Browse Kope – English



oidiomanyioidioselforoidiovstay in a canoe or other hollow containerKa roo peei-da oidio.You stay in the canoe.Moo rio bia, peei-da oidioi.I didn't want to stay in the canoe.Iridiri peei mapoi-da ioti, du beremo beremo ioidio, du beuma beuma ioidio, obo paripari ioidio.The engine was on the back of the canoe, the bundles of sago were there inside, the bamboos of sago were there inside, the pots were there inside.8.5.3Be at a place
oioadj1newIe, himioi-ka ara moo oio toto ma ididi. Yes, now is when I should build a new nest (platform). ohio kehi oo'ui-ka oio ooboi emateai-ka, mia dui ema'ai-ka.The small boy came, approached the young woman, and gave her food., uncooked
oio burionthe new year8.4Time
oiodiplioiodivone person or one family returns from the bush or from their sago place, this does not apply to returnging from teh garden, fishing or town.Kiauka adimoi rimoi-bi gaꞌuha pirioiodimo goꞌotoi eito, raarai rautu turiaha.In the afternoon we all went back together to the village with all our things.7.2.4Travel
oirovmoving up, rising (tide), come upOboi-ro poiroi-da era aiha pemadoa.When the water came up therefore the fire was washed away.7.2.4Travel
oitofreqiotuti1oitutivt1string on stick or stringgoe oitostring of betelnutsraai oitoput fish on a stick or stringgiido ma oitoi-riYou should string the beads2attach leaves (biri) to stick (iiꞌi) for thatch (emia)emiai oito kaumothey made thatch
oitoraiselforoitoraivwake someone upGemo aiha piroitorai.I shook Gemo awake.5.7.3Wake up
oitoutionceoroitoraivrepeatedly wake someone up
oitutionceoitopliotuti1vstring things onto one other item, make one string of things
om-var.em-plim-v > vpfx1for benefit of, or detriment toom-ododiaimake (for someone)Ruu raamu-abeai era om-uoho. He is breaking firewood for his older brother.Toutu moo-ro ruui-do hiiro go'ota om-omodai ra'ai.Tomorrow I will carry many coconuts for her.2Causative, involve another participant as the undergoer of an actionidiai - omidiaigo away from river - take away from riverioro - omiorogo up - take upKa aba-ro, raa upai emidi-ka, omomodai-ka emaꞌai-ka ...And father, when they rolled fish for him, would take it for him and give it to him ,,,Ruu goꞌoto ubii boomoi imimomohau ...He brought out the pig for the village people ...... oboi goe aiha pemeidai, goe-ra uha-ra. Raa momomoꞌu, kudu.... he got his wife betel nut, betel nut and uha leaves. He brought them for her with tobacco.Urai omoi, omoi urai. Rai aiha im-om-urai ka.They closed the river (with a net). All the fish were blocked off.
oma1HLn1hackles of animal including pigs and dogs2crest on birds including cockatoo (aeau), Victoria crown pigeon (tibu), bush turkey (mamo)3mohawk, shaved head except for an intentional patch of hair
oma2LLvar.omoavdanceHete oma!Bogobogo mioi ohui-da oma kaumo heteiThey are dancing on the white sand.
omaariovpaddle offshore towards someone
omaaꞌovpass the message on for someone, speak on behalf of someone3.5.1Say
omabona type of cane that is useful for tying things when in the bush. It is used for temporary purposes, as it is not too strong and does not last a long time. It has white flowers like umu flowers and white sap.
omabufromabucforoabuv1cause something to go across to the other side2boast about someone else
omahorovstartAbeai eꞌakerei emehui-ka, gaꞌai oꞌoi omahoroi-ka.The father sharpened the knife and began to carve out the bow.Kiauka hioi-da ohio ata idebi otoi omahoroi-ka.Immediately one boy started crying.Ka rii iemidioumoi-da Maubi omoi tuiai-da, hiiba geema oraꞌoiai omahoroi-ka.And while they were living there on the Maubi river, a large crocodile started coming around.Ka moo odoi omahoroi-ka obo oruꞌoi-da, pireaꞌa moo himia umui-roWhen I started to go down to the river side to wash, my dog saw me.Moo-ro dui imuti-ka, tamai iri mamu, ototoi omahoroi-ka.I split the sago open, and started scraping it.Himioi ioahoi duoduoi motoi emeheai-ka, ruu omaꞌati omahoroi-ri, epui totoi-da pomahoro.At dawn the next morning he left the house to start work, and started on the first platform.Kiauka hioi-da ruu-ro tio-ra goro-rai imotuti aiha pomahoro.And then she started to weave the mats and baskets.9.1.2Do
omahuꞌodioselforomahuꞌodiovdisturbHiei-da, moo irooꞌu mati tutui, ata-ra ata-ro omahuꞌodio bia.After that, the whole way back, nothing else untoward occurred.9.1.2Do