


zeiltse⁵⁵🔊flirt调情/tiáoqíng/Capor hal ddei zoxlzoxl a ssormaerleixl zeil doxr.那个男人经常养小姑娘。That man always flirts with the young ladies.It is understood that this word is referring to a married person flirting with the young people of the opposite sex. This is not used with young un-married people flirting with each other. It can be a man flirting with the young girls or it can be a woman flirting with the young men.zeil
zeilpaxltse⁵⁵-pʰa̠⁶⁶🔊v.fatten养胖/yáng pàng/Ca hal hhexr veixr zeil a, yarzi zeil sexr, maelmaerjjia lei yarzi zeilpaxl.那家人养猪,很厉害,全部都养得很胖。That family raises pigs, they raise them very well, all of them are raised to be very fat.Note: If you say, /zeil paxl/ it only applies to animals. /Xiu paxl/ means the same thing but it can apply to both animals and people--a person can fatten himself with good living. But even /xiu paxl/ is not polite when referring to people. It is best to just use this for animals.Compare 另见xiupaxlzeilpaxltse⁵⁵-pʰa̠⁶⁶
zeilzeitse⁵⁵tse³³🔊n.vinegar/cù/Var zzeir aex lel a mel, zeilzei ji dax nia.拌生的菜吃,要放醋。When prepaing a cold dish of raw vegetables to eat, vinegar must be added in.zeilzei ~ zeibialbialCompare 另见zeizeibialbialzeibialbialtse³³pʲa⁵⁵pʲa⁵⁵zeidaeldaeltse³³dɛ⁵⁵dɛ⁵⁵
zeixtse̠⁴⁴🔊n.generation/dài/Camar hal ddei mar zildu a, yar ddei lilbol-lilmo hormo zeix lei mia a.那个老人老极了,看见了他的好几代子孙。That old person is extremely old, (s/he) has seen many generations of his/her offspring.Note: The three words: /coxr/, /zeix/ and /zir/ all mean generation . According to the research done up to this time, they can be used interchangably.Compare 另见coxrzirzeix tse̠⁴⁴coxr tsʰo̠ʔ²¹
zeixltse̠⁶⁶🔊v.graft接枝/jiē zhī/Veixr sir saerlil zzei leil mel saerlil zeixl cexr.棠梨树上可以接枝梨树。Into a wild pear tree can be grafted a cultivated pear tree.zeixltse̠⁶⁶
zeixltse̠⁶⁶🔊n.section/jié/Vumo ddei cir zeixl cir zeixl ddaexr teixl lei a, acae gga arcixl lu a mel, cae mel dder zax teixl lei a.把大肠一节一节切出来,在锅里炒一会油就炼出来了。The large intestines is cut into sections, stir-fried for a while in the wok, (and) the oil then is fried out (of the intestines).zil tsɿ⁵⁵
zeixltse̠⁶⁶🔊v.boil in water to eat/zhǔ/Var cirmelmel a, zeixl lei zeixl cexr, lu lei lu cexr.有一些菜,煮也可以,炒也可以。Vegetables can be boiled or stir-fried./zeixl/ is boiling food like vegetables (in water); boiling water or some rice in water is /goxr/ or /woxr/. The /woxr/ means to boil down with most of the water being boiled away. /zaxr/ 'boil' is just boiling to clean or soften something for cooking and the water is then discarded./zeixl/ 指在水里煮东西(如:蔬菜);煮水或煮米则用 /goxr/ 或 /woxr/。/woxr/ 用在将水煮掉的情形之下。/zaxr/ 是用在煮干净东西后把水倒掉。或:用在先煮再炒的情形之下(要不然该食物不容易熟)。Compare 另见goxrwoxrzaxrzeixltse̠⁶⁶
zeixleixrtse³³ɮe̠ʔ²¹🔊adv.again; continue; still/zài/Ni eine bei a nr hoxr; zeixleixr bei nr ddo a!你这样做不对,不能再做了。It is not appropriate for you to do that; don't do it again!Ni ddei zzor labox ddei yarzi zzorci, ngo leil zeixleixr ardoxr gger la.你的东西很好吃,再给我一点。Your food is very delicious, give me a little bit again (give me a bit more).Ni caxlgo caxl a yarzi noni zae, zeixleixr caxl lar.你唱歌很好听,继续唱嘛。(When) you sing it sounds pretty, continue to sing.Ni zeixleixr ake nr jjixr lei arddeirnga, almer lei a, ni jjixr lei wo nr xie a.如果你再不回家的话,下雨了,你回不来了。If you still don't come back to the house, (if) it rains, you won't be able to come back (at all).Compare 另见zeixleixr leizeixleixr-zeisilzeixleixrtse̠⁴⁴ɮe̠ʔ²¹
zeixleixr halboxltse̠⁴⁴ɮe̠ʔ²¹ xa⁵⁵-po̠⁶⁶🔊adv.next time下次/xià cì/Zeixleixr halboxl ngo ake jjixr a, ni ngo dax cirgo a ssi, ngo?下次我回家,你跟我一起去,好吗?The next time I return home, you go with me, OK?zeixleixr halboxltse̠⁴⁴ɮe̠ʔ²¹ xa⁵⁵-po̠⁶⁶
zeixleixr leitse̠⁴⁴ɮe̠ʔ²¹ ɮe³³adv.ever; never再也/zài yě/Ni ngo leil ker biar a, ngo zeixleixr lei ni ake nr lei a!你说我坏话,我再也不来你家了!You insult me and I will never come to your house!Camar hal ddei mel zeixleixr lei zzi vaervaer mel gga ssi nr goxr.那个老人从来都没去过大大的城市里。That old person has never been to a big city.Whether it is again or never depends on whether the verb is negative or positive. 意思为‘再’或‘再也不/从来没’要看它有负面的动词或是正面的动词而定。Compare 另见zeixleixrzeixleixr-zeisilzeixleixr leitse̠⁴⁴ɮe̠ʔ²¹ ɮe³³
zeixleixr nr ngatse̠⁴⁴ɮe̠ʔ²¹ n̩²¹ ŋa³³adv.almost差一点/chà yī diǎn/Arni, zeixleixr nr nga a, ngo leil ajjix bbeddur ddei gga dezei si a.昨天差一点,我掉进水塘里了。Yesterday, I almost fell into the lake.zeixleixr nr ngatse̠⁴⁴ɮe̠ʔ²¹ n̩²¹ ŋa³³
zeixleixr-zeisiltse̠⁴⁴ɮe̠ʔ²¹-tse³³sɿ⁵⁵🔊idiom习语ever; never从来/cónglái/Ca hal ddei mel cir kax su a nga lei, zeixleixr-zeixsil lei ngua dax ddir lei nr goxr, eilni zzael, carbeix mel dax ca dae zzael, ngua dax ddir lei.那个人(虽然)是一个村子的,但从来也没有进来过我家,今天却和他的伙伴一起进来了。Although that person is from the same village, (s/he) has never come into (our home), but today, along with companions, s/he came into (our home).Whether it is ever or never depends on whether the verb is negative or positive. 意思为‘从来’或‘从来没’要看它有负面的动词或是正面的动词而定。Compare 另见zeixleixrzeixleixr leizeixleixr-zeisiltse̠⁴⁴ɮe̠ʔ²¹-tse³³sɿ⁵⁵
zertsə²¹v.come out; come up; well up冒水/mào shuǐ/Lurddur giexl a mel, lur zer ggie giexl a saelnei ajjix ddux lei var.挖井要在冒水的地方挖才会出水。When digging a well, it has to be dug where a spring (water) wells up in order for water to come out.zertsə²¹
zextsə̠⁴⁴🔊CLF(used for long things); streak; stripe/tiáo/Nia mermi ssi a, jjiumo hormo zex ssi nia?去你们地方需要走几条路?When going to your hometown, how many roads do you need to travel.Ca hal ddei baezo ar zex sser a, yar ddei mur ddei leil gga dae.那人用一条绳子,牵着他的马。That person uses a rope to lead his/her horse.Lormomar mel cirzex-cirzex bbox dae.老虎有一条一条的花纹。Tigers have streaks/stripes.zextsə̠⁴⁴
zextsə̠⁴⁴🔊v.dance/tiào/Halcar a, Loxrlapor mel ggo zex; eilcar a mel, qixrcaxrwuxl tiuxl.以前,彝族人跳芦声舞;现在是跳左脚舞。In times past the Central Yi people would dance the "ggo" style of dance; now (they) dance the "qircarwul' style of dance.The word /tiuxl/ is the Mandarin Chinese loanword (tiào). The word /val/ is only used with the /ggoval/ type of Yi dance; it is not a generic word used for dancing, it is from a traditional story and is understood but not much used. Another word used by the community for 'dance' is /ggo/; /ggo zex/ means 'to dance the "ggo" 芦声舞 (lúshēngwǔ)' this is a common dance. The /qixrcaxrwul/ is the name of a dance from the town of /Qircar/ 前场 (Qiánchǎng). This is a common dance for the youth these days. The verb used for dancing the /qixrcaxrwul/ is the loanword /tiuxl/ ./tiul/ 来自汉语的借词‘跳’。/val/ 这字只与 /ggoval/ 者在彝族人的舞一起用;而不是一般的舞, 来自一个传统的故事,而不常被使用。另一个在社群里的‘舞’字是用 /ggo/; /ggo zex/ 的意思是‘跳’/ggo/ 芦声舞 (lúshēngwǔ)' – 这是一个很普遍的舞。/qircarwul/ 是 /Qircar/ 前场 (Qiánchǎng) 地区所跳的舞。这是目前年轻人很普遍的一种舞。跳 /qircarwul/ 所用的动词是 /tiul/ ‘跳’。Compare 另见ggoqixrcaxrwultiuxlvalzextsə̠⁴⁴
zextsə̠⁴⁴🔊v.earn/zhèng/Capor hal ddei mel vaexleixr bei a, zzirbae hormo zex wo a.那个男人做生意,挣了很多钱。That man did business, (and) earned a lot of money.loan借词Compare 另见bei wozixlbei mae pe³³ mæ³³
zextsə̠⁴⁴v.roll upjuǎnYar leixrzzir ddei leil zex du lei.他卷起他的袖子。S/he rolled up his/her sleeves.Note: This is only used for rolling up shirt sleaves or pants cuffs.Compare 另见dezaexrsesə³³
zextsə̠⁴⁴🔊v.break apart; snap; split open/duàn/Yar niur hal ddei leil seilseir a sixzzei zzei leil neixl gex dae, nael niur ddei baezo zex zex te gger a.他把那头牛好好的拴在树上,但是牛把它绳子挣断了。S/he tied that cow to a tree very well, but the cow broke the rope.Yar yarzi paxl, yel luldaddur xiux naexrzixlggie halmel zex kae si a.他很胖,所以他的裤子在缝合的地方挣开了。S/he is very fat, the seams on (his/her) pants split open.Hormo nixixl lei almer nr lei a, middur ddei lei zex bbeixr a.好长时间都没下雨,土地都裂开了。It hasn't rained for many days, (and) the ground is cracked (and dry).The word /zex/ is similar to the word /te/ but /zex/ is used in the sense of something long being pulled apart, while /te/ is used in the sense of something long breaking in two pieces for some other reason than being pulled apart--like a bridge breaking in half./zex/ ‘break apart 断’/zex/ 与 /te/ 类似,但 /zex/ 用于长形的物件被拉断。而 /te/ 则是用于长形物体破裂成两半,而不是被拉断。譬如说:一座桥断成两半。Compare 另见ngaxltezextsə̠⁴⁴
zextsə̠⁴⁴🔊v.argue; debate; dispute争斗/zhēngdòu/Nia mel arzzi-nimar a; zzi dax zex nr ddo a.你们是兄弟,不能互相争斗。You siblings must not argue amongst yourselves.loan借词zetsə³³
zex bbeixrtsə̟⁴⁴be̠ʔ²¹🔊v.crack open裂开/liè kāi/Hormo nixixl lei almer nr lei a, middur ddei lei zex bbeixr a.好长时间都没下雨,土地都裂开了。It hasn't rained for many days, (and) the ground is cracked (and dry).The word /zex bbeixr/ 'cracked' can apply to other things besides the ground, like cracked skin and such./zex bbeixr/ 这字 ‘裂开’除了用在形容裂开的地面,也可形容裂开的皮肤之类的东西。zex bbeixrtsə̟⁴⁴be̠²¹
zexljuxltzə̠⁴⁴tʃy̠⁶⁶🔊n.proof证据/zhèngjù/Ni bbeix ngo ni ddei zzaegu ker a eine bbeix; halmel, ni zexljuxl vei teixl la.你说我偷你的东西,那么你拿出证据。You say that I stole your thing; OK, bring out your proof.loan 借词zexljuxltzə̠⁶⁶tʃy̠⁶⁶
zexzzartsə̠⁴⁴dza²¹adj.stiff伸直/shēnzhi᷄/Anol mel cirdaedae a, zexzzar dae a yixr.狗有时候伸直了睡。Dogs sometimes are stiff when they sleep.Compare 另见zzarzexzzartsə̠⁴⁴dza²¹
zitsɿ³³🔊v.consecrate to a deity; offer something to a deity; perform a ceremony to a deity/jì/Guxlsixl goxr a mel, kax gga ca mel horhor-zzizzi nei hexzzi vei dae a, seirpormar leil zi ssi.过春节,村里的人拿着酒肉和香去祭树神。When celebrating the Spring Festival, the people in the village take food, drink and incense, (and) go offer them to the local spirit.Jiax goxr a mel, Loxrlapor mel porpor leil xilmeir zi ho a saelnei ca mel almeixr zzor ddo.过节日的时候,彝族人先要祭祖先,然后人才能吃饭。When celebrating a festival, the Central Yi people perform a ceremony to the ancestors before the people can eat.Loxrlapor mel ciryoxr-hanga nier zi ggie lei zza.彝族人有祭拜好几种鬼的地方。The Lolo have places to perform ceremonies to all kinds of evil-spirits.Compare 另见seixlziggieziggie
zitsɿ³³🔊adj.real; true真的/zhēnde/Ngo ddei zzirbbae mel zzirbbae zi a; yarjiar nr nga!我的钱是真的,不是假的!My money is real, it isn't counterfeit!Niul ddarzi nr bbeix a mel dder ca leil fur a.咱们不说真话,就是骗人。If we don't speak words that are true, we consequently deceive people.The word for 'true' in the second example sentence is the /ddar-zi/ 'word-true'.Compare 另见ngaziyarzizitsɿ³³