melmɯ⁵⁵🔊1TOP主题/ne/Halcar a, ca eine nr hieni zza.Yargo ddei mel, nixmox nr seir ar ddei a; yar nimar ddei nael, nixmox seir ar ddei a. 很久以前,有这样俩兄弟。他哥哥呢,是一个心不好的人;他弟弟呢,是一个好心的。Once upon a time there were two siblings. The older brother, was a bad-hearted one; the younger brother; was a good hearted one.2conj.if如果/rúguǒ/Ni seirseir mel bei doxr dae a mel, ca mel dder ni leil bbeix vuxryixr nr var a. 如果你一直做好的,人们就不会侮辱你。If you continually do what is right, people won't insult you.Ni ddei cirza-hanga vur pixl a casolssor leil gger a mel, ni dder zzaegu naxrcixlcixl mel merhhexr dax zza dae a. 如果你变卖你一切所有的分给穷人,就必有财宝在天上。If you sell all you have and give (it) to the poor, you then have treasure in heaven./mel/ and /nael/ overlap when they function as post-positional topicalizers for noun (phrases) or clauses. When they are used in parallel constructions as in the first example above, it "sounds better" to a native speaker if the two words are alternated rather than using the same one twice in a row.Compare 另见naelzzaelnel nə⁵⁵

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