Cooking methods

आँदान करूकãdan kərukcomVb1Engto boil5.2.1.1Cooking methodsarch2Engto tend fireph. v. ofआँदानकरूक
आँदान एऊकãdan eukcomVbEngto boilHinउबालनापानी आँदान ईली।The water boiled. methodsstdph. v. ofआँदानएऊक
आँदान देऊकãdan deukcomVbEngto boilबाई भात काजे आँदान दीली।The lady boiled water for the rice. methodsph. v. ofआँदानदेऊक
ऊकड़ाऊकukɽaukcvVbEngto make boilHinउबालना; चुड़ाना methods
ऊकड़ूकukɽukitVbEngto boilHinखदकना methods
ऊतूकutukcfपीगलूकबीगलूकvEngghee to melt on fire; milk to boil over; fumes to rise up; candle to melt as it burnsHinपिघलना oil5.2.1.1Cooking methods5.5Fire
ऊसाऊकusaukv1Engto boilHinउबालना methods2Engto bakeHinपकानाas in an oven, general meaning of cooking in a pot or pan5.2.1.1Cooking methodsऊस्‍ना चाऊरusna tʃaurcnEngrice preparation (boiled unhusked, dried and then husked)5.2Food
चूड़ूकtʃuɽukitVb1Engto cookHinपकनाज साग चूड़ू रोले हून साग देऊआत।Whatever vegetable curry they have prepared, that vegetable curry they will give. methods2Engfood to be prepared5.2.1Food preparation5.2.3.4Prepared foodचूड़ाऊकtʃuɽauktrVbEngto prepare food; to cook6.1.2.6Prepare5.2.1.1Cooking methods
चोलाऊकtʃolauktrVbEngto siftpaddy rice to remove stones and rubbish before husking; sift flour7.5.1.1Separate, scatter5.2.1.1Cooking methods
चोलूकtʃolukvEngto siftHinछाना; चालनाpaddy rice to remove stones and rubbish before husking; sift flourNo specified object7.5.1.1Separate, scatter5.2.1.1Cooking methods
झूरा होऊकdʒʰura houkcomVb1Engto lose weight8.1.4.3Decrease8.2.9Weigh2Engto become thoroughly friedalmost burned crisp as garlic for kəsa water or as spices and oil for frying up left-over rice5.2.1.1Cooking methods3Engto become frizzled9.1.1.2Become, change state8.3.4Hotph. v. ofझूरा1होऊकझूरा1
तलूकtəlukvEngto fry up leftover rice and vegetables5.2Food8.1.7.4Remain, remainder5.2.1.1Cooking methods
तरूआtəruanEngcurried vegetable with little water5. from vegetables5.2.1.1Cooking methods
पाहpaɡnEnglarge slow breaking bubblesoccurs when cooking down sugar cane juice into raw sugar8.2.1Small5.2.1.1Cooking methodsपाह धरूकpaɡ dʰərukcomVbEngto test cooking raw sugar for readiness3.2.2.3Evaluate, test6.2.5.4Plant product
बूजूकbudʒukcfबूचकाबूजाtrVb1Engto roastas potatoes in ashes, corn, sweet potato, fish, crabs5.2.1.1Cooking methods2Engto burn5.5.4Burn3Engto singe hair off a whole animalsingeing is done before the animal is cut up4Engto put cork in bottleHin बंद करनामाना बूजाmana budʒacnEngappeasement4.8.4.3Appeaseमाना बूजा करूकmana budʒa kərukcomVbEngto appease spiritsदेओ मन के माना बूजा करेसे।He is appeasing the spirits.4.8.4Peace4.9.5.5Offering, sacrifice4.9.5Practice religion
भूँजूकbʰũdʒukcfभूजूकtrVbEngto roast5.2.1.1Cooking methods
भाजाbʰadʒacfभजेआnEngsnack fried in oil, a little water, and rice flour added5.2.1.1Cooking methods
भूजूकbʰudʒukcfभूँजूकtrVbEngto roast over a fire; to roast in the ashes5.2.1.1Cooking methods5.5Fire
भाजूकbʰadʒuk1trVbEngto fry5.2.1.1Cooking methods2vEngto roast5.2.1.1Cooking methods
भोगारूकbʰoɡarukvEngto crisply fry in oil; to burn crisp in oilespecially garlic, dhall, vegetables, and ingredients for the sacred kəsa drink5.2.1.1Cooking methods
लक बकूकlək bəkukcomVbEngto bubble; to boilwater when boiling; as many fish in waterpot or confined space where they stir up the water; people when making a lot of noise; when have a good crop of rice in the fieldअछा लक बकलीसे ए मन चो बेड़ा ने।?1.3.2Movement of water5.2.1.1Cooking methods