel ddo. 水果没有熟不好吃,熟了才可以摘吃。Fruit that is not yet ripe, is not tasty; (it) has to already be ripe before it can be picked and eaten.There are other similar words that mean something is completely finished or done but in the context of cooking food the /mi/ is used.Compare 另见gaxziggeharhar zaxr daejjiamoteixlmi mi³³

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