Vasui - English



mërakolEnglishmirakelnmiracleE Ieesuʼ to nonok a ma mërakol peo.Jesus did many miracles.
MërariPrp.NMerari, nameKa teʼ a vamomoaan ivëh e Gerson, ka vapöök ivëh Kohët, ka vakön ivëh e Mërari.
MërësPrp.NMeres, name
MësPrp.NMash, name
mësndry reefEe to naöp rakah e ne pan, o paröʼ to meʼ peah a mës va sinten tahiʼ va Afrikaʼ.They were really afraid that the ship might go up the on dry reef of the sea shores of Africa.
MësadoniaʼBiblical SourceMasedoniaPrp.NMacedoniaPa popoen ne Pöl to tatarep, ko ep in a teʼ va Mësadoniaʼ to sun non pa mataneah, pareʼ hinhin vakis non poan pan, “Nö maʼ manih pemöm a napan va Mësadonia, parën vaʼaus a möm”.That night Paul dreamed and saw a man from Macedonia who stood before his eyes (in front of him) and he was asking him strongly like this, "Come here to us(excl) the people of Macedonia and you(s) help us(excl)."
MësaʼPrp.NMesha, place
mësmës1vproper (to be), satisified (to be)Eöʼ to pah mësmës eoʼ.I am very satisfied.2adjsatisfactoryTaëën vëh a pah mësmës rakah.This food is very satisfactory indeed.
MësopotemiaʼBiblical SourceMeospotemiaPrp.NMesopotamiaEa a ma teʼ va Patia, me Midiaʼ, me Ilam, me to taneʼ maʼ Mësopotemiaʼ, me manih Jiutiaʼ, me Kapadosiaʼ, me manih Pontas, me Esia.We are all the people from Parthia and Media and Elam, and from Mesopotamia and here in Judea and Cappadocia and here in Pontus and Asia.
mët1vchew (to), dead (to be), die (to), ill (to be), sick (to be)Ee to teʼ ne nën keʼ antoen po poen ne sunön va Jiutiaʼ e Hëërot to mët.They stayed there until the day when the king of Judea Herod died.2ndeath, disease (contagious), ill, sicknessA mët pe voe tohat rakah.The man's sickness is very bad.3adjill, sickE voe mët to nö maʼ.The sick man is coming.
mëtmëtvdie (to continually)[dying], ill (to continually be)[always ill], sick (to be continually)[always sick]E voe to mëtmët non.The man is continually sick.
mëtonswamp grass, wild sugarcane (a type)O mëto to teʼ non sih manih pa ma moeh puputoʼ.The swamp grass is always there at the place that is continually muddy.
mëtonneelA mëton a tah to matan vanon manih pa kuruʼ.The eel is a thing that looks here like a snake.
mëtsionivparalysed (to be)O teʼ me varih no o oraʼ hat to öt ne rapoë, me ro teʼ mëtsioni me ro teʼ kokonoh. Ke Ieesuʼ vavatoʼ vahik rakah en pee.Also these people whom the bad spirits (demons) were holding them, and the ones with dead bodies (paralyzed bodies) and the epileptic people. Then Jesus healed them completely indeed.
MëtusaëlPrp.NMethushael, name
MëtusulaʼBiblical SourceMetuselaPrp.NMethuselahke Lemëk e koaʼ pe Mëtusulaʼ, ke Mëtusulaʼ e koaʼ pe Inök,...and Lamech was the child (son) of Methuselah, and Methuselah was the child (son) of Enoch,...
mëëtonblade of grassMaʼ a ep a ma mëëto vëh.Come and examine this blade of grass.
MidianBiblical SourceMidianPrp.NMidianE Mosës to tënan a soe vëh, pareʼ rusin en manuh pa muhin va Midian. Eʼ to vaen en pa vöön pamëh ko vatvus en pa poa koaʼ oeteʼ.Moses heard this talk and he fled there to the bush (land) of Midian. He married at that village (town) and had two sons.
MidiaʼBiblical SourceMidiaPrp.NMediaEa a ma teʼ va Patiaʼ, me Midiaʼ, me Ilam,...We are all the people from Parthia and Media and Elam,...
MikdolPrp.NMigdol, placePare tapiun tane’ hah ma’ Pi-Hahiröt pa ö no a potan to pepeah ke non ma’ manih Bal-Sefon, ko u’uu tanu ee sinten Mikdol.
MiletusBiblical SourceMiletus.Prp.NMiletus... pareʼ teʼ non pa vöön Miletus.... and he is in the town of Miletus.
milionEnglishmilionnmillion...ka napan me ee maʼ pa teʼ vëh to ötop voh a 10 milion kinaʼ manih peʼ....then the people brought this man who had borrowed 10 million kina from him.
MilkaʼBiblical SourceMilkaPrp.NMilcahMilkaʼ e ëhnan pe köövo vëh.Milcah is the name of this woman.
mimimnurineE koaʼ to mimim non.The child urinated.
mimiröʼvblow (to continually)[blowing], damage (to continually)[damaging], defile (to continually)[defiling], destroy (to continually)[destroying], injure (to continually)[injuring], ruin (to continually)[ruining], spoil (to continually)[spoiling], trouble make (to continually)[making trouble]E köövo to mimiröʼ non a ma kuma.The woman is ruining all the sweet potatoes.