Browse Keley-i



kedyam1nlightningNampana tudda buhul tu et mangkawehit ida niya impaeli tudda hu kedyam et mamsik ida. (Psalm 18:14)He (God) shot arrows at his enemies and they were scattered and he caused (flashing) lightening and they ran off., thunder2vto be lightningHegep kayu tep kamangkekedyam.Come in because it is lightning.kaman- CV-
keendicomp. ofendinomto be non-existentNebulbul hu ulu tun eleg tu pengibbuhhan ni adal tu gapu tep ya keendin pihhuh.His mind is disturbed because of not finishing his education due to the lack of
keg-engv1to cough without producing phlegm or spit, i.e., a dry coughDingngel ku hu kineg-engan tu tullid bawang ni baley da.I heard him cough from inside their house.Simtelkang 2uk-uk2.5.6Symptom of diseaseum-/-imm-Class 2C Physiological functions2to pretend to cough to express sarcasmKaumkenegkeg-eng tep eleg tu ebbuluta hu daka pan-e-hela.He was coughing because he was not accepting what they were saying.
kegaddial. var.pegadboundarydial. var. ofkelteg1nboundaryYa etan etteteng ni batu hu kegad ni payew mi et ya payew da. The big stone is the boundary between our rice-field and their rice-field.Simkeltegkeltegpappeg 22transto place something to indicate the boundary of propertyIngkal tu hu keyew ni nangkegadan mi.He removed the wood which is our boundary. Yadman neikgadan tun nunman.That was where the boundary was before.8.5.5Spatial relations8.5.4.1Vicinity
kegungfr. var. ofteg-ungnthe bone structure of fowls, excluding, head, neck and legsMepelhat hu netapalan niya neahinan ni danum ni neiheeng ni kegung.The soup of chicken bones cooked with garlic and salt is delicious. of a bird
kehaltransto bite something in two with teeth, e.g., betel nutIdwat mun amam et kehalen tu eya bewwa.Give this betel nut to your father and he'll be the one to bite it.Ag umkekehhal law hu ngipen ku tep kaman-iwwal.My teeth cannot bite anymore because they are loose and moving., chew-en/-in-Class 4A Changes the structure of an object
kehattransto cut things like string, vine, rattan, wireUmlawwak ni kabbuhhan et nak kehaten etan wakal ni kamanlallayyag di keyew.I will go tomorrow and cut the vine that is hanging on the tree.Hipa nanghat ni hableyyan?Who cut the wire for hanging clothes?Simbehathathat7.8.3Cut-en/-in-Class 4A Changes the structure of an object
keheb1stato be stingy in sharing what one hasMakheb hu kamanwatwat tep hi-gatun dakel ni ihhidan detag.(It's evident that) he is stingy in sharing (lit. distributing), because as for him, he (still) has much meat for (his) viand.Simkinit 1kuliput4. standardma-
keheb2intransa temporary dimming of of the sun because it is being covered with clouds; may also refer to less sunlight when the sun is settingNangkeheb hu aggew tep hinenian ni kulput.The sun is a bit dim because it is covered by a cloud.Kamangkekheb law tep kamangkelinnug hu aggew.The sunlight is becoming dim now because the sun is setting.Simkedem2kelep 11.1.1SunmaN-/naN-Class 1C General class - Tastes, odors and other features of entities
kehenintransa grunting soundThis sound is particularly descriptive of the sound made by a woman giving birth or a person having a bowel movement.Peteg ni mante-i mukun kaumkehekehen.He will defecate that is why he is grunting.Inamping tu ey kamangkekehhen.He slapped him and he is 2E Vocal sounds expressing feeling
kehepintransto descend; go down via a ladder or a similar structure Nangkehep et lumaw. He descended and went.Inna-nukkaw ni pangkekhepan da tep nehu-letan hu dellanen da. There is no way they can descend because their path is blocked. downmaN-/naN-Class 1B Movement with a directional component
kehinsemen; sperm2.1.8.3Male organs
kehkehtransto pull up a woman’s dress or skirt a little bit to the thigh so that the lower part of the dress or the skirt will not get wet A woman does this when crossing a river or when going into a deeper part of a pond or rice field full of water.Kinehkeh Julie hu lappud tu et eleg ma-bel ni ginwaan tud payew.Julie pulled her dress up to her thigh so it did not get wet when she walked into the rice-field.Simlihlih-en/-in-
kehnegtransto set something down heavilyIngkehneg tud det-al etan alweg ni napnun danum ni inehul tu et mabhi.He set-down-heavily on the floor (one end of) the bamboo tube that was full of water that he had fetched and so it was cracked. something7.3.4.3Put downiC1-/iN-Class 3E Move an object directionally
kehtungtransto cut a felled tree trunk into sectionsNantelu-an ni kinehtung tu etan lingngeh tayun keyew.He cut the tree that we cut down into three sections.Ya wahay hu impengehtung tu etan ni udyaw. He used the ax to cut the mahogany-tree into sections.7.8.3Cut-en/-in-Class 4A Changes the structure of an object
kehut1intransto receive less than expectedThis word usually refers to receiving less money or harvested produce than expected.Kimmehut nunyan toon hu ineni mi tep ya ugew.Our rice harvest this year is less than expected because of drought.Kimmehut hu nanggatngan min kapih tep dakel hu kapih et nelakah hu gatang tu. Our sale of coffee is less than expected because there is an abundance of it so the price is cheap. 2G Processes2transto give someone less than expectedImpakhut tu inutang tun pihhun.He gave less money than he owed.
kei- -anv > ncircumfix, lexical nominalizing affix for Class 3 verbal rootsKeiphedan ni biyag tayun tuu hu kapehebbalin kedaklan ni tuun meippahding.The desire of most people is for the improvement of our lives to happen.Sim-an2ke- -an29.2.9.3Derivational affixes
keibbellinan tuInf. ofbalinnomits meaning or interpretationProbably derived from balin, meaning to transfer or change.Aggak amta hu keibbellinan tu etan ni inhel mu.I do not know the meaning of what you have said.Hipa nengamtan keibbellinan tu etan ni binidbid tu?Who knows the meaning of what he has read?3.5.8Interpreting messageskei- -an
keiC1-transthe present tense default affix for Class 3 verbal rootsHipa mu keibbaga?What are you asking?Nak ida keibilang ni ammed ku.I count them as my parents.Simi-1iC1-iN- affixes
keiC1 -itranspresent tense, continuative or habitual aspect for Class 5 verbal root classesHi-gam hu nakka keihhikkugi niya hi-gam hu kamengihwang ni hi-gak. (Psalm 144:2b)You (God) are the one in whom I take shelter and you are the one who saves me. affixes
keiC1- -an1vcircumfix, a passive form that cross-references a time or place or the where or when question wordsAttu keibbillangan tu?Where will it be counted?Yad dapan tu keibbedbedan tu.It's his foot that will be bandaged.Simke- -an19.2.9.1Verb affixes
keiC1- -an2transpresent tense circumfix that cross-references a beneficiary of an action by another personKeiyyaggudan ni biyag tayun tuu hu kapehebbalin kedaklan ni tuun meippahding.The improvement of our lives is what most people prefer to happen. affixes
keiphedanInf. ofpehed1nto become better or improvedKeiphedan ni biyag tayun tuu hu kapehebbalin kedaklan ni tuun meippahding.The improvement of our lives is what most people prefer to happen. Simkeiyayyaggudan8.3.7.6Improvekei- -an
keippeang-anganInf. ofpeang-angtransto be revealing or showing somethingWinedam hu kedunduntug ni keippeang-angan ni et-eteng ni kabaelan mu. (Psalm 65:6)You created the mountains showing your mighty power.
keittu-uanInf. oftuunomto be livingYa keittu-uan tu hu tuka nenemnema.How he will live is what he is always thinking about.2.6LifekeiC- -an