Achumawi - English

l̓ah̓pávI'll swim!
l̓áláh̓y̓ivI'll scrape shavings!
l̓áláh̓y̓íumávI'll scrape shavings away!
l̓álápsílvI'll eat with fingers
l̓áléemáq̓tívI'll repeat!
l̓álih̓woq̓vI'll hate it!
l̓álílláq̓tivI'll like it!
l̓álípc̓uukávI'll send him here
l̓aluch̓úm̓vI'll cough!
l̓alúllacívI'll stay home
l̓álúútʰím̓vI'll pour it in!
l̓ám1vlet me eat!
l̓ám2vIʽll eat
l̓ámáppúlvI'll boil it!
l̓ámáqc̓uvI'll track it!
l̓ámáqc̓uumávI'll track it!
l̓ámatílúlvI'll bore a hole!
l̓ámatˑtiNmountain sheep
l̓ámééc̓áq̓cívI'll block the light!
l̓ámléq̓vI'll fan!
l̓ámmééc̓umávI'll eat while going
l̓am̓átvI'll sleep!
l̓ánaapúmvI'll beat a drum!
l̓ánásvI'll charm, attract
l̓ánwaaq̓áy̓vI'll beat clap-stick!