Palawano B - English



disagranhindge on a door or box, pivot joint,synlilisuanlisu'neglised
disdisvsplit bark into strips using fingers nails.Si Trina neng disdis et kulit et kayu.Trina split bark strips using her finger nails.wl33.synkegis
disigvmove from place where standing or sitting.syngisigperigdisigpesingsiyungsingsiyung1singsiyung2
DisyembrinDecember.Megderateng ne bulan et disyembri.Month of december is fast approaching.
dita'npoison used on tip of dart, poison sap, sap of the dita' tree-(pulid buko=sembatung ingaran et dita'), poison for darts, from dita' tree leaf. Has red bands and stripes on leaves. cf. there is monkey dita' and pig poison.Meliut ne tiban mengisi' et dita' dut kekeyuan.At this time it's very hard to get dita' (poison) in the forest.synballabarawangbarawangbasag 1besleybesleybisa 1boslogilu2kekeylukeksagan et Empu'keksegankepengdyadianlassonlasson [Tag.]letesmebisamenimbakmenpuk et begitmenubukmeperesmeteng2minimbakpana'2pana'2pekeemperes2sangku' PCsepuk2sublaksubuksuled-suledsupok2supuk1supuk2supuk2tagek2timbak 1timbak et sera'tuba'tugpu'2
ditilvdip, dunk into a liquid or salt or most anything.Kuan i Jesus, "Ba' sinu begeyan ku et bengbang na dinitil ku, ya ne." Ganang neditil ye ne bengbang empa' ye ne binggey ki Judas na yegang i Simun Iscariote.Jn 13:26 Jesus said, "Whoever is the one I give my bread to that I have dipped-it, it's he." Just after he dipped his bread, then he gave to Judas the son of Simon Iscariot.Megditil - to put under water or any liquid and lift quietly out again.; Pegditilan - to dip sliced unripe mango to the salt.; Dumitil - being dipped.; Neditilan - have been dipped into liquid or/with salt.synbasaan2basaan2limbug1limbug2limbug2mepirtikanpengpetungpineiranpineiranpirtikpirtiksabug 1sageb 1sawek
diuburtbdreview entrysyndelak embutdelak embutembut 1
diukupvcomplete, finished. refine the work or product. See: diyukup [preferred spelling], also spelled: dyukup, jiukup.Megduyikup - to make it complete.synkemdessedengtuman2
diwatan1spirit being, usually a lesser god or goddess, believed to guard many natural features, such as forests [Tagalog Wiktionary]; spirit being, or deity, or messenger of a lesser god, or God, or Satan. From "devata", Sandskrit word, fr. Hinduism and Buddhism religions. The definition varies with locations, meaning changing with local use. In Tboli land it means God, in SW Palawano it means angel of God. In Palawano of the lower Brooke's Pt. area, the characteristics of the diwata seem to fit that an evil spirit or malevolent deity, seen in the western world as an evil spirit or demon.; Diwata among the Pelawan B, incorrectly thought to be a mediating spirit between God (Empu') and man (usually a shaman [belian] or spirit median). These have many connotations/descriptions associated with evil spirits or demons. A word to use with care and further research. 2. PC [Quezon area] uses "diwata" for demons, or evil spirits. 3. PS [Southern dialect] uses "diwata" for angels of God. Variation in meanings is also is the case in several of the 170 other Philippine languages. Some southern RP languages use Diwata for God [as in Tboli land], but most as some type of spirit messenger or lesser deity.Diki itue e pegliluan! Sabab misan si Seytan negpesutsulit eset sembatung dereakan et kenewagaʼt Empu'.This is not surprising/a-wonder! For even Satan pretends/disguises himself to look like an angel of God's light. 2Co 11:14.Indyari binresan beke' pineugad i Jesus meyaat neng *diwata, pegketbes, nugad ne kenye, indyari negulinan megtuy itueng yengyegang. 19 Menge' pepengenaran nemengingkut dye, "Manu angkan kaya lang nepeugad kay atin meyaat neng *diwata in?So Jesus commanded-to-leave the *evil spirit, then, it left the boy, and at that very moment the boy was healed. 19 The disciples asked, "Why is it that we-ex couldn't drive-out the *evil spirit?" Mt. 17:18-19.Diwata: A spirit/being that comes from the spirit world, and is ordered by the rulers of the spirit world. They are thought to guide people, teach them some way, and teach them the thoughts of a god. They are involved in healing sickness. They go inside the shaman and speak through him. I think angels and demons are the same to the Pelawan, not knowing the differences.; Palawano Southwest uses "diwata" for the word "angel" of God.; form: mereaat neng diwatasyndemoniodemoniodengdayangdereakan et Empu'endelimewkediwataankekampi i Satankuruduwa3layang langitlembitinglihiyenlinaminlinaminmeliwananmeraat na taawmereraat neng diwatanakem 4nebiyeksanantaaw mereattaaw mereraattaaw mereraattaw't kekayuantaw't kekayuantaw't kekewyuan2taw't kekeyuan2taw't kelingban2taw't kelingban22evil spirit being.Beres et diwata diki mekingeg.The sound of an evil spirit can't be heard.I John 4:3 diwata3spirit being which is evil, as among the Pelewan of the northern dialect.PC Mt 8:16 Na' ipineli'wan ye i' menge *diwata at sengempangan lamang na', Mt 10:1 at menge meridi' ne' *diwata, it apang memeli'wan it menge, 1Tim 4:1 it pekineg diye at menge *diwata ne' meronding na' at menge, 1Jn 4:1 moyo megpengesipi' i' kada *diwata, nangkay solayi' moyo i', 1Jn 4:1 solayi' moyo i' menge *diwata nang ket Empo' i' menge, 1Jn 4:2 i' Nakem it Empo': it kada *diwata ne' megpegsogid ne' it is, Rev 16:14 sabab menge *diwata ne' lembIting inyen.4Defined in the Palwano Souhtwest dialect as: "diwata" are powerful spirit beings who serve and praise God, doing whatever he tells them to do. Most live in the sky or heaven, but some are on earth doing what God sent them to do. They are all good except for the ones who rebelled and followed Seitan. PSV uses "seitan" for demon. B. Davis, E360. 1-15-2010.B. Davis writes: Diwata is still our key term for angel. Not inherently evil in our area. In the Palawano world view there, all diwata are good and serve God. The concept of two camps of angels, etc., is new and came in the Chronological Bible teaching. So we speak of diwata (angelic being), diwata ni Empo or diwata ni Seitan. However, for a demon possessing a person, we do not use diwata, but "seitan" (small <s>). Another term in our area is "taaw kewasa" or "kewasang taaw"; this applies to angels but seems to include other beings including ancestors who have "now become kewasa" so the believers rejected this as a term for "angel" and we have never used it. When Audrey Mayer with SIL (who had worked with Batak where diwata is always evil) checked our book of John, she asked Mr. Giyang questions and got answers which can be summed up: "they are both good and evil, we don't always know which." dd.
diwata et Empu'nmessenger of God, though this seems to be a falsehood, as these diwata coming to the Kepelewanan are not doing the things God would do. They seem to better fit the motives of Satan, the adversary of God.diwata, fallen angels or demons sent by Satan.synanitosdemonyodiwata et kayudiwata i Seytandiwata i Seytanendelimewlembi'tinglenggammenge' mereatSeytan 1taw't kekeyuan2taw't kelingban2taw't mereraat2
diwata et kayunspirit being or deity of a tree, Lit. being of-the tree. Diwata is a particular kind of spirit being, said to be messengers of God, or a lesser god. They impersonate good spirits or ancestors to mislead people.synanitosanitosanitosdemonyodiwata et Empu'diwata i Seytandiwata i Seytandiwata i Seytanendelimewendelimewendelimewlembitinglembi'tinglenggamlenggamlenggammenge' mereatSeytan 1taw't kekeyuan2taw't kelingban2taw't kelingban2taw't kelingban2taw't mereraat2
diwata i Seytannspirit loyal to Satan, messenger of S., evil spirit, demon,; Lit. messenger of Satan.antanghelsynanitosanitosanitosdemonyodemonyodiwata et Empu'diwata et Empu'diwata et kayudiwata et kayudiwata et kayuendelimewendelimewendelimewlembitinglembi'tinglembi'tinglenggamlenggamlenggamlenggammenge' mereatmenge' mereatSeytan 1Seytan 2taw't kekeyuan1taw't kekeyuan2taw't kelingban2taw't kelingban2taw't kelingban2taw't mereraat2taw't mereraat2
diwata, footnotenspirit being; kaya mekebiri' neng taaw dut dibuat lelengew na penipused dut taaw ilew apang megbelian. Itue e sala' dut taw't kekewyan neng meraat, na atin pegsugiren "Lihiyen." Itue e megdapel dut belian misan megulinan, mesesakit ibuanan.Itue e sala' dut taw't kekewyan neng meraat, na atin pegsugiren "Lihiyen." Itue e megdapel dut belian misan megulinan, mesesakit ibuanan.This is not the evil beings of the forest, now these are called "Lihiyen". This [diwata spirit] comes upon the shaman even when healing-[doing good], healing the sick.Spirit beings: Kaya mekebiri' neng taaw dut dibuat lelengew na penipused dut taaw ilew apang megbelian. Itue e sala' dut taw't kekewyan neng meraat, na atin pegsugiren "Lihiyen." Itue e megdapel dut belian misan megulinan, mesesakit ibuanan.Spirit beings: People are not able to see beings up in the sky/heaves that are siblings of beings of light, so as to be a shaman. This is the sin of the forest/tree beings that are evil, now they are called "Lihiyen". These ones come-upon the shaman even-when healing-s.o., the sick-one is-healed.Itue e sala' dut taw't kekewyan neng meraat, na atin pegsugiren "Lihiyen".This is not the evil beings of the forest, now these are called "Lihiyen".( Markos 9:49-50) .synlihiyenlinamin
DiyablonSatan, an alternate name; also named Lucifer, the Devil, the adversary of God. Also: Diablo.Beke' ating Diyablo neng si Seytan na nengrunding tinimbag dut kerkewaran neng megdedleg neng asupri.And that Diyablo who is Seytan who deceived [them] was thrown into the very-very-big lake/sea of burning sulfur. Rev 20:10a.See: Datu' et menge' meraat neng diwata.synBeelsebubLusiper
diyagavwatch for, take care of, guard agaist. Note: Do not confuse with "dyangan", "do not do". See also: diyaga [PN spelling], dyaga [preferred spelling, also PS], diaga.Diyegani' yengyegang in.Take good care of that child.Megdiyaga - to keep guard, to careful.; Pegdiyegaan - a s.t./s.o. guarding.; Ipediaga - someone is to be guarded.; Nediyagaan - have been guarded all day.syntunggo'tunggu'
diyanganvdo not do, don't do, stop doing, not do, prohibit, guard against, protect, watch, negate actions.Menge' pegmerganen ku neng yegang, diyangan tyu megmerga' pebiya' et beres etawa segina lang in.My dear children, let us not* love with/through/by-means-of words or nice-talk/prayers only. 1John 3:18.synandaykasi'tunggu
diyarapadjpowerful, quickly.Si Misko mediyarap manew.Misko walks very quickly.Romans 9:28 mediyarapsynmetikas
diyawabadjdisagree, also defend yourself, .Dinaag ke ne et beres, megdiyawab ke nega.You're already defeated by talking, but are still defending yourself.Romans 2:15.synabugadobantaberesen2bisara'dapitdawadawa'diawabduminawa'eletgapinipengukummegtetenggungmekepegapinmenenenggungpegapinpegdawapeggegapinpegtentuenpele'lalu'2pemegsudsugidpengtenggulpenubagsambagtanggungtantutenggultenggung 1timiniyegtubag2tutubag2ukum 1
diyepn3pthey, them, their. See Pronoun Chart at " dye " entry. see: dye. pn-3p.Maya *dye deken dut bunbun.*They want to go with me to town.syndye2
diyeradjsit close together. PC dialect mostly.Megdiyer tiyu lang marung.We'll just sit closer together.wl33.syndigkitmegdigkit
diyeretadjnot enough time; no time left; unable to chose one over another, knowing that sooner or later a choice must be made.Diki ne mepeatur ku iba in sabab mediyeret lisag tiu.I can't explain others because no time left.wl33, Phil. 1:23.synkinabus
diyetadjtouch or brush against.Megdiyet beres et kuchapi' mu.Touch your instrument ( kuchapi').Ex. 19:12 - domyetantlepen
DiyosnGod in Spanish, see also: Diyos in Tagalog/ L. English Dictionary. Bathala in Tagalog, also: Maykapal. Empu' in PB. See also: Dios.synAku ne PesiAllahAllahApu' DiyosApu' DiyosBathalaBathalabegararbegararDyosElohimEmpo'Empo'Empu'1Empu'2 1Empu'2 1Empu'2 1MaykapalSuminaladTuhanTuhanupu' 1Yahweh
diyukupvcomplete in form or function, complete something, finished, This is [preferred spelling]. See also: jiukup*Jiukup ne keradia ku itueng eldew.This day my work is already *finished.*Diukup ne utang ku dimu neng pirak anday mu ne aku sukuten.The payment of my debt is already *completed then don't asked me again.Ipediyukup - someone is completing the members.; Pegdiyukupan - to make-up the full thing or number or amounting.; Megduyikup - to make it complete.; Nediyukupan - have been made completely.synkemdessedengtuman2
doktorndoctor, A person who has attained a doctorate, such as a Ph.D. or Th.D. or one of many other terminal degrees conferred by a college or university. A physician; a member of the medical profession; one who is trained and licensed to heal the sick. The final examination and qualification may award a doctorate in which case the post-nominal letters are MD in the US or MBBS in the UK. medical practitioner.