Romblomanon - English



'inagūsan2na cleaned bamboo stripcfbinitlagbinitlag, bitlagpatpat patpat Cleaned bamboo strips have the inner surface tiyan, tinā'i removed. They are used as flooring for a nipa house, fish traps tambākan, tabūnan, būbu, garden fence, window grills.
'indaposs adj prontheir person or thing; a person or thing of theirs; their doing somethingPre-noun or pre-gerund possessive pronoun. For post-noun or post-gerund possessive pronoun, see ninda 1a.Ginabutangan 'ini ninda ning panagang sa lāwas 'ang 'inda 'unga'.It was their children on whom those body charms were put by these ones.Nakikīta' ku 'ang 'inda ma'āyu nga pagsinundānan, 'insigīda, taw'an ku sinda ning kapital sa pagpangabuhi'.[When] their good living together is seen by me, immediately I will give them capital investment for [their] way of living.cfninda ninda poss cmt pronSomeone or something is theirs.Through elipsis, the word bayay is commonly omitted from the phrase sa 'inda bayay: sa 'inda translated 'in' or 'to their house'.Nakasāyud lang sinda nga si Hilda hay waya' naga'iskwīla, nang may nag'abut sa 'inda nga halin sa Manīla'.They were able to find out that as for Hilda, she was not going to school, when someone arrived at their house from Manila.cfninda gen pronSomething is done by them.Occurs in predicate position with possessed item as sentence topic.gen pronOccurs in pre-verb position as a genitive pronoun. For the pronoun following an undergoer focus verb, see ninda.'Ang 'iba naman hay nagapamasyar sa 'alīhid nang baybay pāra nga 'ang 'inda huna'hūna' hay mapakadtu naman sa 'iba nga bāgay nga 'inda nakikīta' sa dāgat.Some people roam around the dry edge of the beach so that their thoughts will really go to other things in the ocean which are able to be seen by them in the ocean.cfninda sa 'inda1qfd pronsome of them2loc pronSomeone does something for them, from them, to them; someone does something or is in a particular place or state with them.Dāpat daw 'ibalīta' sa 'inda kung 'anu 'ang 'ākun prublīma diri sa Rumblun.What my problems here in Romblon are should, it seems, be told to them.
'indi'neg extl advAn action will not occur.The negative indi' functions to negate a future-time action expressed by a following verb. The verb is inflected with either a future tense affix or with an affix which does not indicate tense. For negation of verbs indicating past or present time or a customary action or state, see waya' 1c.Kung sa Duminggu mag'inūyan 'indi' ta pagsigīhun 'ang paghākut ning batu kay madayūnut 'ang karsāda.If on Sunday it rains continually, the carrying of marble blocks will not be continued by us because the roads are slippery.'Indi' 'aku ninda mabakyan ning bāru' kay waya' sinda ning kwarta.I will not be able to have a dress bought for [me] by them because they have no'ayaw 'ayaw waya' na waya'2neg extl adv'Indi' restricts the affixes inflecting verbs it negates. The following are examples of negated verbs with common affixation.mag-: Pagbāti' mu gid nga tag'īya sa 'āga, dāpat bubūran mu 'ang 'īmu manga manuk pāra hay 'indi' magkadtu sa 'iba nga bayay.Upon waking up in the morning you, as the owner, should feed your chickens so that they will not go to other Kung 'īmu sukātun 'ang sīhi', dāpat pakut 'ang 'īmu gamītun kay 'agud hay 'indi' mabu'ak 'ang 'iya ning balayan.If the mollusk meat is pried out by you, what should be used by you is a safety pin so that its shell will not be accidentally broken.neg extl advWith the adverb pa following 'indi', the translation is 'not yet'.maka-: Kung si Pilar hay 'indi' pa maka'asāwa, magagūyang siya nga dalāgaIf Pilar will not yet be able to take a spouse, she will become an old maid.neg extl advWith the adverb na following 'indi', the translation is 'will no longer'.ka-: Tipūnun ta 'ang bāyuy kay 'agud hay 'indi' na kita kabakay.Dried fish should be saved by us so that we will no longer need to buy [them].'i-: 'Indi' 'ibutang 'ang sabaw sa butāngan.Juice [from the salt and fish] will not be put in the container.-un: 'Ang niyug ginapakaya' sa sīlak kag kurayun ning pūkut palībut pāra 'indi' tabānun nang 'āyam 'ang nagakaya' nga niyug.The coconuts are placed face up in the sunlight and are fenced around with a net so that dogs will not carry [them] away in their mouths the coconut fruit lying face up.pag-un: Kung sa Duminggu mag'inūyan 'indi' ta pagsigīhun 'ang paghākut ning batu kay madayūnut 'ang karsāda.If on Sunday it rains continually, the carrying of marble blocks will not be continued by us because the roads are slippery.-an: Kung nagapamuhun naman kami sa 'āmun magūyang nga makadtu sa Manīla', 'indi' naman kami tugūtan.If we ask permission from our parents that we will go to Manila, we will not be permitted.pag-an: 'Indi' ta kamu pag'abrīhanYou will not have the door opened for [you] by me.pag'i-: 'Ang bisti kunu nang nubya, dāpat hay 'indi' kunu pag'isūkuy kay kung ginasuksuk kunu 'ina' nga dā'an nga waya' pa makasay, hay 'indi' kunu madayun 'ang 'inda pagpakasay.As for the gown of the fiancée, it is appropriate, they say, that it will not be worn because when it is worn ahead of time when the wedding has not yet been performed, their wedding, they say, will not 'Indi' 'aku ninda mabakyan ning bāru' kay waya' sinda ning kwarta.I will not be able to have a dress bought by them because they have no money.neg extl adv'Indi' negates modal adjectives. (See bukun for a description of the negation of other adjectives.)Bāgu magdābuk sa sīlung nang tapāhan siguradūhun mu nga 'ang 'īmu tapāhan hay 'igwa ning dingding kay 'indi' pwīdi nga 'ang tapāhan hay waya' dingding.Before building a fire under the smoking rack be sure that your smoking rack has walling [on all four sides covering the legs] because it will not be functional if the smoking rack had no walling.Naghambay ka nga 'indi' dāpat nga 'aku magmanggarānun kag 'ikaw hay pubri.You said that for me to become rich and you [to remain] poor will not be right.neg extl adv'Indi' negates pseudo verbs.'Indi' gid si Nāna Pilar gustu nga 'aku 'ang mapangasāwa nang 'iya 'unga'.Aunt Pilar certainly will not like that I will become the spouse of her child.neg extl advFor a description of the negative with verbs inflected for imperative mode, see ''ayaw waya'2
'indingnan ending gameHay Byarnis ma'āga, ma'āyu baya mapusta' 'aku sa 'inding bāsi' kung duma'ug 'aku.This coming Friday morning, maybe it is good for me to bet in the ending game in case I might win.This is a gambling game on basketball scores. The winner successfully guesses the last number of the score of the winning team followed by the last number of the score of the losing team.
'induposs adj pronyour (pl.) person or thing; a person or thing of yours (pl.); your (pl.) doing somethingPre-noun or pre-gerund possessive pronoun. For post-noun or post-gerund possessive pronoun, see nindu 1a.'Indi' kamu magkalisud kay kung 'indi' man magbūlig 'ang Kanadyan 'Imbasi sa 'ini nga pruyiktu hay bukun kunu 'ini 'ang katapūsan nang 'indu 'Asusasyun.You should not become concerned because, if the Canadian Embassy will not help on this project, this is not the end of your Association.cfnindu nindu poss cmt pronSomeone or something is yours (pl.).Through elipsis, the word bayay is commonly omitted from the phrase sa 'indu bayay 'in' or 'to your house'.Hambay ku "'Indi' ba kami kakatūyug sa 'indu kung ya' kamuy pasuya' sa 'indu?"I asked, "Aren't we able to sleep at your [house] if you do not have a side dish at your [place]?"cfnindu gen pronSomething is done by you (pl.).Occurs in predicate position with possessed item as sentence topic.gen pronOccurs in pre-verb position. For the pronoun occurring after a verb, see nindu 1b.'Indu ginabugkus 'ina' 'ang lastiku kag 'indu 'ina' sipā'un hasta gid nga mabungkag.Those rubber bands should be tied together by you and they should be kicked by you until [they] will become loosened.Pa'uli'i nindu si Narsīsa kay nagasakripisyu, kay 'indu ginati'awan.Narcisa should be allowed to recover by you, because [she] is enduring hardship, because [she] was fooled by you.cfnindu sa 'indu1loc pronSomeone does something for you (pl.), from you (pl.), to you (pl.); someone does something or is in a particular place or state with you (pl.).Sa 'ulīhi nga 'adlaw 'ang 'ākun dūta' hay mapakadtu sa 'indu.Someday, my property will be able to be given to you (pl.).Lūla, diri na 'aku sa 'indu ma'istar; may daya 'aku nga manga bāru'.Grandmother, I will stay here with you; I have some clothes [that I brought].sa 'indu2qfd pronsome of you (pl.)'Ang 'iban sa 'indu, hay magbu'uy nang pīli' nga balayan nang sīhi'!As for some of you, get chosen empty shells of mollusks!
'indungna snowflake moray eelEchidna nebulosa (Ahl)It has a finely mottled pattern of yellow and brown with two rows of large snowflake-shaped black blotches, each with median-yellow spots. Inhabits holes and crevices of shallow coastal reefs.