Browse English



unmarriedmahunbachelor, old maid, single, unmarried, widowedA köövo mahu to poʼpoʼ non a rak peʼ.The unmarried woman is planting her garden.
unmarried girlsepeʼ 1adjadolesent girl, unmarried girl, young girlE koaʼ sepeʼ to ihoʼ amot e non.The young girl is sitting a little bit.
unmarried mansekaʼ 1adjadolesent boy, young man, unmarried manE koaʼ sekaʼ peöʼ e Tokakaaraʼ.My adolesent boy is Tokakaara.
unmarried mensesekaʼ 1adjadolescent men, unmarried men, young menA ma koaʼ sesekaʼ se nö taun.All the adolescent men went to town.
unmarried womensesepeʼ 1adjadolescent women, unmarried women, young women...ko köövo sesepeʼ poë varih mët rakah ee po mamaasoe, ......and these young women died indeed with sleepiness (felt very sleepy) ...
unnecessarilykoraʼ 2advnothing but, unnecessarily, uselesslyO koaʼ to nö koraʼ ka hikta tisia se vasiku.The children went to school uselessly because there is no teacher to teach.
unnecessarypinpiun 2advaimlessly, mischievously, naughtily, unnecessary, uselesslyE voe to nö vah pinpiun.The man goes around aimlessly.
unripepepereʼadjblue, green, unripe (banana)O paun to pepereʼ.The bananas are green.pereʼadjraw, unripeO keo pe voe to pereʼ.The man's citris fruit is unripe.
unsettled, to beponkiʼvdoubt (to), undecided (to be), unsettled (to be), unsure (to be)Ke Ieesuʼ soe ke raoe pan, “Suk ataeah, köm töhkak ka komëneöm ponkiʼ?Then Jesus said to them like this, “Why for what reason then are you(p) surprised and your(p) thoughts unsure?
unsure, to beponkiʼvdoubt (to), undecided (to be), unsettled (to be), unsure (to be)Ke Ieesuʼ soe ke raoe pan, “Suk ataeah, köm töhkak ka komëneöm ponkiʼ?Then Jesus said to them like this, “Why for what reason then are you(p) surprised and your(p) thoughts unsure?
untieihanvrelease (to), take off (to), untie (to),Ihan ohop pën.Take off your clothes.pureʼvuntie (to), unwrap (to)Pitaʼ to pureʼ o pëpaʼ peöʼ.Peter untied my paper.rupusvtake off (to), untie (to)E voe se rupus a sterenk.The man will untie the string.taihanvfree (to be), loosen (to), untie (to)Ko uris eh vëh to nohtöön non e Pitaʼ to taihan këh en pa koren e Pitaʼ.And the strong rope (chain) here which tied Peter was untied from Peter's hand.
untilantoen 2prepuntil...keʼ teʼ non nën ko antoen rakah pa ö neʼ se piun vahik a ötop peʼ....and he stays there then until indeed that he will pay completely his debt.aton 3preptill, until, reach, andEöm se kiu maʼ keʼ aton manih pa ö vëh.You(p) will work until you reach this 3advuntilManih po poen pamëh no a nap vëvënsun va Babiron to me a napan va Israël,...Here at that time when the fighting people (army) of Babylon took the people of Israel,...
untying, to beihihanvrelease (to continually)[releasing], take off (to continually)[taking off], untie (to continually)[untying]Ihihan hah a nohnoh vëh nën to noh vu.Untying again the tied up bundle here that you tied up recently.
unwound, to betöpreʼ 1vcracked (to be), unwound (to be)A kirök peöʼ to töpreʼ.My clock is cracked
unwrap,topureʼvuntie (to), unwrap (to)Pitaʼ to pureʼ o pëpaʼ peöʼ.Peter untied my paper.
upantoen 1vable (to be), ample (to be), are about, can, continue (to), enough (to be), inclusive (to be), necessary, sufficient (to be), upE Sosoenën to antoen e non pa heʼ oah a neöm a ma vu tah peo vihvih to antoen ne a vaʼaus a ihoʼ peöm.God is able to give more to you(p) many kinds of very good things which are able to help your(p) sitting down your(p) lives).kin 2advabove, aloft, upA vesun to teʼ non kin pa akis.The stars dwell up in the sky.peah 2advupE Ieesuʼ to soe va in poan manih, ke susun po oraʼ hat me vos en peʼ manuh Jerusalëm, ko me peah en peʼ manuh pa ö noton in a Iuun Hinhin Apuh.Jesus said to him like this here, then the chief of the bad spirits (Satan) took him home to Jerusalem and took him up there on top of the big prayer house (temple).
up high, to beakis 1vup high (to be)A növan to teʼ non akis rakah.The bird is indeed up high.
upper partkopunhighest part, upper partE növan to peah en po kopu i noʼ naon.The bird climbed to the highest part of the tree.
uprootpuitvpull out (to), uproot (to)Puit hah a ma pös kuʼ.Pull out again the pig post.toheopvuproot (to)E voe se tohoep a naon.The man will uproot the tree.
uproot treetahoepvcollapse house (to), uproot tree (to) a unat to een këh en pa iuun, ka iuun tahoep vëvëhöʼ rakah en.... the flood digs the ground away from the house and the house quickly collapses indeed.
uprooted, to betataivuproot (to continually) [uprooted]O vaman peöm se keh teʼ va non manih po voaʼ naon soneʼ vëh o voaʼ mastet, eöm se taʼ o meoh naon apuh vëh pan, ‘Tatai ah, parën nö, ko pu hah manuh tahiʼ.’If your faith should be like this little tree seed the mustard seed you(p) will command this big tree like this, 'You(s) be up rooted and you(s) go and grow there in the sea.'
upside downvatasuroonadjupside downKa supak pah tapiun kunah vatasuroon en.For indeed the flying fox turns back upside down..
UrbanusUrbanusPrp.NUrbanus, nameParöm heʼ me a potan avih peöʼ manih pe Urbanus, eʼ a teʼ kikiu, Ieesuʼ Kristo.And you give my good day to Urbanus, he is a workman,...of Jesus Christ.
urgekuinvinitiate (to), raise up (to), start (to), urge (to), wake up (to)Ka Tuvuh Vasioʼ kuin en po kokoman pe Simeon, keʼ ho en manuh pa Iuun Hinhin Apuh.And the Holy Spirit started the thoughts of Simeon and he went there into the Big Prayer House (Temple).
urgevavëhöʼvhasten (to continually)[hastening], urge (to continually)[urging]...a ma moeh tah kurus varih ne Sosoenën to nok voh, to vavëhöʼ rakah e ne po poen ne Sosoenën se vatvus vateeraʼ rakah en,...all these kinds of things which God had made, are really urging for the day when God will reveal clearly indeed, who are these ones his true children.