Browse Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



bba ba³³v.shovel/chǎn/Almer lei a, yel jjiumo ggaxrne nilhar hox zei lei a, arleixr bba pixl nia. 下雨了,所以路上面的土滑下来了,要铲掉以下。It rained, so the dirt above the road slid down (on the road), it needs to be shovelled off.bba ba³³
bbae bæ³³adj.idle/xián/Yar miar nr zza, cirni-cirni bbae dae. 他没有活可干,每天每天闲着。S/he does not have any work, day after day (s/he) is idle.Compare 另见bbaebbae zzor nr zzorbbaeyoxia ʃʲa³³
bbae bæ³³v.drop; fall/luò/Mersi jia a, sixzzei leil seixlpeixl bbae zei lei var. 风吹的时候,树上的叶子会落下来。When the wind blows, the leaves on the trees will fall.Camar hal ddei bborvu zzu bbae jjia a, hormo ba nr nga a. 那个老人的胡子掉完了,没几根了。That old person's beard completely fell out, (he) doesn't have much of a beard.This is not used for a person falling down; when a person falls down it is /dezei/. /bbae/ is used when something is anchored in some way to something and then drops down like when fruit or leaves drop from a tree or when hair or teeth fall out.此字不用在人的跌倒;乃是用在物件的掉落。人的跌倒是 /de zei/.Compare 另见dezeibbae bæ³³
bbaebbae zzor nr zzor bæ³³bæ³³ dzo²¹ n̩²¹ dzo²¹idiom习语rest and eat吃吃闲闲/chī chī xián xián/Cabessor ddei nixixl mel yarzi goxrseir, bbaebbae zzor nr zzor goxr dae lalssa. 富人的日子很好过,吃吃闲闲过着就行了。The rich person's life is very good, (they) just rest and eat.bbaebbae zzor nr zzor ~ bbaebbae-zzorzzorCompare 另见bbaebbaebbae-zzorzzorzzorxiaxia zzor nr zzor ʃʲa³³ʃʲa³³ dzo²¹ n̩²¹ dzo²¹
bbaebbae-zzorzzor bæ³³bæ³³-dzo²¹dzo²¹idiom习语a life of leisure and good eating吃吃闲闲/chī chī xián xián/Compare 另见bbaebbae zzor nr zzorbbaebbae-zzorzzor bæ³³bæ³³-dzo²¹dzo²¹
bbaeci bæ³³tsʰɿ³³n.(a type of tree)红菱树/hóng líng shù/The /bbaeci/ tree is cut down and one-inch deep holes are dug out of the trunk. Mushroom are then planted in those holes.
bbaeci bæ³³tsʰɿ³³
bbaehhex bæ³³ɣɯ̠⁴⁴adj.fair公平/gōngpíng/Aniux nrnel zza a mel, bbaehhex nia, ciryoxr a perniar nia. 有两个孩子的话,要公平,一样的关心。If there are two children, (you) have to be fair, (and) love them the same.Compare 另见nixmox bbaehhexbbaehhex bæ³³ɣɯ̠⁴⁴
bbaelbbae bæ⁵⁵bæ³³adv.equally一样/yīyàng/Yaa mel aniux nrnel leil zzaegu zzi dax bbaelbbae a bbe gger. 他们给两个孩子分一样的东西。They divided the things equally among the two children.Compare 另见bbaebbaelerlerdaxbbaederlebbaeniurloxlbbaenixmox bbaehhexsilbbarbbaebbaelbbae bæ⁵⁵bæ³³
bbaelerler bæ³³lə²¹lə²¹adj.flat; level平平的/píngpíng de/Jjiumo eil zex bbaelerlermo yarzi ssi seir. 这条路平平的很好走。This road is level and good for traveling on.The /lerler/ is not separated because it is different from the /lerler/ that nominalizes question words.Compare 另见bbaebbaelbbaebbaelerler bæ³³lə²¹lə²¹
bbaer bæ²¹n.duck鸭子/yāzi/Bbaer mel ajjix gga ngol ssu lel meixr. 鸭子喜欢在水里抓鱼吃。Ducks like to catch fish in the water to eat.Compare 另见bbaerfubbaer bæ²¹
bbaer bæ²¹1v.split/liè/Bolvixr mel ngergazo ddei leil ar xiur bbaer dae. 浣熊在额头上裂开着一条。The hog badger has a stripe splitting its forehead./bbaer/ means something is split into two halves by a divider of some kind--as in this example . The word /kier/ 'split' is used when someone uses a tool of some kind--like an axe--to split something in half.2adj.cracked; torn/pò/Pia xiux bbaer a mel, ni naexrbe xixl nia mar! 衣服破了,你要缝补。If your clothes are torn, you need to mend them back (together)!Beizi eil ddei bbaer a. 这个杯子破了。This cup is cracked.bbaer bæ²¹
-bbaer bæ²¹POST POS后置词sfxpart; portion; section; side/miàn/Mi eilbbaer nael naxrcixl, halbbaer nael hormosael naxr-nr-cixl. 这块地这边好,那边不太好。This section of ground is good (fertile), but that section it is not good (fertile).Bolixr ca a, lamaebbaer nei lavulbbaer lei ca nia. 擦玻璃要外边和里边都擦。When wiping glass, both the outside surface and the inside surface need to be wiped.Ni lamaebbaer cux nr seir arddeirnga, lavulbbaer cux lei. 如果你外边不好座,来里边坐。If it isn't good to sit on the outside (row), come sit on an inside (row).Pia eil xiux lavulbbaer piar gga xiaxr ho a, nael lamaebbaer piar gga nr xiaxr seir. 这件衣服里边的坏了,但是外边的还没坏。The inside surface of this clothing is torn, but the outside surface is not yet torn.Yar cirbbaer hher; ngo cirbbaer hher. 他在一边,我在一边。S/he is on one side; I am on one side.1. In the above example the /piar/ is optional. Locative words: The locative word /zzar/ means 'in(side)' some structure. a. /nalzzar/ 'up in' b. /lavuzzar/ 'inside' c. /kukurzzar/ 'inside layer' d. /nixmox zzar/ 'in (the) heart'. 上面的例子中,/piar/ 可有可无。; 注意:位置格的词: 1. /-zzar/ 这个表示位置的字的意思是 '内(部)的;里(面)的;内(侧)的' 有些结构像: a. /nalzzar/ '上面在内' b. /lavuzzar/ '里面' c. /kukurzzar/ '里面夹层' d. /nixmoxzzar/ '心里面。There is overlap in the usage of the locative words /-bbaer/ and /-bbor/ /, but in general, the locative word /-bbaer/ is used when one location is related to a second location, person or thing. a. /giedaebbaer/ 'behind' (some other location, person or thing). b. /xilmeirbbaer/ 'in front of' (some other location, person or thing). c. /lamaebbaer/ 'outside” (of a container). d. /halbbaer/ 'over there' (from the perspective of a person 'over here' /eilbbaer/). e. /qirbbaer/ 'edge' (of something in contrast to the main body of the area). 方位词 /-bbaer/ 和 /-bbor/ 边/面 的用法有些重叠, 一般来说, 方位词 /-bbaer/ 是用于与第二个方位,人或物有相对关系的时候。a. /giedaebbaer/ '在 . . . 后面' (其他的位置,人或物). b. /xielmeirbbaer/ ' 在 . . . (其他的位置,人或物)的前面' . c. /lamaebbaer/ (在容器) '外面' . d. /halbbaer/ '那边' (从一个在) '这边' /eilbbaer/ (的人的观点来看). e. /qierbbaer/ (一个主体的) '边缘'。The locative word /-bbor/ means 'in; on'. a. /merlabbor/ 'in the sky'. b. /middurbbor/ 'on the earth'. c. /xiepaebbor/ 'on the roof'. But it also follows the pattern of /-bbaer/ when it follows the [DET.限定词] /eil/ 'this or /hal/ that' and means 'this side' (eilbbor), in contrast to 'that side' (halbbor) of some boundery like a road or a river, and with /yobbor/ 'on the right 右边' and /vaelbbor/ 'on the left 左边'. 方位词 /-bbor/ 的意思是 '内; 在 . . . 上'. a. /merlabbor/ '天空中'. b. /middurbbor/ '在地上'. c. /xiepaebbor/ '在屋顶上'. 但它也随着 /-bbaer/ 的模式当它跟在 [DET.限定词] /eil/ '这 or /hal/ 那' 之后来显明一条河或路的 '这一边' (eilbbor), 与 '那一边' (halbbor) 之对比, 此外还有 /yobbor/ '右边' 和 /vaelbbor/ '左边。The noun /maex/ means 'place'. a. /halmaex/ 'that place. b. /eilmaex/ 'this place'. c. /arddolmaex/ 'where; what place'. d. /armaex/ 'a place'. 方位词 /maex/ 意思是 '地方'. a. /halmaex/ '那个地方'. b. /eilmaex/ '这个地方'. c. /arddolmaex/ '什么地方'. d. /armaex/ '一个地方。The noun /piar/ means 'edge' (of something), or the 'side' (of something). This is in contrast to the locative word /-bbor/ which simply is speaking of two apposing sides or places—over here vs. over there. a. /giedaebbaer piar/ 'the back edge/side'. b. /lazzarmo nr piar/ 'the two edges/sides of the river'. c. /mersi jia gex dae piar/ 'the side the wind blew on'. It also refers to direction. ːa. /yopiar/ 'right side'. b. /arddolpiar gga ssi a/ 'going in whatever direction'. Or it means side, as in a group of people in competition with another group of peopleː. a. /eilpiar nrnel; hal piar nrnel/ 'two on this side, two on that side'. b. /yar dax cirpiar bei su/ 'those who were on the same side as s/he (was)'./piar/ 这个名词意思是之某物的一 '边', 或某物的 '旁边'. 与方位词 /-bbor/ 相对比 /-bbor/ 是指两个并列之物的两边或两个地方:在这里 或 在那里. a. /giedaebbaer piar/ '后面那一边'. b. /lazzarmo nr piar/ '河的两岸'. c. /mersi jial gex dae piar/ '凤吹的那一面'. 也可以用于指明方向. ːa. /yopiar/ '右边'. b. /arddolpiar gga ssi a/ '无论去那一个方向'. 或是指在两组相对抗的人中支持那一边的人. a. /eilpiar nrnel; halpiar nrnel/ '这一边(党派)两人,那一边(党派)两人'. b. /yar dax cir piar bei su/ '站在他这一边(支持他)'。Compare 另见eilbbaergiedaebbaerhalbbaerkuaxggiebbaermuggiebbaerqirqirbbaerzalbbaerbbaer bæ²¹
bbaerfu bæ²¹-fɤ³³ egg鸭蛋/yāzi dàn/Halmaex bbaerfu a bbeixsael yixfu ar taex dol dae? 那里放着一个鸭蛋还是鸡蛋。Is that a duck egg or a chicken egg placed over there?Compare 另见bbaerfuyixfuyixfupiuyixfusaebbaerfu bæ²¹-fɤ³³
bbaermir bæ²¹mi²¹n.broadleaf arrowhead; water rice; zizania caduci flora; (a type of vegetable that is a bit bitter)茨菇/cìgū/Bbaermir mel ajjix zza ggie dae saelnei gol var. 茨菇在有水的地方才会活。The "bbaermir" must be planted in a place where there is water in order for it to live.bbaermer bæ²¹mɯ²¹
bbaex bæ̠⁴⁴DISC话语(heard听说/tīng shuō/)Ni arggeni ake jjixr bbaex? 听说你明天回家是吗?I heard you are going home tomorrow, (right)?It was reported that this is not used in the village of ZhangJia.据说张家村那里不用此字。
bbaex bæ̠⁴⁴ a stringed instrument/tán/Yar xixrzi bbaex var. 他会弹铉子。S/he can play the "xixrzi".This verb is used for pulling something back like a rubberband or a bow, so for playing music it is used with stringed instruments.2CLF (verbal)(flick; strum)Yar leixrni ddei ngo ngergazo leil ar taex bbaex gger a. 他的手指在我脑门上弹了一下。S/he gave me a flick on the forehead with his/her finger.Compare 另见xixrzibbaex bæ̠⁴⁴
bbaexbbaex bæ̠⁴⁴bæ̠⁴⁴n.third child第三个孩子/dì sānge háizi/Aniux bbaexbbaex ddei mel hherdder aniux soler ddei nga a. Aniux bbaexbbaex 就是第三个孩子。Aniux bbaexbbaex is the third child.Compare 另见nimarbbaexbbaexbbaexbbaex bæ̠⁴⁴bæ̠⁴⁴
bbaexl bæ̠⁶⁶1DISC (REPORTED SPEECH--auditory evidential speaker-oriented modality)话语(间接引语)(expresses that the evidence of what is being said is based on what one has heard or seen)Eilni yar ngo leil bbeix: "Ni miar bei ssi nr ssa a" bbaexl eine bbeix a. 今天他对我说:“你不要去干活了”这样说。Today s/he told me, "You don't need to go to work" (she) said.Yar woxrke ca mel yar eine bbeix a bbaexl ddar eilmel ngo leil bbeix gger a. 他下面的人们依照他说的这些话,告诉我。The people under him/her told me the words s/he said.2(affirm or verify that [you] think something is true)觉得/juédé/Ni bbaexl yar seir seir? 你觉得他好不好?Can you affirm is s/he good or not?1. /bbaexl/ is an evidential operator, which indicates that the information came from visual sources. Though it still retains the idea that the speaker’s information came from seeing, its meaning seems to have expanded to ‘I affirm’ or ‘it is a fact’, especially in (but not limited to) propositons concerning ego. It communicates that the proposition is a fact, not an opinion, that the speaker affirms is correct. It expresses a higher degree of commitment to the truth of the statement than /sor/, but not as much as /lo/ or /mar/. (See validationals.) Certain evidentials may double up in some propositions. I have observed that only the logical deduction /naer/ and the visual /bbaexl/ may follow other evidentials; other combinations of evidentials don’t seem to be acceptable. /naer/ communicates that the speaker is certain of the proposition (possibly because he/she understands the situation well). /bbaexl/ indicates that the speaker affirms the truth of the proposition. It indicates that the source of information is reliable. Such marking is not superfluous. Rather, in these cases, the second evidential seems to lose its evidential meaning and take on validational ones instead. The second evidential confirms the first one. It does not mark another source of information for the speaker or addressee. This is in contrast to what Aikenvald has observed in some languages where “[h]aving several evidentiality markers in one clause allows speakers to express subtle nuances relating to types of evidence and information source….” (Aikenvald, 88-91) Native speakers of this language inform me that they may not express several different sources of information in the same proposition; they must choose one source of information only. If the speaker’s information comes from more than one source and his/her information is quite good, the speaker may use the logical deduction /naer/ to indicate that he/she has a thorough understanding of the situation. While most evidentials may be used to comment on 2nd and 3rd person subject’s feelings, only the visual /bbaexl/ and logical deduction /naer/ may be used to comment on a 1st person subject’s feelings, probably because in such contexts they acquire validational, not evidential meanings. The visual /bbaexl/ and logical deduction evidential /naer/ and the emotive word /mei/ (which derives from the word for feel) may be used to comment on the content of dreams. The non firsthand evidentials may not be used. (Judi Merrifield)It was reported that this is not used in the village of ZhangJia.据说张家村那里不用此字。The meaning is similar to the word /zzor/ but it is used in a different way.Compare 另见zzor
bbaexl ba̠⁶⁶conj.if的话/de huà/Yar nr ssi bbaexl a, niul ssi lalssa. 他不去的话,就咱们去吧。If s/he doesn't go we'll just go.Argaxl almer lei bbaexl a, ni ngo leil pia arleixr se xixl gger la ngo. 假如一会下雨,你帮我把衣服收回来一下。After a while if it rain, help me gather (and take) the clothes back (into the house--they are hanging outside to dry in the sun).hanga xa³³ŋa⁵⁵
bbaexrlaexr bæ̠ʔ²¹ɮæ̠ʔ²¹n.half/bàn/Saer eil taex ni ar bbaexrlaexr zzor, ngo ar bbaexrlaexr zzor. 这个水果你吃一半,我吃一半。You eat a half of this fruit and I will eat a half.This is used for something solid that is cut in half. The word /peix/ 'half' would be used for something like half the rice is yours and half is mine./bbaexrlaexr/ 一个固态的东西分成两份。 /peix/ 可以用在‘米饭’上,譬如说:饭一半是你的,一半是我的。Compare 另见peixbbaerlaer bæ̠ʔ²¹ɮæ̠ʔ²¹
bbaexvu bæ̠⁴⁴vɤ³³n.sweet white liquor甜白酒/tián bái jiǔ/Baexvu bei a mel, almeixr zeixl mi ho halmel gga zzir ji dax dder bei cexr a. 做甜酒酿,煮熟了的饭里,放酵母就可以做出来了。When making sweet white liquor, it can be accomplished by putting the yeast in the rice when it has finished boiling.This liquor is not just liquid; the rice is still in the drink.这种酒不只是液体而已,它还带有米粒。bbaexhhe bæ̠⁴⁴ɣɯ³³
bbaeyo bæ³³ʝo³³adj.lazy/lǎn/Yar yarzi bbaeyo, miar lei nr bei. 他很懒活也不做。S/he is very lazy, (s/he) does not even do (any) work.Eilni almer lei a, bbaeyoyomo ngo sul nr zza ssi a. 今天下雨,太懒了我不去上学了。Today it rained (and) I lazily did not go to school.Compare 另见bbaebbaeyo bæ³³ʝo³³
bbax ba̠⁴⁴v.lift and move with the hands/fú/Camar hal ddei mel no a, cirdoxr lei ha nr var, yel yar leil bbax du lei saelnga. 那个老人病了,一点都不会动,所以要扶他起来才是。That old person is ill, (and) can't move at all, so (someone) needs to lift him/her.Legelbbe eil taex halmaex bbax mal nia. 这个石头要搬到那里。This rock needs to be moved to there.This is in contrast to /ba/ 'move to another house (loan)', or /bil/ 'carry with a shoulder pole', or /bber/ 'carry on the back'. This word is used to pick up something with your hands and place it somewhere else./bbax/ 这与 /ba/ 相对,/ba/ ‘搬’(借词),也与 /bil/ 相对 ‘用杆子提’,也与 /bber/ 相对 ‘背在背上’。/bbax/ 是用手提起东西,放到另外的地方。Compare 另见babilbbertiveizarbbax ba̠⁴⁴
bbe bɯ³³v.cover/gài/Almer lei a, zzaegu mel leil bbe du lei nia. 下雨了,要把东西盖起来。If it rains, the things need to be covered.Pia eil xiux yar leil bbe gex gger ssi a, yar leil ardoxr lemel lol. 去把这件衣服为他盖上,让他暖和一点。Cover him/her over with these clothes, in order to allow him/her to (be) a bit warm.Compare 另见jiubbe bɯ³³
bbe bɯ³³DISC话语(word expressing incredulity)(话语[不轻信地]/huàyǔ [bù qīngxìn de]/)Ngo yar leil seirseil argielggur mia nr goxr a, yar cirke mu dax a bbe! 我很长时间没见他,没想到他长高了很多!I have not seen him/her for a long time, (and) s/he has grown a lot taller!Niul doxl eine bbeix har zaxr dae a lei, ni doxl eine bei lei ar te bbe! 我们不是这样说好了,没想到你这样做!Didn't we already talk about this, (and) you are still one to act this way!Ngo yixr ji a ngaseir hol mar, arsae hherdder merteir a bbe! 我不是才睡下去嘛,没想到怎么就天亮了!I just fell asleep, (and) how could it be dawn in just a moment!bbe bɯ³³