car tsʰa²¹adv.when; while时候/shíhòu/Arni almeixr zzor zi ci car a, almer lei a. 昨天到吃饭的时候,下雨了。Yesterday when it was time to eat, it rained.Arni mercixl car a, ni arddol ssi a? 昨天黄昏的时候你去哪里了?Yesterday when it was dusk, where did you go?1. The words /car/ 'when' is used as a general term to refer to when some action or situation occurred--regardless of whether it is past or some kind of re-occurring present tense or future tense. The /qie/ ' is used to refer to the time that an action takes place in the past in relation to a second action taking place at that same time. i.e. 'When she was working in the house, her kids came home.' The word /tor/ 'when' refers to a time in the distant past. /car/ 时候 – /car/ 这个字是用於一般性行动或处境发生的时间,可以是过去式、现在重复发生的事、或将来式。/qie/ 用於过去某件事情发生的时候,同一时间发生的另一件事。譬如:“当她在家中做事的时候,她的孩子们回到家中。” /tor/ - 时候;这个字涉及过去的时间。The postpositional temporal adverbs are: car, qie, tor 'when, while 时候'; xilmeir leil 'before 以前'; ho 'after 以后'; seir 'yet 还'; ngaseir 'just 才, recently 刚刚'. Other temporal constructions are located, most often, at the beginning of the clause. There are some constructions, such as 'halcar a mel' 'at that time 那时候' that can occur either in front or in back of the clause.时间性后置副词有:car, qie, tor ‘时候’; xielmeir leil ‘以前’; ho ‘以后’; seir ‘还’; ngaseir ‘才, 刚刚’。其他时间性结构的用法多半在句子之首。有些结构如:‘halcar a mel’ ‘那时候'可以在一个子句之首或尾。Compare 另见eilcarhalcarhalcar malmalngaseirqietorxilmeir leilheqixl xɯ³³tʃʰi̠⁶⁶

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