Browse Kope – English



odinstring game
odiinstory, taleRii odii ahiou-da oropoio.Here ends the story about them.synhari3.5.1Say
odoaivtake out fruits
odobiaplidobiavput in the waterPohoi odobia.Put the net in the water. Kiauka Amo Mauoma tuiai-da odobiai-ka.So my grandmother jumped into the Mauoma river.
odoboa1transomodoboa2freqodobutiplidoboavcompare, taste, try, measure
odobutionceodoboa1vcompare something many times, test something
ododiatransimododiaimorododiacfomododiaomorododiaorododiamanyidodiavmakeRuu-ro pododiai ara hepu geemai aromoi-re.He himself created the earth and the sky.Epui-to roo-ro mati aipoi aꞌai, roo paꞌeai ma ododiai-ri.First you have to clear the place so you can make the garden.Kiauka, moo iohi hepui ododiai emerai hiei-da oropoiꞌo-ka.So, that's how I make compost.Raꞌu-ro orododiai, ata himioi, mooi-do, moo retoꞌa-retoꞌa-gaaꞌu burioi didimoi-da.What happened to me one day when I was five years old.6.1Workunspec. comp. formuumo ododiauumo2
ododosgodoia1vbeat, hit repeatedly with your hand or a small hand instrument (such as a stick for a drum)Ara dubuoti ma'ura gamai ododo kaido. These two men are beating the bamboo drum.Guitar ododo.Play (strum) the guitar.
odoisp. var. ofoodoi
odoia1plododov1beat one time, hit a single time, bump onceGamai odoia. Gamai ododo.Hit the drum once. Hit the drum repeatedly. 2split, use an adze to split bambooMaurai odoia kaumo.They are splitting the bamboo.
odoia2vpick, in in picking fruit
odomoiaiplidomoiaihabodomoiatidiovset aright, heal, save, straightenRimo turia-ha mea-ha, ka peei odomoiai-ka, ooꞌui-ri.We were alright, so we righted the canoe in order to continue.Ruu turia-ha iiꞌapudioi tauo-ha pipoiꞌo, ruu ma odomoiamoi-ri uubi imaꞌati-da, irai ruu meree ata-ro ma odomoiai modobo bia.She had already given all she had, to eople to heal her, but no one had been able to heal her.
odomoiatidioplidomoiatidioonceodomoiaivrepeatedly repair the one thing, or heal the one person
odoroventer, go upstreamDuoduo atai, raamui peei-ha pobai, odoroi omoi odi eito.The next morning the brother fetched his canoe and paddled up to the headwaters of the stream.Tauo-ka, Umuoma geꞌua uꞌuiꞌo imodoro.Immediately Umuoma ducked into a mudskipper's hole.Rii-ti aaꞌo himioi oromame motoi-da podoroido raarai ioidio.That day they had been to the market and were paddling back home.Moo Karisoroi irodoro burio-ka 1965.I joined the Council in 1965.7.2.4Travel
odouti1manyiodouti2vshoot repeatedly at one thingAra uubi ararai odouti kaumo. They are shooting at the thing.
odouti2nentrance, place where people repeatedly enter (odoro)
odoꞌav1trap, cornerUmui-ro bomoi iobodidioumoi-da, ruꞌai dodoi hato podoꞌamo.The dogs chased the pig until they had it cornered between the buttresses of a tree.2put one thing leaning against another thingMaurai oodoꞌa goꞌotai-da. Put the strong bamaboo leaning against the coconut.
odoꞌaicfoodoꞌaiplidoꞌo11deliberately drop one thing from a tree, pick one thing from a tree (fruit, flower, leaf)Imitoi odoꞌai moo rio-ka imito iihoi. Drop me a breadfruit, I want to eat the seeds (single for drop one, plural for eat as eating many seeds).Roupa roo kopo roꞌoꞌato, ka moo-ro roo aiha rodoꞌai.2drop someone with a single punch, coward's punch.Roo mooi-do modobo bia, roo gaaꞌu-ha odoꞌai raꞌai. You are not fit (to fight) with me, I'll drop you with one (punch).
odoꞌiavextinguish, put out (a fire), blind (an eye)Iroꞌumoi-da Era-Kiti goꞌotoi taitai-da, iridiri aiha podoꞌia.As we came up past Era-Kiti village the engine stopped working.Miro iara totoi-da otoꞌai-ka, iodouti mahumoi oropoiꞌo taitai idomai omodoꞌiai-ka.When Miro reached the last platform, he shot the last two arrows, blinding its eyes.9.1.2Do