Browse Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



vava³³🔊v.roll/gǔn/Mi lei a, wordabbor legelbbe mel lei va zei lei a.地震了,山上的石头也滚下来了。There was an earthquake, (and) the rocks on the mountain rolled down.Compare 另见valavaliliva va³³
vava³³🔊v.want to/xiǎng/Ngo yarzi ake jjixr va!我真的想回家!I really want to return home.This verb expresses a sense of urgency. The verb /niazzir/ could be used in this example as well, but there wouldn't be a sense of urgency.此动词表现出一点紧急的概念。/niazzir/ 也可以用在此例中,不过就缺少了紧急的意思。Compare 另见niazzirva va³³
vaevæ³³🔊v.laugh; smile/xiào/Ni arsaenga a vae? Ngo azo lei nr bbeix.你为什么笑?我什么都没有说。Why are you smiling? I didn't say anything.Compare 另见vaesirsirvaessivaessiddovae væ³³
vaevæ³³🔊ǎi/Zzirbae nr zza a mel, azo lei vae nr cexr.没有钱,什么都不能买。If (you) don't have money, (you) can't buy anything.Compare 另见almeixr vae lel ggiehovaeperzzaegu vae ssivae væ³³
vaelvæ⁵⁵🔊LOC SPATIAL方位left/zuǒ/Ca cirmelmel a azzu sser a, vael bbor sser.有一些人用筷子,用左手。Some people, using chopsticks, use the left hand.This locative word is similar to what Marlin Leaders refers to as "spatial grounding" of the action, in his article Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc., because it gives relative direction information rather than just location information. /aga(la)/ 'between, among, in the midst of' is what Marlin Leaders would call the "neutronym". 这一个方位词与 Marlin Leaders在 “Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc.” (时态-局面-语气 TAM)所说的行动 “空间的接地”。因为它给了相对方向的信息,而不是只有位置的信息。Marlin Leaders 叫 'between, among, in the midst of 中间' 这些字为 "neutronym"。Compare 另见dexbborellelegiedaeggaxrneggaxrsijiasikukurzzarlamaelavulmaelemaelleilnalbbornalzzarolleleolniuxniuxolniuxniuxteixlsibborvaelbborvaelleixr-yoleixrvulleilwoxrkexilmeiryozalbbaerzalbborzalzzarzilbborzilelezile zzirzzarzzarvaelvæ⁵⁵
vaelaertaevæ³³ɮæ²¹tʰæ³³🔊adv.horizontally/hěn/Ni daxrzzopir ddei vaelaertae bil dae a mel, alddur ddei gga ddir lei nr cexr mar!你把扁担横挑着,就不能从门里进来嘛!If you carry your shoulder pole horizontally, (you) can't enter through the door!Compare 另见daelaerlaervaetaelaevæ³³tʰæ³³ɮæ³³
vaelbborvæ⁵⁵-bo²¹🔊LOC SPATIAL方位left side左边/zuǒbiān/Compare 另见-bborvaelvaelbborvæ⁵⁵-bo²¹
vaelleixr-yoleixrvæ⁵⁵ɮe̠ʔ²¹-ʝo³³ɮe̠ʔ²¹🔊idiom习语left and right左手边右手边/zuǒshǒbiān yòushǒbiān/Almer lei a, nilbiaxhox a, yel jjiumo eil zex mel vaelleixr-yoleixr lei ssi nr ddo a.下雨泥石流,所以这条路左边右边都走不通了。It rained and there was a mudslide, so it was not possible to go to the left or right of the road.Compare 另见vaelyovaelleixr-yoleixrvæ⁵⁵ɮe̠ʔ²¹-ʝo³³ɮe̠ʔ²¹
vaelniavæ⁵⁵nʲa³³🔊n.Clematis小木通/xiǎomùtōng/Vaelnia mel puxrto zzei ardoxr lesel; sixzzei leil ggax deix var.小木通有一点像葡萄树,会爬到树上。The Clematis is a bit like the grape plant; it grows like a vine on a tree.vaelniavæ⁵⁵nʲa³³
vaepervæ³³-pʰɯ²¹🔊n.payment价格/jiàgé/Yar halae zzaegu vaeper nr gger seir.他还没有付买东西的价格。S/he still has not given the payment for (the) thing (s/he bought).Compare 另见perperjiarperlaperniarvaevaepervæ³³-pʰɯ²¹
vaervæ²¹🔊1adj.big/dà/Ngo ddei qixnex zze yarzi vaer.我的鞋子很大。My pair of shoes are very big.Saer vaervaermo hal taex ngo leil gger la.那个大大的水果给我。Give me that big piece of fruit.Veixrbol mel zeil vaer a, seixl lel nia.公猪养大了要杀了吃。When a boar has been raised (until it is) big, it will be killed to be eaten.2great; high status; important有权力/yǒu quánlì/Ngua kax gga vaervaerpor ddei mel zzi gga vaervaerpor ddei sael a nr vaer.我们村里的领导没有城里的领导有权力。The leaders in our village are not as important as the leaders in the city.Vaervaerpor hal ddei ho bei ho vaer a.哪个领导越来越有权力了。That leader is more and more important.3old/lǎo/Yar bir ngo leil vaer.他比我大。S/he is older than I.Yar ssormaer soler zza; vaervaer ddei si leil gger ho a.他有三个女孩,大的那个已经嫁人了。S/he has three daughter; the older one has already been given to someone (in marriage).This word is used in this sense only when comparing relative age of family members. The word for 'old' is /mar/.4v.get bigger; grow up长大/zhǎng dà/Silbbar mel sexbex zzei leil vix dae a, sexbex zzei vaer nr xie a.草遮盖着玉米,玉米长不大了。The grass is smothering the corn, (so) the corn plant can't get bigger/grow.Yar aniux ddox eilboxl vaer du lei a, yarzi gayo.她的孩子现在长大了,很乖。His/her child has grown (a lot) now, (s/he) is very well behaved.Compare 另见hher vaermarmarguvaervaerporvaervaer-yeyevaerzzirporvaervæ²¹
vaervaerporvæ²¹-væ²¹-pʰo²¹🔊n.leader; official; person in authority; ruler领导/lǐngdǎo/Vaervaerpor mel ca cirddei-hanga leil lei guaxr cexr.领导们可以管每一个人。Leaders are able to take care of everyone.Compare 另见vaervaervaer-yeyevaerzzirporvaervaerporvæ²¹-væ²¹-pʰo²¹
vaervaer-yeyevæ²¹væ²¹-ʝɛ³³ʝɛ³³idiom习语big and small; important and un-important大大小小/dàdà xiǎoxiǎo/Eilni yaa ggie baxl; niul vaervaer-yeye lei yaa dax seivi mu ssi nia.今天他们办婚礼;咱们大大小小的都要去他们家做客。Today they are putting on a wedding; all of us both important and un-important, are going to be their guests.Compare 另见vaervaervaerporvaerzzirporyevaervaer-yayavæ²¹væ²¹-ʝa³³ʝa³³
vaerzzirporvæ²¹-dzɿ²¹-pʰo²¹🔊n.boss最有权柄的人/zuì yǒu quánbǐng de rén/Yar mel vaerzzirpor ddei nga a; arseir lei yar ddei ddar no nia.他是最有权柄的人,谁都要听他的话。S/he is the boss, everyone has to obey (to him/her).The suffix /-por/ normally means 'male' (vs. female) but in some contexts it can include both--such as /Loxrlapor / 'Central Yi person'.Compare 另见vaervaervaerporvaervaer-yeyezzirvaerzzirporvæ²¹-dzɿ²¹-pʰo²¹
vaesirsirvæ³³sɿ²¹sɿ²¹adj.amused; smiling笑眯眯/xiàomīmī/Ca hal ddei arddolcar a lei vaesirsirmo.那个人什么时候都笑眯眯的。That person is always amused.Compare 另见vaevaesirsirvæ³³sɿ²¹sɿ²¹
vaessivæ³³-zɿ³³🔊v.make fun of; mock; ridicule取笑/qǔxiào/Ca hal te mel yarzi goxrseir, yel yar casolssor mel leil vaessi.那个人很好过,所以他取笑穷人。That person lives very well, so (s/he) makes fun of the poor.Compare 另见cei kalpialvaevaessiddovaessivæ³³-zɿ³³
vaessiddovæ³³-zɿ³³do³³🔊adj.funny好笑/hǎoxiào/Ngo yar leil yarzi vaessiddo ar ddei biar gger a, eilcar a, yar halae vae doxr dae.我讲给他一个很好笑的,现在他还在一直笑。I told him/her something very funny, (and) now s/he is still laughing.Compare 另见vaevaessivaessiddaxvæ³³-zɿ³³-da̠⁴⁴
vaevae-sirsirvæ³³væ³³-sɿ²¹sɿ²¹idiom习语happily高高兴兴/gāogāo-xìngxìng/Yaa aniux ddo no a kor a, yel yaa cirhhexr-lorbba vaevae-sirsir a jjixr lei a.他们家的孩子生病好了,所以他们一家人高高兴兴地回来了。Their child was sick and got better, so their whole family happily returned (home).
vaexvæ̠⁴⁴v.turn over/fān/Almeixr lexl a mel, zoxlzoxl a vaex dae a saelnei lexl hie so. 晒粮食经常翻才容易晒干。When drying grain in the sun, it has to frequently be turned over in order to easily dry it.Compare 另见baxlvaex væ̠⁴⁴
vaexleixrvæ̠⁴⁴ɮe̠ʔ²¹🔊n.business生意/shēngyì/Yar mel vaexleixr bei doxr a, zol a ngua mermi su dax loxlmoxr vae a, yoxl kebal su leil vur gger.他一直做生意,经常跟我们地方的人买粮食,又卖给其它地方的人。S/he is always doing business, (s/he) often comes to buy grain from the people in our area, and then sells it to others.vaexleixrvæ̠⁴⁴ɮe̠ʔ²¹
vaexrvæ̠ʔ²¹🔊v.flow/liú/Yar leixrhher ddei leil altor caer dae a, sirnilni vaexr teixl lei a.他的手被刀划着,血流出了。S/he cut his/her hand with a knife, (and) blood flowed out.Beizi eil taex gga ajjix ji bbi a, ajjix mel vaexr teixl lei a.这个杯子里面装满了水,水流出来了。This cup is filled full of water, (and) the water is overflowing.This is when a small amount of liquid spills or leaks out of something. When there is a significant flow of water the word is /pe/. The word /sixr/ is used when a liquid is 'absorbed' into a sold and is dispersed that way.Compare 另见pesixrssuvaexrvæ̠ʔ²¹
vaexrvæ̠ʔ²¹🔊1v.slither (the way a snake moves)滑行/huáxíng/Sae mel ajji gga hanol vaexr jiax.蛇在水里滑行的更快。Snake move quite quickly on the water.2braid; twine; twist/jiǎo/Halcar a, ca mel zzir sser a, baezo vaexr.以前,人们用麻绞绳子。In times past, the people used hemp to twist into rope.1. This is with two strands. and is done by rubbing them together against something with the palm of the hand.For the sense 'braid', it means putting together strands of something; it is not braiding a person's hair, that word is /pir/.Compare 另见pirsixlvaexrvæ̠ʔ²¹
vaexrvæ̠ʔ²¹🔊v.write/xiě/Yar sul vaexr a, yarzi vaexr jiax.他写字,写得很快。When she writes characters, (she) writes very quickly.Ni ddar eil qir sul hal pil leil vaexr gex ssi.你把这句话写在那篇纸上。Write down this sentence on the page in that bookvaexrvæ̠ʔ²¹
valva⁵⁵🔊ào/Loxrlapor ggoval val a, yarzi igax zae a.彝族人跳芦声舞很好看。When the Central Yi people dance the "ggoval", it is very nice to look at.The word /tiuxl/ is the Mandarin Chinese loanword (tiào). The word /val/ is only used with the /ggoval/ type of Yi dance; it is not a generic word used for dancing, it is from a traditional story and is understood but not much used. Another word used by the community for 'dance' is /ggo/; /ggo zex/ means 'to dance the "ggo" 芦声舞 (lúshēngwǔ)' this is a common dance. The /qixrcaxrwul/ is the name of a dance from the town of /Qixrcaxr/ 前场 (Qiánchǎng). This is a common dance for the youth these days. The verb used for dancing the /qixrcaxrwul/ is the loanword /tiuxl/ ./tiuxl/ 来自汉语的借词‘跳’。/val/ 这字只与 /ggoval/ 者在彝族人的舞一起用;而不是一般的舞,来自一个传统的故事,而不常被使用。另一个在社群里的‘舞’字是用 /ggo/; /ggo zex/ 的意思是‘跳’/ggo/ 芦声舞 (lúshēngwǔ)' – 这是一个很普遍的舞。/qixrcaxrwul/ 是 /Qixrcaxr/ 前场 (Qiánchǎng) 地区所跳的舞。这是目前年轻人很普遍的一种舞。跳 /qixrcaxrwul/ 所用的动词是 /tiuxl/ ‘跳’。Compare 另见ggoqixrcaxrwultiuxlzexvalva⁵⁵
valava³³ɮa³³🔊ān/Aniuxssor mel gaxggor a, cir vala cir vala cux dae.小孩子玩的时候,一圈一圈坐着。When small children play, (they) sit in circles.2adj.round圆(形的)/yuán (xíng de)/Eilmei xiubbo taex yarzi vala.今天晚上的月亮很圆。Tonight the moon is very round.Yar qiaxrmeix ddei mel valala a.她的脸是圆形的。His/her face is round.vala ~ valala ~ vali~ valili.Compare 另见leigguqir valilivavalalavalivalilivalava³³ɮa³³