Bible Dictionary and Concordance



covenants, NoahicA binding covenant made by God with Noah; where God gave directives for the transition, provision and protection of the human race; the rainbow is the symbol of this agreement. Noahic covenants: Gen 9:12-17.
cover / coveredShelter, concealment, protection, refuge, shield, a hiding place; to place something over something else so it cannot be seen. DTP The disciple needs to understand that God can see all things and knows all that we are trying to hide from Him. We should not hide from Him but we need to be covered by Him. He is our place of shelter and protection, a shelter in the time of storms.
covet / covetous / covetousnessGreed, materialism, desire, long deeply after, lust after. DTP The heart of man, because of its sin nature, can seek after things lustfully, coveting after other people and their possessions; in God's eyes this type of living and thinking is out of balance; it is corrupt and sinful.
create / createdTo make, to compose, formulate, fashion, form, invent, to produce, to assemble together, and to bring into existence. DTP One must remember that God has not stopped creating, He is still molding us and working out His plans for us. One day He will create a new heaven and earth, but the greatest creation is when, in the future, He re-creates us with new heavenly bodies.
creationFormation, making, conception, design, foundation. DTPThe Bible teaches that God was and is the Creator of all things on earth and throughout the heavens; He has been and always will be. For all time He is the Creator God. (See Gen 1:1-2:3)
creationismBible-believing people believe that the earth was created in six days; the Creator God created all things both on earth and in heaven and His final triumph was the creation of man and woman.
CreatorMaker, designer, the Supreme Original; the One who made all heaven and earth, who created all living things; a name for God Almighty.
creatureThat which has breath and lives, both on earth and in heaven, a human or animal. DTP The believer believes that all things were and are created by God. Genesis tells us clearly in chapter one that God created all things both in the heavens and on the earth.
creedDogma, doctrine, credo; usually used as a statement of faith and belief in something or someone; a summary of beliefs; two well-known creeds are the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed.
creed, ApostlesCreated around the year AD 340; it contains the basic tenets of the Gospel message of Jesus Christ; it was a way for the disciples to memorize the foundational teachings of Jesus Christ; it was also the way for the Church to have as it foundation a basic doctrinal statement of beliefs, that all followers of Christ would know and live by.
creed, Nicene (Nicene Creed)This creed was adopted in AD 325; this creed put further emphasis on the Deity of Christ; later in AD 381 another line was added to the creed to reflect the place that the Holy Spirit has, as God: ("We believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord, the Giver of Life, who proceeded from the Father, who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified, who spoke by the prophets.")
crossA frame or a cross for slaying of sacrificial animal. DTP In the time of Christ the Romans used the cross as a method to carry out the death penalty on people that were found guilty of various kinds of crimes.
crownCrown to be worn on a King's head; a head covering worn by a ruler as a symbol of authority over a country or countries. DTP Jesus was known as the King of the Jews (Matt 27:37, 42). In the last days the believer will receive a crown of life (Rev 2:10; Jam 1:12); it will be given to the believer as a reward for faithfulness; as we gather before our King, many will cast their crowns before the King of kings (Rev 4:10).
crucifiedCrucified, to hang, suspend on a frame, one who is put to death on a cross: crucified/kill Gal 6:14; to kill, to murder, end, terminate. DTP Christ was crucified on the cross and it was because of the shedding of His blood and His willingness to die that we have redemption from our sins.
crucifyPutting to death on a cross. DTP Jesus was crucified together with two others, people who were thieves (Matt 27:38, 44).
cry / cried / crieth / cryingTo speak out with a loud voice, to shed tears due to a deep emotion that comes from the heart, the source may be one of sadness or pain but can also come from a heart that is full of joy. DTP When one cries out before God it is to be a cry that come deep from within one's heart. It is a cry of deep emotion and feeling expressing the innermost fears and challenges, but it came also be a cry of great thanksgiving and praise, knowing and seeing truly in one's heart what Christ has done completely for our salvation. When one cries out genuinely from one's heart for oneself or for another, God hears our cries and He will answer according to His will for our lives.
cubitA form of measurement common in Bible times; the length was between 17 and 20 inches; it was roughly the length from the elbow to the middle finger.
cultIn the olden times it was a group of people that would practice idolatry and participate in various kinds of pagan worship; sometimes it would also include human sacrifices (Deut 23:17-18; I Kin 14:24; 15:12); in modern times a cult is a group of people with a leader who re-interprets the Bible according to their desires, wants and beliefs; often these religious leaders keep strict control over the people or followers, as well as their resources.
cupA container or a vessel from which one drinks, a small bowl-shaped drinking container with a handle. DTP In Scripture, the cup can refer both the obvious physical object or it can refer to the challenges of life which we are given. The communion cup is an example of this. The cup's contents can represent both sweet and bitter things that one may be asked to drink. We also need to be careful which "cup" one drinks from as one cup may poison and another can give life. Christ is our cupbearer.
cupbearer / cupbearersOften one who brings a drink to the king; he would taste it first before giving to the king to make sure that the liquid had not been poisoned; Nehemiah was a cupbearer to King Artaxerxes. DTP This can also be a ministry that one can have in serving others. Our lives should be like a cup that carries within it the power of the Holy Spirit; we as believers need to be willing that to pour out our lives to others for the glory of Christ Jesus. It can be costly but in the end there are great rewards for the ones who are willing to give their lives for the cause of another.
cure /cured / curesTo make whole, to heal or restore, to be delivered from a sickness, a remedy or solution.
curse / cursed / cursingThe term means to denounce verbally; irritation, to swear or use foul words; throughout history there have always been people who use readings or other methods to bring spells or harm to their victims. DTP When people walked out from under the will of God, as a form of punishment the people would be cursed for their disobedience; "curse" is the opposite of "blessing".
curtain (veil) / curtainsA cloth that is hung over a doorway or window. The word veil was used most often in the New Testament a term that had to do with the curtain or the veil that separated the Holy place from the Holy of Holies where only once a year the High Priest could enter. DTP When Christ died on the cross the veil was torn from the top to the bottom (Matt 27:51; Mark 15:38; Heb 6:19), symbolizing that all may enter into God's presence by the blood of Jesus Christ. We could come into the very presence of God Himself because of the redemptive, redeeming work of Christ.
custom / customsHabit, usage, practice, rule; manner or way of doing things. DTP Every people group on the earth has unique traditions and customs, some of which are good and helpful, but others can bring bondage and destruction; our habits and customs should be subject to Biblical truth and to the character and teachings of Jesus Christ.
cutTo slice open, to open up, to sever into parts, to penetrate, to divide. DTP Christ came to establish a new relationship between God and Man, but sin and disobedience can cut us away from the presence of the Lord. Cities and nations can be cut away from the blessing of our God. We need to make sure that we stay in right relationship with Him.