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aa 4rhet.q.mrkra, rhet.q.mrkrEën se nö kiu, a?You are going to work, right?e 1arta, theE kuʼ to kot e koaʼ.The pig bit the child.on.mrkr ; n.mrkr.p ; art ; art.p ; prn.sbj ; vNM, NM (p) ,the, the (p), a, we (incl) sbj, drift, ?O kupu pee to meʼ maaka in ta tah.Their hearts might understand a thing.
a p, a s, thea 1arta(p), a(s), theE voe to vi a vös.The man threw a stone.
a tree dwellingintannhollow of a tree, a tree dwellingA intan kanuh vëh Rauaʼ ruen.The tree dwelling bat there by the Raua river.
a.mrkrnd nka 3conj.n.mrkr ; ; conj.prn ; ; io.mrkrand n.mrkr, and the, then n.mrkr, then the, and we (incl), then we (incl), ?
AaronAronBiblical SourcePrp.NAaron, nameE Sëkaraëaʼ voh a teʼ ësës heʼ va po vu teʼ va pe Apaësaʼ to taneʼ maʼ pe Aron.Zechariah was a man burning sacrifices (priest) from the group of persons (priests) of Abijah who came from Aaron.
AbaddonAbadonPrp.NAbaddon, namePo to Hibru, ee to pokaʼ ne a teʼ sunön pamëh, e Abadon.In the Hebrew language, they called that chief person, Abaddon.
abandonkëh 1vabandon (to), abolish (to), leave (to), show (to)E voe to këh e koovo peʼ.The man left his wife.rës 1vabandon (to), abhor (to), abstain (to), dislike (to), hate (to), reject (to), refuse (to)Eʼ to rës en e këh peʼ.He dislikes his dog.vakahvabandon (to), handover (to), leave (to)Eʼ to hikta vih non pa ö na se vakah a vavaasis a soe pe Sosoenën para matop no o moniʼ me a taëën.It is not good that we(excl) would leave the teaching of the talk of God and we(excl) take care of money and food.vakëkëh 1vabandon (to continually)[abandoning], different (to continually be), fall apart (to continually)[falling apart]Ka iuun takök, pareʼ vuʼ vakëkëh rakah en manih po oeh.And the house breaks and it falling apart indeed here on the 1vabandon (to), abolish (to), heave (to), pitch (to), reject (to), rid of (to get), throw (to), throw away (to)E sinaneah to vi na kuma hat.Her mother threw away the bad sweet potatoes.
abandoning, to bekëkëhvabandon (continually to)[abandoning], abolish (continually to)[abolishing], leave (continually to)[leaving]Eʼ to këkëh takin ko non maʼ o paröʼ,He disembarked and was leaving the ship,
AbbaAbaʼBiblical SourcePrp.NAbba, Father, name"Abaʼ, Tamaneoʼ, a ma tah kurus nën to onöt e nom pa nok,..."Abba, my Father, you (s) are able to do everything,...
abdomenkoman 5bdpt.nabdomen, stomachA komaneoʼ to kamis.My stomach hurts.
AbelEbelBiblical SourcePrp.NAbel, nameManih po vaman pe Ebel, e Sosoenën to pokaʼ voh poan a teʼ totoopin.With Abel's faith God had called him a straight (righteous) man.
abhorkoe 1vabhor (to), abstain from (to), allow (to), dislike (to), give up (to), go (to), hate (to), interfere (to), lead (to), let it be (to), neglect (to), quit (to), refuse (to), reject (to), scrape (to), stop (to)Eöʼ to koe eöʼ a kiu me a bank.I quit my work with the bank.rës 1vabandon (to), abhor (to), abstain (to), dislike (to), hate (to), reject (to), refuse (to)Eʼ to rës en e këh peʼ.He dislikes his dog.
abhorring, to bekokoevabhor (to continually)[abhorring], abstain (to continually)[abstaining], give up (to continually)[giving up], go (to continually)[going], hate (to continually)[hating], interfer (to continually)[interferring], neglect (to continually)[neglecting], refuse (to continually)[refusing], reject (to continually)[rejecting], scrape (to continually)[scraping]Eʼ a kokoe simuk.He is giving up smoking.
AbiatharAbaëataʼBiblical SourcePrp.NAbiathar, name...Abaëataʼ to teʼ non e susun po teʼ ësës heʼ, pareʼ ëën voh en pa taëën pamëh....Abiathar at that time was the chief man who burns a gift, and he had eaten that food.
abidepop 1vabide (to), unable (to be)Ea to pop i no a taëën koʼ teʼ toʼtoʼ no.We live by food then we stay alive.
AbijahAbaëiaʼBiblical SourcePrp.NAbijah, nameKe Rëhoboam voh e taman e Abaëiaʼ.And Rehoboam was the father of Abijah.ApaësaʼPrp.NAbijah, nameE Sëkaraëaʼ voh a teʼ ësës heʼ va po vu teʼ va pe Apaësaʼ to taneʼ maʼ pe Aron.Zechariah was a man burning sacrifices (priest) from the group of persons (priests) of Abijah who came from Aaron.
AbileneAbileneBiblical SourcePrp.NAbilene, Lisanias to teʼ non a teʼ susun to matop non a muhin va Abilene....and Lysanias was the boss person (governor) and looked after (ruled) the province of Abilene.
abilitynat 3adjability, knowledgeable, wiseE voe nat ivëh e Roman.This knowledgeable man is Roman.
AbiudAbiutBiblical SourcePrp.NAbiud, nameKe Serubabël he teʼ non e taman e Abiut.And Zerubbabel was the father of Abiud.
ablepop 3adjable ; earthly life ; standard of livingA pop pea manih to paraʼ hat.Our(incl) standard of living here is very bad.
able, to beantoen 1vable (to be), ample (to be), are about, can, continue (to), enough (to be), inclusive (to be), necessary, sufficient (to be), upE Sosoenën to antoen e non pa heʼ oah a neöm a ma vu tah peo vihvih to antoen ne a vaʼaus a ihoʼ peöm.God is able to give more to you(p) many kinds of very good things which are able to help your(p) sitting down your(p) lives).nat 1vable (to be), acquainted with (to be), do not, educated (to be), know (to), knowledgeable (to be), understand (to), wise (to be)Eöʼ to nat noʼ peʼ.I know him.onöt 1vable (to be), allow (to), continue (to), fit (to be), inclusive(to be), qualified(to be)O tarosis to onöt e non pe Pitaʼ.The trousers fit Peter.
abode, aniuun 2nabode (an), building, home, house, residence,Ivaʼih a iuun peöʼ.This is my house.
abolishkëh 1vabandon (to), abolish (to), leave (to), show (to)E voe to këh e koovo peʼ.The man left his wife.vahik 1vabolish (to), annihilate (to), complete (to), finish (to), put an end (to), quit (to), relieve (to), stop (to)Ko poen ne Mariaʼ to vahuh vahik en pe koaʼ Ieesuʼ, ka ma teʼ susunön taneʼ maʼ pa ö no potan to pepeah ke non maʼ, pare vos ee Jerusalëm,...Then when Mary had finished giving birth to the child Jesus, then some kings came from where the sun rises up from (east), and they arrived at Jerusalem, 1vabandon (to), abolish (to), heave (to), pitch (to), reject (to), rid of (to get), throw (to), throw away (to)E sinaneah to vi na kuma hat.Her mother threw away the bad sweet potatoes.
abolishing, to bekëkëhvabandon (continually to)[abandoning], abolish (continually to)[abolishing], leave (continually to)[leaving]Eʼ to këkëh takin ko non maʼ o paröʼ,He disembarked and was leaving the ship,
abortkökvabort (to), break contract (to), cut (to) (taro, pig), divide (to), ring bark of a tree (to)E Pitaʼ to kök a kontrak peʼ.Peter broke his contract.