Browse Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



ker i kʰɯ²¹ i³³v.sneak a peek; steal a look; watch discretely偷看/tōukàn/Yar sul vaexr nr var a, ngo ddei ker i. 他不会写字,偷看我的。Since s/he could not write, (s/he) peeked at mine.Compare 另见ikerker biarkerjiarker seixlker i kʰɯ²¹ i³³
kerjiarkʰɯ²¹-tʃʲa²¹🔊v.commit adultery通奸/tōngjiān/Yar kebal ssormaer mel dax kerjiar, yel yar maerssor yar dax cirgo a nr goxr a. 他跟别的女人通奸,所以他的妻子不跟他一起生活了。He commited adultery with another women, so his wife does not live together with him.Compare 另见kerker biarker iker seixlkerjiar kʰɯ²¹-tʃʲa²¹
ker seixlkʰɯ²¹ s🔊v.murder; secretly kill偷袭/tōuxí/Ca nr seir hal ddei ca ar ddei ker seixl zil gger a, yar leil ssu du lei a. 那个坏人,偷偷的杀了一个人,他被抓起来了。That bad person secretly killed a person, (so) s/he was arrested.The /zil/ following /ker seixl/ in this example is optional./ker seixl/ 后面跟着的 /zil/ 可有可无。Compare 另见kerker biarker ikerjiarker seixl kʰɯ²¹ se̠⁶⁶
kersil-kerbbaxkʰɯ²¹sɿ⁵⁵-kʰɯ²¹ba̠⁴⁴🔊dense smoke烟很浓/yān hěn nóng/Wordabbor adoxl dexl a, yel vimirmir hher dae lei, kersil-kerbbax mia ddo. 山上着火了,所以在远处也,可以看到烟很浓。A fire was set on the mountain, so even from far away, dense smoke can be seen.Compare 另见alkerkersil-hobaxzi kʰɯ²¹sɿ⁵⁵-xo³³pa³³tzɿ³³
kerzikʰɯ²¹tzɿ³³🔊v.hide/cáng/Ni zzirbae ddei arddol kerzi dae? 你把钱藏在哪里?Where did you hide your money?This is for hiding an object most of the time, but you can hide another person like a baby and this word is used. If a peson hides him/herself, the word is /pahher/ 'hide; take cover'.这字用在藏东西。一个人躲藏起来就要用 /pahher/。Compare 另见pahherkerji kʰɯ²¹tʃi³³kerza kʰɯ²¹tsa³³
kexlkʰɯ̠⁶⁶🔊v.ache; throb/tòng/Oldde kexl a, sul i nr cexr. 头痛,不能看书。When the head is throbbing, (the person) can't read.This is basically the same as /no/ 'hurt ' but this is more like a "throbbing" pain then a steady pain.这个字与 /no/ '疼' 同意。只是强调阵痛或抽痛;而不是稳固的痛。Compare 另见nokexl kʰɯ̠⁶⁶
kexlkʰɯ̠⁶⁶🔊v.bite/yǎo/Anol hal te ngo leil kexl a! 那条狗咬我!That dog bit me!kexl kʰɯ̠⁶⁶
kexlkʰɯ̠⁶⁶🔊v.scoop/yǎo/Ni almeixr kexl teixl lei ddo a. 你可以把饭舀出来了。You can scoop the rice out (of the pot).Ngo ggecir cir a, ggecir cir ggie ajjix kexl ji nia. 我洗澡,要把水舀在洗澡的地方。(When) I bathe, it is necessary to scoop water into the place for bathing (my) body (the tub).kexl kʰɯ̠⁶⁶
kexlzzikʰɯ̠⁶⁶dzɿ³³🔊v.dissolve 变稀/biànxī/Silbbiur mel coxr ggie dol a, kexlzzi var. 红糖放在潮湿的地方会变稀。(If) brown sugar is put where it is wet, it will dissolve.kexljji kʰɯ̠⁶⁶dʒi³³
kierkʰʲ²¹æ🔊1v.split/pī/Six mel arleixr kier a, yarzi zi seir, adoxl ddei lerleller bbiu var. 柴劈一下,很好烧,火会烧得很旺。If the wood is split, it burns well, (so) the fire burns well.2divide划开/huá kāi/Saerlil eil taex arleixr kier a, yaa cir ddei leil ardoxr bbe zol. 把这个梨划一下,分给他们每一个人吃一点。Divide this pear, (and) give a bit of it to each one of them to eat. kier kʰʲ²¹æ
kiexkʰʲæ̠⁴⁴🔊v.button; clasp; fasten/kòu/Guaxlguaxl mel mel leixrzzir nr zza. Cirmelmel a nael, oldde leil toxl dil a veixr; cirmelmel a nael, laexsaer kiex a veixr. 卦卦没有袖子,有一些套头穿,有一些扣扣子穿。Vests don't have sleeves. Some, are worn by pulling down over the head; some, are worn by fastening clasps/buttoning buttons.kiex kʰʲæ̠⁴⁴
kiexlkʰʲæ̠⁶⁶🔊v.break; chip/huà/Baxlaxr eil peixl yarqier leil ardoxr kiexl a; ni sser nr ddo a. 这个碗边上有一点坏了,你不能用了。The edge of the bowl is a bit broken; you can't use it.Beizi eil taex kiexl zil a. 这个杯子有缺口。This cup is chipped.kiexl kʰʲæ̠⁶⁶
kiexlkʰʲæ̠⁶⁶🔊v.carve; chisel; cut; sculpture/kè/Ngua mermi xi zi su ca halmel six sser a, vixlux kiexl a yarzi igax zae. 我们地方盖房子的人用木头刻花,很好看。The people who build houses where we are from use wood, (and) carve very pretty flowers.Legelbbe mel leil vixlux kiexl a mel, yarzi kiexl sol. 在石头上刻花很难刻。It is very difficult to chisel a flower out of stone.loan借词kiexl kʰʲæ̠⁶⁶
kokʰo³³🔊n.uncooked husked rice大米/dà mǐ/Ko mel zeixl nr mi seir a nael, ko lei bbeix ddo, almeixr lei bbeix ddo; zeixl mi ho a nael, almeixr bbeix. 大米还没有煮熟,可以说 "ko" 或者 "almeixr"; 煮熟了,说 'almeixr'。When the rice has not been fully cooked (by boiling), it can be called "ko", and can be called "almeixr"; after it has been fully cooked by boiling it, it is called "almeixr".First the rice seeds /cei saer/ are planted in a small plot. The seeds grow into seedlings /lil/ that grow very closely together. Then the seedlings are transplanted and spread out row by row in the paddy where they become mature rice plants /cei/. Then the rice seed /cei saer/ is harvested from the rice plants. When the rice seed is husked it is called /ko/ or /almeixr/. After it is cooked it is called /almeixr/. These days /almeixr/ almost always means 'white rice' but to clarify, the word /piu/ 'white' can be added /almeixrpiu/ 'white rice'. There are also contexts where the word /almeixr/ is used to mean grain.首先稻种种在一小块地里。种子长成密密的秧苗后。这些秧苗就被移植到水稻田里,一行一行的散布着栽种,在水稻田里长成成熟的稻子 /cei/。然后稻种 /cei saer/ 就从长成的稻子收割下来。稻种去壳后叫做 /ko/ 或 /almeixr/。煮熟后叫做 /almeixr/。现在 /almeixr/ 多半指‘白饭’但可以更清楚的加上 /piu/ ‘白’这个字:/almeixr piu/ ‘白饭’。有些时侯 /almeixr/ 此字也可以指一般的谷粒。Compare 另见almeixrceicei saerlilceipi tsʰe³³pʰi³³
kocixl kʰo³³tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶n.air空气/kōngqì/loan借词Compare 另见koqixlkoqixl kʰo³³tʃʰi̠⁶⁶
kol kʰo⁵⁵v.separate; space apart空着/kōngzhe/Sexbex dae a, cir ddur mel cir ddur dax ardoxr kol dae nia. 种玉米,一个坑与另一个坑要空着一点。When planting corn, each hole needs to be spaced a little biit apart.This is a loan but it is used along with the venacular word /giex/.Compare 另见giexgiex kʲæ̠⁴⁴
koqixlkʰo³³tʃʰi⁵⁵🔊n.air空气/kōngqì/Zzi gga mel kax gga sael a koqixl nr seir. 城市里没有农村里空气好。The air in the city is not as good as in the village.1. loan借词.koqixl ~ kocixlCompare 另见kocixlkoqixl kʰo³³tʃʰi̠⁶⁶
korkʰo²¹🔊v.get better; recover; recuperate恢复/huīfù/Ca hal ddei cir koxl no ho a, eilleix sael kor. 那个人病了一年了,到现在才好。That person, after being sick for one year, only now has gotten better.The word /ggu/ 'fix' is to fix an object. The word /kor/ 'recover' is when a person gets better from some illness. /ggukor gger/ 'cured; healed' is used when a doctor has cured someone. The /ggu gger/ is when the doctor is treating the patient./ggu/ 是修复一样东西。/kor/ '康复' 是一个人从病中恢复健康。/ggukor gger/ '治愈' 是指医生治好某一个病人。/ggu gger/ 是医生医治一个病人。Compare 另见gguggukor ggerkor kʰo²¹
korkʰo²¹🔊v.take an exam; test/kǎo/Ni arddolcar a kor ssi? 你什么时候去考?When do you go take your exam?It was reported that this word is not used in the village of ZhangJia.Compare 另见kor lalkorsil
kor lalkʰo²¹ ɮa⁵⁵🔊v.pass an exam考上/kǎo shàng/Daxiuxr kor a mel yarzi kor lal sol, korlalsu lei yarzi nganiuxl. 考大学很难考上,考上的人也很少。When taking the university entrance exam it is very difficult, the ones who pass the exam are few.1. It was reported that this word is not used in the village of ZhangJia.据说张家村那里不用此字。kor lal ~ zza lal.Compare 另见i lalkorkorsillalzza lalkor lal kʰo²¹ ɮa⁵⁵
korma kʰo²¹ma³³n.weed稗子/bàizi/Korma mel yar ddei yar ner teixl lei. 稗子是它自己长出来的。Weeds grow up on their own.Compare 另见moxrmoxrzzokorma kʰo²¹ma³³
korseilkʰo²¹se⁵⁵🔊's a pity可惜/kěxī/Yar sul nr zza, miar bei dae lalnga a, korseil a. 他没有学习,只是在干活计,太可惜了。S/he didn't go to school, (s/he) just worked, it's a pity.loan借词kurxil kʰɤ²¹xi⁵⁵
korsilkʰo²¹sɿ⁵⁵🔊n.test考试/kǎoshì/Yar ssormaer ddox mel korsil ssi a, nixmox zzar ardoxr gexr dae, yel yarma yar leil nixmox dder vaer. 她的女儿去考试,心里有一点害怕,所以她妈妈鼓励她。Her daughter was going to go and take a test, (and) in (her) heart (she) was a bit afraid, so her mother encouraged her.Compare 另见korkor lalkorsil kʰo²¹sɿ⁵⁵
korxikʰo²¹ʃi³³🔊n.flea跳蚤/tiàozǎo/Korxi mel yelyemo, lorbbor gga pahher ji dae a, ca leil kexl a, yarzi yor. 跳蚤是小小的,藏在被子里,咬人很痒。Fleas are very small, (they) hide in the blankets, (and) bite people, (and it) is very itchy.1. The flea /korxi/ is different from the head lice which is /xi/. /korxi/ 与 /xi/ 不同,是虱子,指长在头上的虱子。korxi ~ korxie.Compare 另见korxiexikurxi kʰɤ²¹ʃi³³
korxiekʰo²¹ʃʲɛ³³🔊n.flea跳蚤/tiàozǎo/Compare 另见korxikurxi kʰɤ²¹ʃi³³