melmɯ⁵⁵🔊PL复数(word used to pluralize)们 (复数的词/mén (fù shǔ de cí/)Nia, nia leil mi paxr gger su mel leil worper lei nr gger! 你们不给为你们种地的人的工钱。You did not give a wage to those who planted your fields!Meir gga ddux lei mel mel, nixmox ga gga ddux lei arddeir a. 从嘴里出来的是从心中出来的。What comes out of the mouth is what comes out of the center of the heart.1. The older generation sometimes makes nouns plural by reduplication. The younger generation just uses this word /mel/ but they think the way the older generation does it sounds good. If the topic is plural, it is followed by /mel/, which then may be followed by the topializer /mel/; that is why, in many cases, there are two /mel/ words in a row. In some cases two /mel/ words in a row are reduced to just one.Compare 另见arzzucirmelmeleilmelhalmelkezzunel nə⁵⁵

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