Browse Kope – English



ohiꞌutivclean with palm leaves
oho1ntree grubs found in dead logs, usually in the mud, for eating
oho2manyiohohabohoodiovseek, look for, huntMa ohoi-ka, roo-ro emeaiꞌai-kaSeek and you will find.Tutu bia, ... 1942 hepu geegai araiꞌia ubii iohoi-ka.It was not long, ... when in 1942 they started looking for people to go to the war.... mia raa tiato-ra, raa iohoi odai-ka, tuiai-re hamai-reida.... and when there is no fish, we go hunting for them on the river and in the swamps.... duoduoi moo ai-pirodau buꞌi boomo iohoi.... in the morning I went into the bush to hunt for pigs.Toutu moo-ro odai raꞌai, roo raboꞌui omohoi."Tomorrow I will go and look for your fruit for you."2.3.1See
ohodifreqohotutiselforohodivpass byRii-ti goꞌotoi iohodidoi-da mereekekei-re oio buhebaiꞌoi-ro piahoꞌumo.; Aaꞌo himioi hato-ha porohodido oobo-ra dubu-ra ata.When they went past one village, the little boys and young girls called out.; At the same time there was a married couple paddling up the river.Taraka ohodio mereei motoi kehai orohodi pooꞌumoi-da, mereei pemeeꞌa.Suddenly they passed close to the driver's house when they saw the son.Abeai orohodi iooꞌu himioi hato-ha, ruu rimo tarakai ma oaꞌei gaboi hapuo atai-to.At the very same time the father was driving towards him, and he tried to skid the bus to the side of the road.
ohomeaplihomena kissMoo roo motoi irodoroi-da, roo-ro moo ohomeai bia, irai ara ooboi-ro moo ototii ihomei emahurai bia moo iroꞌui-da imomahoroi-ka, imoꞌu doꞌou.When I entered your house, you did not kiss me, but this woman has not stopped kissing my feet until now.
ohoodioLHHLLtransomohoonceoho2vsearch for, as for someone hiding or lost
ohotutionceohodivrepeatdly pass by
ohoꞌoafreqohoꞌoutivspread out on the floor, as in spreading out a matTioi ohui-da hipurai oho'oa.The cloth is spread on top of the mat.
ohoꞌoutionceohoꞌoavspread out on the floor
ohuHHdial varhoꞌuntop, on topMoo tamu rautu oꞌato, aiha rirumuai ohu hiꞌai eitoIf I had wings I could fly up high.Rimo ai-piremegi-kaame obototoi ohui-da.We were jumping from the top of the wharf.9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions
ohuimanyiohuiv1one thing that hangs on a tree2bear one piece of fruit that hangs on a tree
ohutivcut meat into pieces
ohuurutidifficult to walk on soft ground
ohuꞌotransimohuꞌoomohuꞌoplihuꞌouvgo out (towards the sea)Ka rii peei-ro imohuꞌoi, moo idebi oto ato piremeheaimo uapai ipi-da.And when the ship took them away they left me crying at the wharf.Hiou Taubada-ro rimohuꞌo ara hapuou eito.The Europeans brought us out to this side.Rimo ahiꞌiai-ka, omoi pirohuꞌoumo.We paddled off, and went out of the creek.Ka moo sikuri Paraide ioropoiꞌoi-da, adimoi moo pee kehi-da ohuꞌoi-ka, Oapo tuiai.It was after school on Friday afternoon, and I paddled out down the Oapo River in my small canoe.Motoi irahiai a'ai roo ohu'o!The house will fall, you come out!antoaimaiomodo27.2.4Travel
ohuꞌodidiovgo out and cause surprise, rush outPohuꞌodidio oarai-ro moo kekai.Suddenly the bandicoot rushed out near me.Kiauka, moo ai-rodau gaboi hohoi iritoꞌai tutu bia Dadi boomo geegai rautu iohuꞌodidioi.So I started walking to the entrance to the bush track, and soon my father was coming out with a very big pig.Ka ruu epui-ha podoi-da, hiibai tuiai-da iohuꞌodidioi-da.It went down first, and at the same time the crocodile was going out. quickly
ohuꞌomaitransomohuꞌomaiplihuꞌomaivwaste one thing
ohuꞌu1v1boast about yourself and the things you have done2talk about someone else as if they were less importantMoo ohuꞌuꞌa roo moo aibo. Don't put me down, you are like me
ohuꞌu2transomohuꞌutifreqohuꞌutimanyiohuꞌuvmake a hole by accident, break through unintentionallyKa akakopui iodoꞌai-da boꞌui imei pikui aiha pohuꞌui.Suddenly a mangrove fruit fell and broke the crab's shell.7.9.1Damage
ohuꞌumaitransomuhuꞌumaifreqohuꞌumatidioselforohuꞌumaiv1place one thing in a hole, but not let go2place something in a hole so that some is still showing outside the holeKukui ohuꞌumai! Put the stick in the hole so some shows!
ohuꞌumatidioonceohuꞌumaiplihuꞌumatidiovdrop one thing in a holeKukui boboi-da aiha ohuꞌumatidioꞌa. When you put the stick in the hole, don't drop it in completely.
ohuꞌutitransomohuꞌutionceohuꞌu2vbore holes
oibiꞌavput (it) into (a bag)... ida Umuoma emiri-da aiha poroibiꞌa.... and suddenly he swam into Umuoma's net.7.5.9Put