-ngpronounEnglishfirst person singular possessive (inalienable nouns)kak
ngahwáninalienable nounEnglishsteam; mistMá namur ákte rah i bungán aunges, má i Sade i ngahwán kábungbung sáksák, ái Maria Magadalene mái kesi Maria mul diar han uri mátán hat er di dung Iesu ái. (Mat 28.1)And later (when) the Sabbath was finished, and on Sunday in the extremely misty morning (at dawn, while it was still misty), Mary Magdalene and another Mary went to the cave/tomb where they placed Jesus.ngauhngauh/ngahwi1.7Nature, environmentnature
ngairinalienable nounSursuir kálámulEnglishsexual fluidsThis refers to both male and female sexual fluids, semen for men, vaginal juices for women. It is also used of animals.ngarteken ngar
ngakintransitive verb; transitive verb taking onSurpongpong i holEnglishstumped in one's thinking; disagreeThis is the result of being unable to conceive of or figure out how something can work out or come to pass, as being given an impossible job. The example illlustrates that this verb can be intransitive or can occur as a transitive verb with on as its direct object.Pákánbung tan komiti án lotu di parai ngo keskeskesá kálámul na lu lápkai K100 uri artabar, ki tan kálámul dik ngak on á worwor talas erei. Er dik ngak ngorer kabin a duk kalar i kándi hol ngo ai da kipi til ái á matngan pirán tabal ngorer ur on á tar mani.When the church leaders said that each person should throw/give K100 for the offering, then people were stumped and disagreeable about that talk. They were stumped/disagreeable like that because their thinking was blocked that from where would they get that kind of money like that for the money giving.duk kalarngak kalarngakngak
ngak kalarintransitive serial verbSurpongpong i holEnglishstumped in one's thinking; puzzledstumped blockedTungu sár di parai ngo tan kálámul no, bos káláu má tan wák turán tan kalilik, da láklák ur Kudukudu suri longra worwor. Pákánbung di longrai ngorer, ki dik ngak kalar suri, kabin a pongpong i kándi hol suri ngo ngádáh da láklák ngoi tiklik mai tan kalilik má tan goion kalik mul.Just previously they said that everyone, men and women along with children, they would walk to Kudukudu to hear the talk. When they heard like that, then they were stumped about it, because their thinking was short/insufficient concerning how they would walk together with the children and the infants also.duk kalarngakkalar/kári
ngalalienable nounEnglishlizard type; skink typeThe ngal is a thing that looks like a dawar (lizard, skink). It has four legs and a tail that is long just like the dawar also. However the colour of the dawar is green and it lives up in the sky (up high) among trees. And the colour of the ngal looks like it would be green, and it lives on cliffs that are along the beach, and it is from the beach. And when a person spies it there nearby, then it will quickly flee hiding into a rock. This thing eats what it itself meets up with and it knows.árám1.6Animalanimal
ngalabáintransitive verbEnglishincoherent (?); confused (?)This condition has been said to occur when one is close to death.3.5.1Sayspeak
ngangaialienable nounEnglishexpectation; hopeSome say this word speaks of one's determination to possess something, so he is strong to work for it. So even salvation, if we ngangai it, means we do something to acquire it. Others say it is not possible to purchase something one feels ngangai for. People also say that this includes the belief that you will receive what you ngangai. One would only ngangai something he strongly wants.Turpasi til tungu ái Káláu a asengsegeng pas git, gitá kis án ngangai suri pákánbung ái Káláu na long artálár i kán oror taru uri narsá git. Kápte be git mákái, kabin ngo git má te mákái táit git ngangai suri, ákte rah má kángit ngangai á erei. Sinih a lu kis án ngangai suri táit ákte top on má? (Rom 8.24)Beginning previously when God freed/saved us, we have sat expecting/hoping for the day God will fulfil his promised plan to us. We do not yet see it, because if we have already seen a thing we are hoping for, then our expectation/hope is already completed. Who sits in hope for a thing he has already grasped?
ngangarintransitive verbSurwakwak án hiruEnglishyell out; cry outThis is what a pig does when being slaughtered and what a person does when crying out in pain.Nengen i kábungbung ái Solimán mái kán wák diar mos. Má pákánbung a up kán wák mai kuir kubau, ki ák lala ngangar sang ami bat ái kán wák. A lala wakwak sang ngorer kabin a áslai lala rangrang i kápán páplun.Earlier this morning Solimán and his wife they were angry. And when he hit his wife with a stick of wood, then his wife yelled out very loudly. She cried out loudly like that because she felt great pain in her body.arngangar3.5.1Sayspeak
ngangámintransitive verbSurkápate sal kuluk á worworEnglishunable to say what one wants; speak unclearlyThis refers to talk that does not flow well, so one might know what he wants to say, but he is unable to put his thoughts into understable speech. This can involve hesitation, mispronunciation and verbal stumbling.Kálámul erei kápate las besang i sámtur i mátán matamata má nák wor i katbán i di. Pákánbung a worwor, a tu lu wastoh mai táit a parai mák tu lu ngangám. Kápate talas á táit a parai i katbán matananu.That man is not yet used to standing in front of the public and speaking among them. When he speaks, he just stumbles/mispronounces what he is saying and he is unable to speak clearly. What he says among the people is not clear.wastoh3.5.1Sayspeak
ngap1alienable nounEnglishmusical instrumentThis musical instrument is blown to produce sound.4.2.3Musicmusic
ngap2alienable nounEnglishinsect type; weevil (?); beetle type (?)
ngar-itransitive verbSursoraiEnglishendureThis is often used of punishment inflicted by the law, and people use it as a threat to wrongdoers, i.e. you will have to endure jail time if you do that.Kálámul er a up bing tuán, ki na ngari sang i nagogon singin magistrate. Magistrate na oboi nagogon a tuan rangrangas sang on.That man who kills his brother, then he will have to endure the law from the magistrate. The magistrate will put law/sentence that is very punishing on him.Lala nas nabung a tuan dek, mái sár ngo kalilik kápte di hol pasi i pákánbung di him ami bos. Di tu sorai sang á málmálas kán nas er. Di ngari á nas kabin di nem sang suri arahi rákrák kán lotu.The strong sun yesterday was very overwhelming, but the guys did not keep it in mind when they worked up in the bush. They just endured the heat of that sun. They endured the sun because they really wanted to finish the church garden.sonai
ngarngar kulkulkulkulintransitive serial verbSurlala togorEnglishfuriousThis term may imply a connotation of taking revenge.mos13.4Emotionemotion
ngarus / ngarsisyncopated verbSurkarus pasi mai ngisán; kábái mai ngisánEnglishscrape off; bite offThis is the action of certain fish who bite off chunks of coral for food, or bite off the moss or other things growing on the coral.Tan mátu a lala sepen ngis di pasi dik las i kábái hat mai ngis. Ngo dikte matpám, ki di lu ngarsi hat ngo kábái gargar uri ani. Má bos isu no di lu ngarsi hat pasi milut má dik lu ani.Parrotfish have large teeth resulting in they are used to biting off rock/coral with teeth. When they're hungry, then they bite off coral or bite (another kind of) coral to eat it. And all fish bite coral getting moss and they eat it.kám/kábái2.1Bodybody act
ngas peksa-itransitive serial verbSurlong peksai mai ngisánEnglishchew to soften; bite into small pieceschew softenThis implies chewing something to the point where one can swallow it.Tan kálámul ngo di lu mama, di lu kipi bu má dik lu kit palai kápán bu, má kolmair dik lu long peksai mai ngis di. Di lu ngas peksai besang, má namur dikte ani turán pok má kabang.People when they chew betel nut with betel pepper and lime powder, they take the betel nut and they husk off the betel nut skin, and the nut/insides they soften it with their teeth. They chew-soften it first/yet, then afterwards they eat it with betel pepper and lime powder.ngas takapngasi; peksai12.1Body5.2Foodbody act; food
ngas takap transitive serial verb taking onSurlong peksai mai ngisánEnglishchewchew eatTan kálámul ngo di namnam, ki di lu long peksai be i namnam iatung i ngus di ma namur dik lu konmi. Kápate arwat ngo da tu konmi namnam má kápte di ngas takap on suri nák pekes. Da lain ngasngas peksai sang, ki erár má dáng konmi á namnam.People when they eat, they soften first the food there in their mouths and afterwards they swallow it. It is not possible that they will just swallow food they do not chew so it becomes soft. They will chew it well indeed, then at that time they will swallow the food.ngas peksaingasi2.1Body5.2Foodbody act; food
ngas-itransitive verbEnglishbite; chewTok PisinkaikaiimThis implies not swallowing what one is chewing. A person might chew to get the juice of something like sugar cane without swallowing the fibrous cane itself.arngasngas takapngastokngas peksai2.1Body5.2Foodbody act; food
ngastokintransitive verbSurásásla tili dánih u ani a lisEnglishchewableThis words seems to describe root vegetables, primarily taro, that have a certain satisfactory feeling in one's mouth, not too soft and not too firm, nicely chewable. This produces an appealing and pleasurable feeling.Támin long a lu lain ngastok sang ngo di ani, kabin ngo támin á long a lis.Taro tubers are very nicely chewy when they eat them, because the tubers of taro have a nice consistency.liskok3ngasi5.2Foodfood
ngatalienable nounSurtalar; tatalen; táitEnglishbusiness; responsibility; inclination; opportunity; behaviourNgat seems to have a number of uses along a continuum between the meaning 'required' and the meaning 'desired'.Dáni á kam ngat á mainái?What is your business here?Koner a tám ruruna má a kis án toptop, koion na hol agengen i kán konom. Auh, na tari rumrum uri narsán sang mai kunlán bál. Má ngorer kápnate mon i kándi te ngat suri para bengtai ngisán ái Káláu má aratintin er git ruruna on. (1Ti 6.1)That one who is a believer and is still a servant, he should not think-small (look down, denigrate) his master. No, he should give respect to him with his entire stomach. And therefore there will not be their inclination/reason to say-badly God's name and that teaching we believe in.himtalarlong noi ngat4.1Relationshipsrelationship