Browse Northern Kankanay – English



akgotTo strip fibers from maguey. -anAkgotanda nan maguey.They stripped the maguey.7.8.3Cut
akin-unspec. var.kinpfxOwner of --.Sino nan akin-kowa isnan naay bado?Whose is this clothing?, property
akitFew, small.Wada nan akit ay nabay-an.There is a few left., little
akiyak1A strainer, sifter. -en To sift or strain somethingAkiyakem nan binekbek.Sift the grounded rice. utensil2A kind of loosely woven basket used for trapping shellfish, or as a sieve.
akkam1Dried weeds. -en To gather akkam, as for burning.Agamidem gedan nan akkam ta poowam.Include also the weeds and burn it.1.5.3Grass, herb, vine2Green manure for the rice paddy.BesInset da ay nang-idaynek nan akkam isnan payew.They worked the green manure very well in the rice paddy. a field
akkisSneeze.Nen-akkis si Syatze.Syatze sneezed.2.2.1Breathe, breath
aklang1Woven short sleeve blouse, worn with gateng.Ninaklang nan inin-a ay nangsab-at isnan bisita.The old women wore aklang when they met the visitors.5.3Clothing2Any upper garment that is sleevelessBesOsalek nan aklang ko tay men-atong idwani.I will wear my sleeveless because it is hot today.
aklayanBush with red edible berries,any vine or plant that climbs. that grow on mountains
akloA curved wooden plow.Aklowenda nan samenda.They used a wooden plow in their plowing.6.2.8Agricultural tool
akmo1-anAkmowana nan lolipopna.He licks his lollipop.5.2.2Eat2in- To lick.Inakmowana nan engnga nan gumot na. The baby licked his finger.
aknotTo bite something tough, as gristle.Aknotana nan begas ay isdana.He bites off the lean meat which he eats., chew
akodA flat wooden spatula. -en To lift food out of a pot.Akodem nan inapoy.Lift the rice with the wooden spatula. utensilcfagakat1
akop1A toping that is planted, usually near a house.Minowaana is ange nan akop.He planted camote leaves in the stone wall. fieldcftoping
akop2To scoop something with both hands. To gather up every single thing.Akopem nan lota ta iwasitmo.Scoop up the dirt to throw it away.
akopan2Men's woven shoulder bag, 2 or 3 sections.Inpeyna nan tabakona ya pingkina isnan akopana.He put his tobacco and his lighter in his shoulder bag. pair of bitoto with straight, wooden sides that fit together to make a closed basket. baskets and mats5.2.1.4Food storage5.2.2.8Eating utensilcfbitotokoppit
akoyTo group together in one direction.Inakoyna isnan daspan nan logit.He gathered the dirt into the dust pan.7.5.1Gather
aksop-an To suck on something, of people only.Aksopan di engnga nan gomotna.A baby sucks its finger.5.2.2Eat
akwa-en To lift up someone or something to carry it, usually a child.Aakwaena nan anakna dapay mendadaan.He carries his child in his arms while walking.7.3.1Carry
akwangTo carry someone sitting on the shoulder.Sinakwangna nan anakna tay ado nan ginegen-ana.He carried his child on his shoulder because he was holding many things.7.3.1Carrycfsakwang
ala1-en To take, get, obtain or secure.Alaem nan mani ta itedmo ken siya.Get the peanut tp give it to him.7.4.3Getcfomma
ala2A polite request. "Watch out", "see here".Alaka pay tay inalam nan kowana.Watch out because you took his thing.9.3Very9.4.1.2Aspect--dynamic verbs
alabTo devour the plants in a cropland or a garden.Inalab nan baka nan molak ay ange id Paliked.The cows devoured my camote leaves in Paliked. eating
aladA fence.Inaladana nan molana ta adi omey nan manok.He fenced his plants so the chicken won't go in., wall
aladoA plow. -en To plow.Aladowena nan payew mi.He will plow our field.6.2.8Agricultural tool6.2.2.2Plow a field
alakAlcoholic beverages. beverage