Nkonya - English



ɔdwɛlaɔdʷɛlándesired thing; wishesMegyi mʋ ɔdwɛla ánɩ́ ɩbwɛ alɩ.It is not his will that it should be like this.Igyi mɩ ɔdwɛla ánɩ́ mɩ ɛ nɔ́yɔ abrokyie ɔmátɔ.It is my wishes that am also going to abroad.Lowu igyi Bulu ɔdwɛla.Death is God's will.cfapɛwill3.3Want
ɔdwɛpʋɔdʷɛpʊ́pl.adwɛpʋder. ofdwɛɔ- -pʋnlover; belovedMʋ adwɛpʋ, ánɩ́ bʋbʋ ntɩnɛ-ntɩnɛ ɛ bɛbɛ́klɩ mʋ aba kie mʋ atɔ. His friends from all over also will come tie bracelets on his wrist and give him things.4.3.3Love
ɔfanɔfã (H) npleasant smellOfobi amʋ bʋ ɔfan dʋbɩ. Pomade has a good scent.Batɛ iye bʋ ɔfan.Chicken meat smells good.Apʋsɛ toswie mʋ́ ɩflasʋ wa oyitɔ. Bʋtɔkwɛ mʋ́ wa oputsutɔ, ɩtɔhɔ ɔsɩn, ɩtɛha oputsu tɔwa ɔfan.Black pepper grows on its vine, which climbs on a tree. They grind it and put it in soup. It makes it hot and gives the soup a nice scent.Antbonstink2.3.4Smell
ɔfansʋɔfãsʊ(H) nsideAnɩleye ndɔ amʋtɔ a, mɩ ɔfansʋ bʋ gyɔpɩsʋ; mʋ klɛ bʋ bɩnasʋ.We shared the farm, my side is on the right and his is on the left.Mʋ ayín ɔfansʋ. His mothers' side8.5.1.2Beside
ɔfapʋɔfápʊ́pl.afapʋder. ofafaɔ- -pʋna person who uses herbs for medicineTakyi gyi ɔfapʋ wulu anfɩtɔ nɩ.Takyi is the herbalist in this town. medicine
ɔfɛ2ɔfɛ́ Ndial. var. ofɛfɛaxe
ɔfɛ1ɔfɛ́ pl.ɩfɛ́nropeFʋdɛ ɔfɛ bɩtɩ.You are pulling a rope.Tsu ɔfɛ amʋ ba, anpʋ wa ɔbwɩ amʋ. Bring the rope so that I can tether the animal (tether is implied, but may just mean put a rope on the animal).Bʋtama kiki ɔfɛ ɔbwɩ amʋ ansɩtɔ.Don't give advance of intentions to harm.They don't twist the rope in front of the animal., stringcomp.da ɔfɛtɔtiedopulu ɔfɛumbilical cordcomp.wa ɔfɛtether
ɔfɛsɩɔfɛsɪ́pl.nfɛsɩn1short broom with no handle made from the stems of palm leavesNɔhɔ ɔfɛsɩ, mɩantsia pʋ fɛɩ obuto. I will buy a broom in order that I will always take it and sweep the room.cfitubrush6.5.3.1Building equipment and maintenance5.1Household equipment5.6.5Sweep, rakecomp.ɔfɛsɩ mblaleaf2palm fronds removed from the branch6.2.1.7Growing trees
ɔfɛsɩ mblacomp. ofɔfɛsɩ 1mbla2nthe green leaf material surrounding the small sticks used in making broomsNɩ mlɔmɔ mʋ́ ɔnɔ a, mlɩ kpa ɔfɛsɩ mbla amʋ lɛ woyitɔ tsitsa.If you(pl.) finish, collect the leaves left over from your broom making. Take them from the house and throw them away. baskets and mats6.2.1.7Growing trees
ɔfɩtɛkpaɔfɪtɛ́k͡páder. offɩtɛɔ- -kpanplace to ask about somethingNaba mɩ asʋn amʋ asɩ ɔfɩtɛkpa tsu fʋ wa.I have come here to ask you about my case.
ɔflɛɔflɛʔpl.nflɛnknife sheathPio ɔdai amʋ lɛ mʋ́ ɔflɛtɔ ba mɩ.Pull the knife out of its sheath and bring it to me.Nɩ ɔdaɩ bʋ ɔflɛtɔ a, mʋ́ ɩbʋ ifu tamɛ nɩ bépio mʋ́ lɛ mʋ́a, ɩtra ma ifu.When a knife is in its sheath it is fearful, but once it is removed out of it's sheath, it is no more fearful., shoot
ɔfɔɔɔfɔ̌ː pl.afɔɔnstranger; guestƆfɔɔ meyin wulutɔ asʋn. The stranger doesn't know what is happening in the town.Afɔɔ bʋtsɔ wulu anfɩtɔ. There are many strangers in this town.Afɔɔ tamasʋra fuli ayabi.A strangers does not carry the legs of a corpse. (A strange does not take lead).
ɔfrankaɔfráŋka(H) pl.nfrankaFrom:Engflag (through Akan)nflagƆdɛ asafʋ ɔfranka amʋ wʋna. He is waving the war group's flag.3.5.6Sign, symbol4.6.7.1Country
ɔfrɛdɛɔfrɛ́dɛvto spin quickly7.2.2.7Move in a circle
ɔfrɔdɔɔfrɔ́dɔndeep place8.2.6.5Deep, shallow
ɔfʋɔfʊ nadvice3.3.3.2Advisecomp.tu ɔfʋadvise
ɔfʋakpaɔfʊák͡páder. offʋa1ɔ- -kpanhigh placeNyebi amʋ benya dʋ lɩɩ ɔfʋakpa a, batu kpayi ɔsʋlʋtɔ.When the children climb to a high place, then they can jump and land on the ground.Bulu tɔpʋ ɔha yaɩ ɔfʋakpa.God puts a person on a high place.
ɔfʋlɩɔfʊlɪʔ nwhistlingƆfʋlɩ tɛtɩ ɩlʋ. Small actions cause larger consequences.Whistling calls a song.Bʋtɔpʋ ɔfʋlɩ tɩ kɩaɩ. They whistle to call a dog. of sounds
ɔfʋnkpaɔfʊ̃ŋ͡mk͡páder. offʋn1 2ɔ- -kpanfinal destination9. (of movement)7.2.3Move toward something
ɔgɔnɔgɔ̃ʔ nthe hard part of cocoyam which can not be eaten if it is cookedMankani amʋ lawa ɔgɔn, ɩma alɛ ha nɩna. The cocoyam has become hard and it is not good for cooking.Mankani tɔwa ɔgɔn tsu mʋ́ otse amʋsʋ. Nɩ fʋmɔwa ɔsa puli mʋ́ a, mankani amʋ fɛ́ɛ́ bɔ́wa ɔgɔn. Fówun lakwɛkwɛ.Cocoyam makes hard from where the cocoyam tubers is attached to the main bulb. If you don't uproot it early, all the cocoyam will become hard. Then it will sprout. from roots6.2.1.2Growing roots1.5.3Grass, herb, vine
ɔgywɩyaaɔʤʷɪ́yǎʔ nlemonCitrus limonNtɔpʋ ɔgywɩyaa kpa ɩwɩ. Nɩ fégyi mʋ́ a, mʋ́tɔ gyi nyagbanyagba. I apply lemon on myself. I rub lemon on my skin. If you eat it, it is sour.1.5.1Tree2.3.3Taste5. from fruit6.2.1.7Growing trees
ɔhaɔhá pl.ahanpersonƆha yile ogyi. He is a good person.2Personcomp.ɔha yilegood persontɩn ɔhabeheadcomp.ɔha mʋ wiebody owner
ɔha mʋ wiecomp. ofowie 2ɔhanperson who represents the family interests in a funeral2.6.6.3Funeral
ɔha yilecomp. ofɔhayile 2na good person4.3.1Good, moral
ɔhaaɔhaː nno oneIgye ɔhaa mɔyɔ ndɔ, tsufɛ oli bʋ wulutɔ. Yesterday no one went to farm because there was a funeral in town.Ɔhaa ma nʋ. No one is there.Megyi ɔhaa nɩ.It isn't anybody., nothing